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Christian Symbols How is symbolism used in worship?

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Symbols How is symbolism used in worship?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Symbols How is symbolism used in worship?
How important is the use of symbolism in worship?

2 Why are symbols important?
Why do people disagree over the use of religious symbols in worship? Why did many Muslims get so upset over this cartoon? God is Transcendent Isaiah 40 v 25

3 The Cross The most recognisable symbol of Christianity.
Jesus died on a cross to save mankind from sin. A crucifix is a cross with Jesus on it. It reminds Christians of the sacrifice Jesus made The empty cross reminds Christians that Jesus defeated sin and rose from the dead The cross is at the heart of Christianity. The Chi-Rho is made up of the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ 1 Corinthians 1 v 18

4 The Dove Symbolises the Holy Spirit.
It stands for purity and gentleness. The Bible says that when Jesus was baptised the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove. Luke 3 v

5 The Bread and Wine The bread and wine is taken by Christians at the Holy Communion service. Also known as the Eucharist or Mass At the last supper Jesus shared the bread and wine with his disciples. Christians take the bread and wine today to remember Jesus’ death Luke 22 v Transubstantiation is the Catholic belief that during the ceremony once the priest has said the blessing the bread and wine actually become the literal body and blood of Christ

6 Alpha and Omega Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet God is the beginning and the end He was the first in the world as creator and will be the last in the world as judge He is eternal Revelation 1 v 8

7 ICTHUS The Greek letters mean Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour
Early Christians were encouraged by it when they were being persecuted in Ancient Rome.

8 The Rosary A series of prayers in honour of the Virgin Mary
The 20 beads on the rosary represent events in the life of Christ The Rosary aids Catholics in prayer and meditation



11 How important is the use of symbolism in worship?
They help convey a deeper meaning or understanding for Christians They remind Christians about aspects of their faith They help Christians focus on God when they are praying or worshipping They are visual reminders of their beliefs They help identify Christians and demonstrate their faith to others They help Christians feel closer to God and worship him in a personal way

12 Iconoclasm Some Christians disagree with the use of symbols and images in Christian worship Iconoclasm is the destruction of religious images Usually justified because of the second commandment: Exodus 20 v 4, "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below”

13 Your Turn... Use Microsoft Publisher to create a leaflet informing about religious symbology It must be attractive and informative

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