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Presentation on theme: "Succession."— Presentation transcript:

1 Succession

2 Primary Succession Starts with rock (no soil)
Lichens break rock into soil using acid

3 Bare Rock

4 Lichens making soil

5 Meadow stage


7 Shrub Stage

8 Start of Young Forest Stage

9 Eventually… It becomes a climax forest (hundreds of years later) VERY DIVERSE!

10 Timelines

11 Secondary Succession After a forest fire or other natural disaster
There’s still soil

12 Types of energy Solar energy- Chemical energy-
energy transferred from sunlight Chemical energy- energy transferred from chemical bonds can be stored and released by living things

13 How is energy transferred?
Energy directly from the sun (solar) Organisms eating other organisms directly and indirectly (chemical)

14 Feeding (trophic) levels
Producers- make their own food (green plants)

15 Feeding (trophic) levels
Consumers Primary- Herbivores (consume green plants) Secondary- Carnivores (consume herbivores) Omnivores (plants and animals) Tertiary- Secondary carnivores (eat other carnivores)

16 Feeding (trophic) levels
Consumers Scavengers- Consumers that feed on organisms that have recently died.

17 Feeding (trophic) levels
Decomposers break down plant and animal matter into detritus (bacteria and fungi)

18 How is energy transfer displayed?
Food chain energy flows from one trophic level to another

19 Can food chains be linked?
Food web a series of interconnected food chains more than one organism can eat another food type

20 Food web

21 How is energy “lost”? Energy pyramid
energy is lost as you move up the pyramid energy is used as biomass or lost as heat 10% of energy is available to next level

22 90% Lost Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer 10% Transferred
Tertiary Consumer 10% Transferred 90% Lost Oink…oink…if the corn I eat has 1000 units of energy in it, how many units of energy am I getting? How many units of energy are you getting when you eat me? 90% Lost

23 Disrupting energy transfer
Losing natural predators overpopulation of deer Organisms with specific food preferences pandas and bamboo Toxins in the environment DDT and other pesticides

24 Biological Magnification
Increasing concentration Biological Magnification Substances that build up in the bodies of organisms at higher trophic levels of food chains

25 Rachel Carson called for new policies to protect human health and the environment.
Her efforts helped to enact legislation that would ban the use of DDT in the United States. Silent Spring, 1962 – this began the environmental movement

26 Rachel Carson video

27 Eutrophication - an increase in the rate of supply of organic matter in an ecosystem
The process by which a body of water acquires a high concentration of nutrients, especially phosphates and nitrates. These typically promote excessive growth of algae. As the algae die and decompose, high levels of organic matter and the decomposing organisms deplete the water of available oxygen, causing the death of other organisms, such as fish. Eutrophication is a natural, slow-aging process for a water body, but human activity greatly speeds up the process.


29 Biodiversity variety of life on Earth
What factors lead to an increase in biodiversity? Space, food and water Limiting resources

30 What factors lead to a decrease in biodiversity?
Decreased resources Human overpopulation Overexploitation Habitat destruction

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