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What does TV drama sound like?

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Presentation on theme: "What does TV drama sound like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does TV drama sound like?

2 Lesson Objectives To be able to identify examples of sound
To know and be able to use key terminology To understand how to apply the micro element of sound to one area of representation (gender)

3 Key terms Using the sheet provided try to match the term with the definition. Use pencil to draw a line between the term and what you think it means.

4 Answers Swap paper with a person you sit near and get ready to mark their answers If they get it wrong draw a line (using pen) to match up the correct term and definition. Count up how many they got right. Answers

5 Listen to this sequence from a TV drama:
Note down all the sounds and noises you hear. Try to use the terminology from the sheet After listening to the sequence, answer these questions: 1. How well can you understand the plot with only sound? 2. What did sound suggest was happening in the sequence? Hustle

6 Watch the sequence again with vision and sound:
Then answer the following: How well did you understand the plot? Were you right about what was happening in the sequence? Try to write down an example of every term from the sheet 4. Complete this sentence: sound is important to drama because……………

7 Question: Were the characters in the sequence we’ve just watched as you imagined from their voices?

8 Sound and Gender Make a list of all the sound elements (think both diegetic and non diegetic) that we associate with the female character in the shop sequences Make a list of all the sound elements (think both diegetic and non diegetic) that we associate with the male characters in the pub sequences What assumptions can we start to make about gender based on these sound Hustle Clip

9 Question: What assumptions can we start to make about gender based on these sound How was dialogue and tone of voice used to construct gender? What did the non diegetic elements suggest about gender? You must be able to give specific examples.

10 What type of music (non-diegetic) might be right for these types of TV drama?
Hospital drama. Police drama. Youth drama. Costume drama. Football drama. Note some ideas down.

11 In this sequence………… What ‘diegetic’ sounds do we hear?
What ‘non-diegetic’ sounds (inc. music) are there? 3. How does ‘diegetic’ sound emphasise certain things in the action we see? 4. What connotations does the ‘non-diegetic’ sound have (link to representation)? Any TV Drama clip

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