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Culture and Evaluation Interest Group Highlights from 2016 and next steps UNEG Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture and Evaluation Interest Group Highlights from 2016 and next steps UNEG Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture and Evaluation Interest Group Highlights from 2016 and next steps
UNEG Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and emerging demands Susanne Frueh, UNESCO

2 Culture and Evaluation Interest Group
New group established in 2016 under SO3 with UNESCO as convener Members: GEF, ILO, UNDP, ITC, PBSO and UNHCR Purpose: assess the linkages between culture and evaluation in a more systematic way Generate operationally relevant lessons for UN organizations

3 Key Activities in Commissioning of discussion paper on Culturally responsive evaluations in and outside the UN system Presentations at European Evaluation Society Conference in September 2016 and UNEG EPE in May 2017 UNEG Webinar on discussion paper in March 2017 Discussion paper published in spring 2017

4 Purpose of Discussion Paper
Collect information on past efforts and lessons learned on integrating culture into evaluations in the UN Identify good practices outside the UN Distill lessons learned from academic literature Act as a catalyst for the engagement of UNEG on this issue

5 Understanding Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE)
Evaluation cannot be separated from the sociocultural contexts within which social programmes are implemented CRE honours the cultural context by bringing shared life experience and understanding to evaluation Principles: integrity and validity, ethics, indigenous knowledge, privilege and power Added value is enhanced credibility and utility

6 Key Lessons Learned for the Future
Encourage an explicit focus on the cultural context of the evaluand Develop Terms of Reference that consider the impact of cultural context in analysis of findings Ensure evaluation teams are culturally diverse and have shared living experiences in the cultural contexts Adopt a flexible evaluation approach that takes into account various contexts

7 Way Forward UNEG should lead the development of reader-friendly Guidelines for Conducting Culturally Responsive Evaluations in the UN System for presentation to the AGM in 2018 Culture matters and affects every evaluation!

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