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Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies

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1 Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
PIAAC Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies SDG, July, 3rd 2008

2 International Adult Skill surveys
International Adult Literacy Survey , OECD Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey , OECD Major Drawbacks Fragile statistical framework Many non participant countries Necessity to develop a new survey

3 Objectives of PIAAC Multi-cycle programme of assessment of adult skills and competencies Literacy Numeracy Problem-solving skills Other generic skills required in the work place

4 Objectives of PIAAC Identify and measure differences between individuals and countries in competencies assess the impact of these competencies on social and economic outcomes at individual and aggregate levels gauge the performance of education and training systems in generating required competencies help to clarify the policy levers that could contribute to enhancing competencie

5 Broad features of PIAAC
Core of PIAAC : literacy in the information age (direct assessment through exercices) Use of key work skills in job : specific questionnaire Job Requirement Approach) Background Questionnaire : schooling, transitions from school to work, health,…)

6 Core of PIAAC Problem solving in technology-rich environments
ability to solve problems using multiple sources of information in a laptop environment. what is planned is not an assessment of “computer literacy,” but an assessment of the literacy skills required for the information age,

7 Core of PIAAC Literacy components
will provide additional information on individuals at the lower end of the skills distribution individuals at the lower end are the individuals at most risk of poor economic and social outcomes

8 Core of PIAAC Literacy Major portion of PIAAC
Ability to understand and use printed information Experience from IALS, ALLS, and the french survey IVQ-IEL Numeracy ability to understand and use mathematical information

9 The Job Requirement Approach
Measure a broad range of generic skills used in the workplace and which go beyond the use of literacy skills. Asking individuals about the importance of different types of tasks that they may be performing in their jobs A JRA questionnaire was developed by Professor Francis Green, University of Kent, and benefited from the discussions and review of the JRA Experts Group.

10 PIAAC : a joint endeavour
The Board of Participating Countries and the OECD Secretariat PIAAC, European Countries and Support of the European Commission A total amount of 1.05 million Euros has been budgeted in the 2008 EU budget for support of European countries in PIAAC. Expert groups and technical advisory group The National Project Managers

11 What implication for the Commission ?
Place of PIAAC in the set of the Social indicators of the Commission ? Harmonisation in the choice of « optional » modules Literacy components, JRA Common methodological assistance to the UE countries (non-OECD countries) to ensure better comparisons

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