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By Blake (im not paid to do dis :(

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1 By Blake (im not paid to do dis :(
How 2 use scratch(jr) By Blake (im not paid to do dis :(

2 How 2 make Characters In the top left corner, press the + sign. You can then make another character by selecting which one you want to use.

3 Coding dem characters To “code” the characters, select one of the signs below and drag it near the cartoon character at the bottom/the white area. This is the action bar. Tapping on 1 will bring you to a different set of actions

4 What they do Yellow action bar- starting tools - mostly what you need to know is have one of these at the beggening of a chain of events, so when you do whatever it says the actions will start when u do it Blue- used for movement- Up, down, left and right arrows are there, changing the number below will change how many times the character does that action Purple- A bit more complicated. Used to grow and shrink the character, and make them say stuff Green- Makes a noise of choice Orange- Make an action wait , stop or repeat an action or chain of actions Red- Stops actions

5 Example Here, as you can see, when the green flag is pressed (uper right corner), the character will move 1 space to the right, jump up and come down 4 spaces and then jump up again only 2 spaces, but when tapped the character will tilt back and forth 4 times

6 Still dont understand something?
Well too bad well come see Balake and he will explain u scrub or do it for you =p

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