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BlockBuster: Disrupted or Disruptor?

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Presentation on theme: "BlockBuster: Disrupted or Disruptor?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BlockBuster: Disrupted or Disruptor?
Asper Consulting Group Emily Sanders Matt Borgford Tanis Brako Carlos Kan

2 Why Blockbuster? Blockbuster is a great example of a company that did not adapt to disruption in their industry, eventually becoming obsolete.

3 How should Blockbuster react to disruptors in their industry?
key issue How should Blockbuster react to disruptors in their industry?

4 Acquire Netflix to adapt to changing consumer and technological trends
Recommendation Acquire Netflix to adapt to changing consumer and technological trends

5 Who is Blockbuster? Video rental service Sell complementary products
Has subscriptions for repeat movie watchers Blockbuster is in the business of providing an experience to it’s customers

6 Value Proposition To entertain and delight customers with a wide variety of available options.

7 Core Competencies Physical Stores Store Operations
Great Movie Selection In-Store Experience

8 Looking for entertainment
The Consumer All Ages Current Value Experience Looking for entertainment Adapt to trends

9 Adoption to technology
The Consumer All Ages Current Value Experience Looking for entertainment Adapt to trends Adoption to technology Blockbuster did not adapt to the customers changing needs and eventually went bankrupt

10 Netflix was adaptive in it’s model to reach consumers
Who is Netflix? Started as mail order subscription Went direct to consumer New Technology Leveraged online streaming Created Standalone rental boxes Located in high traffic areas Netflix was adaptive in it’s model to reach consumers

11 Netflix Timeline Mail Order Subscription
Created standalone rental boxes Approach Blockbuster Started Online Streaming Adapted to consumer trends

12 Netflix Timeline Netflix was better at adapting to consumer trends
Mail Order Subscription Created standalone rental boxes Approach Blockbuster Started Online Streaming Adapted to consumer trends Netflix was better at adapting to consumer trends

13 What should Blockbuster have done?

14 Develop streaming platform
alternatives Status Quo Stay the course and ignore the disruptor Ex: What happened Develop streaming platform Build an online streaming platform Ex: Blockbuster Online Acquire Netflix Acquire an existing online streaming company Ex: Acquire Netflix

15 Alternative 1 Pro Con Status Quo
Erode customer base Innovation Consumer Trends Risk Averse Cost effective Status Quo Stay true to course and ignore the disruptor.

16 Alternative 2 Pro Con Develop streaming platform
Speed risky Capital Intensive Quality Control Develop streaming platform Build an online streaming platform. Ex: Blockbuster online

17 Alternative 3 Pro Con Acquire Netflix
Speed New Revenue Stream Resources Capital intensive Integration Acquire Netflix Acquire existing online streaming company.

18 Decision criteria Value Proposition Core Competency Adaptability
Stay true to your value proposition Value Proposition Core Competency Financial Health Adaptability Adapt to changing consumer and technological trends Play to your strengths Ensure profitability and growth

19 Adaptability Develop Streaming Platform Status Quo Acquire Netflix
Improves consumer experience Meets changing consumer trends Status Quo Does not meet consumer trends Not adaptable to technology changes Acquire Netflix

20 Adaptability Develop Streaming Platform Status Quo Acquire Netflix
Improves consumer experience Meets changing consumer trends Status Quo Does not meet consumer trends Not adaptable to technology changes Acquire Netflix

21 Develop Online Streaming Platform
Value proposition To entertain and delight customers with a wide variety of available options. Meets Develop Online Streaming Platform Status Quo Acquire Netflix

22 Develop Online Streaming Platform
Core competency Physical Stores Store Operations Great Movie Selection In-Store Experience Does not meet Develop Online Streaming Platform Meets Status Quo Acquire Netflix

23 Status quo: financial health

24 Develop online streaming: financial health

25 Acquire Netflix: financial health

26 Risk of each alternatives
Status Quo Lack of innovation to improve customer experience Develop streaming platform Slow growth and reduction of market share to competition Acquire Netflix Capital intensive for acquisition and integration of platforms

27 recommendation Status Quo “what they did” Develop streaming platform
i.e. Blockbuster online Acquire Streaming cia. i.e. Netflix Value Proposition Core Competencies Financial health Adaptability

28 Acquire Netflix to adapt to changing consumer and technological trends
Recommendation Acquire Netflix to adapt to changing consumer and technological trends

29 appendice

30 Customer base

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