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Carleton University Retirement Plan Update Carleton University Retirees Association February 2, 2018 Betsy Springer Director, Pension Fund Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Carleton University Retirement Plan Update Carleton University Retirees Association February 2, 2018 Betsy Springer Director, Pension Fund Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carleton University Retirement Plan Update Carleton University Retirees Association February 2, Betsy Springer Director, Pension Fund Management

2 Agenda Pension Fund Returns New Investment Managers
Update on Financial Position Expected Changes to Ontario Regulation Responsible Investing

3 Pension Fund Investment Returns
Market value of assets June 30, ,102.8 June 30, ,219.2 January 31, ,268.1 Investment returns, years ending June 30 %

4 New Investment Managers
Emerging Markets Equity – William Blair Based in Chicago Initial Mandate of C$50 million Global Small Cap Equity – Brandes Investment Partners Based in San Diego Initial Mandate of C$60 million

5 Asset Class Allocation, January 2018
Percent Asset Class of Total Canadian Equities 30 Canadian Fixed Income 20 Global Equities: Large cap Emerging Markets 5 Small cap US High Yield Debt 4 Global Infrastructure 6 100

6 Solvency funding relief
Approved for stage 3 relief, October 2016 Special payments will be $12.6 million annually for three years. Without Stage 3, special payments would be $34.3 million annually.

7 Expected Changes to Ontario Regulations
New framework for funding of pension plans Eliminates solvency funding for plans that are at least 85% funded However, a new “provision for adverse deviations” will be required and must be funded For Carleton, this could be about 10% of pension plan liabilities (i.e. accrued benefits) Expect large special payments to continue.

8 University Sector Plan
Exploratory work on this continues First draft suggests that a sector plan would be expensive for Carleton (both members and university) Governance implications are a concern

9 Responsible Investing
Carleton has had a policy in place for many years Posted on Pension Fund Management website Based on best practices (United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing) Policy does not include divestment Policy requires investment managers to incorporate analysis of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues into the investment decision-making process.

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