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Relationships Among Living Things

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1 Relationships Among Living Things

2 Taxonomy Western Science describes taxonomy: classification according to the presumed relationships among organisms This is used to identify organisms Provide a basis for recognizing natural groupings of living things It is believed there are currently between 2 – 4.5 million living things It is likely that there are 4x as many that are already extinct

3 According to Western Science – in chronological order
Kingdoms are used to group similar living things Historical models: 2 Kingdoms: plants and animals proposed by Linnaeus and used for 200 years 5 Kingdoms: proposed in 1969 by Robert Whittaker Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia

4 According to Western Science – in chronological order
2 Domains: Prokaryota, Eukaryota 6 Kingdoms: Archaebacteria, Eubacteria Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia Current Model: 3 Domains: Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya 6 Kingdoms (same)

5 Classification Domain – nucleic acid type, cell type
Kingdom- cell types, nutritional sources Phylum- common major physical features Class  Order  more specific common features Family  Genus- species that are related Species- a natural group that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring

6 Chinese Classification of Organisms in the Environment
No legs = fish 1 leg = mushrooms (plants) 2 legs = chicken and other fowl 4 legs = 4 legged animal

7 Indigenous Organization of the Natural World
Food, energy, environment, economy Wind, water, trees, animals, north, south, east, west Winged ones, four legged ones, swimmers, plant world Taken from STF Units

8 Resources FNMI Culture: Chinese Culture: Ancient Greek Culture:
Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities for Children Joseph Bruchac Keepers of Life: Discovering Plants Through Native American Stories and Earth Activities for Children Joseph Bruchac Chinese Culture: Time and Space in Chinese Culture Junjie Huant, Erik Zurcher Ancient Greek Culture: (Aristotelian concepts) Western Culture

9 Should viruses be classified as alive?

10 What is life? Are viruses alive?

11 Question If you are infertile, or require medical technology to have functioning parts of your body are you still alive?

12 Debate Consists of eight speeches.
The first four are constructive speeches the teams are laying out their most important arguments.  The last four are rebuttals the teams are expected to extend and apply arguments that have already been made, rather than make new arguments.  

13 Organization of a debate
Speech: 1AC 1NC 2AC 2NC 1NR 1AR 2NConc 2AConc Time: 3 min. 1 min. (A: Affirmative, N: Negative, C: Constructive, R: Rebuttal, Conc: Conclusion.)

14 How does a debate work? The affirmative team begins and ends the debate.  The negative team has two speeches in a row:  Second negative constructive (2NC) First negative rebuttal (1NR) The members of each team alternate giving speeches There is a 1 minute cross-examination period after each of the first four (constructive) speeches.  The person who does the cross-examining is the person who will not be giving the next speech for his side.  Resolutions. 

15 Resolutions: The affirmative team defends the resolution through a particular example, known as a "case" If they can show the example (case) to be true, then the general proposition is also shown to be true. 

16 Style: The debate should be focused on evidence gathering and organizational ability. Prepare good research providing facts and statistics Demonstrate organizational skills.  Pay attention during the opponent’s argument a strong rebuttal will be necessary A strong conclusion will clarify your overall argument and you will try to persuade the audience why your point of view is correct.

17 A virus IS a living organism vs A virus is NOT a living organism
The Sides A virus IS a living organism vs A virus is NOT a living organism

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