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G53OPS Operating Systems

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1 G53OPS Operating Systems
Dr. Graham Kendall Course Introduction

2 Course Introduction Course Lecturer Web Page Operating Systems
Graham Kendall Room C76 (by appointment) Web Page

3 Lecture Times and Locations
Course Introduction Lectures 20 (ish) Lecture Times and Locations Monday 10:00 (C33) Friday 10:00 (C3) Assessment 75% examination (2 hours) - 4 Questions from 6 25% coursework (Processes)

4 Textbooks Modern Operating Systems (Andrew Tanenbaum) Operating Systems Concepts (Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Galvin)

5 Sample Lecture and Coursework Schedule
Introduction and Background (Tanenbaum, Ch. 1) Lectures 1, 2 Processes (Tanenbaum, Ch. 2) Lectures 3, 4, 5, 6 Memory Management (Tanenbaum, Ch. 3) Lectures 7, 8, 9, 10 File Systems (Tanenbaum, Ch. 4) Lectures 11, 12, 13, 14

6 Sample Lecture and Coursework Schedule
Input/Output (Tanenbaum, Ch. 5) Lectures 15, 16, 17, 18 Revision Lectures 19, 20 In addition, there may be some required reading from Tananbaum, which is examinable

7 Proposed Lecture and Coursework Schedule
Guest Lecture Possibly a guest lecturer giving six lectures Subject is probably input/output Will need additional lecture slots in the week the guest lecturer is here Possibly six lectures that week

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