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Parkway School District Tech Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Parkway School District Tech Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parkway School District Tech Plan
September, 2011

2 Timeline May, October, 2011   - Review tech plan requirements  - Convene committee members  - Review current CSIP plan  - Update vision statement as needed  - Conduct needs assessment of TFA's October, December, 2011  - Draft goals, objective and action statements based on   needs assessments. December, January, 2012  - Draft measures of the progress and effectiveness of the plan

3 Timeline (Cont.) January, February, 2012   - Do final edits and revisions of tech plan February, 2012   - Present to school board for approval April, 2010   - Enter plan into ePegs by April 15

4 Tech Plan Checklist MISSION STATEMENT [not scored] (District Mission)
   NEEDS ASSESSMENT (formerly Compiling Raw Data) (Teacher data - Tech Demo, TIS survey, student survey, CRS evals, current research/trends, 8th grade tech literacy, stats of web trafic-social networking avenues, network stats, COT) GOALS   OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES, ACTION STEPS (formerly TFA/CSIP Action Plans)  ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS (formerly Dissemination, Monitoring, and Evaluation) 

5 Technology Focus Areas (TFA's)
Student Learning  Teacher Preparation and Delivery of Instruction   Administration/Data Management/Communication  Resources and Technical Support

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