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Mutations. Mutations Let’s quickly review from last class… Two major types of mutations: gene mutations and chromosomal mutations One we’re focusing.

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2 Mutations

3 Let’s quickly review from last class…
Two major types of mutations: gene mutations and chromosomal mutations One we’re focusing on for now…. Gene mutation

4 Gene Mutations Changes in the DNA sequence of a single gene
Typically, gene mutations happen during DNA replication or transcription Two types: Point mutation Frameshift mutation

5 Point Mutation Also called “Substitution Mutation”
One nucleotide is substituted for another.

6 Point Mutation Can have many effects
If a substitution changes the amino acid, it’s called a MISSENSE mutation If a substitution does not change the amino acid, it’s called a SILENT mutation If a substitution changes the amino acid to a “stop,” it’s called a NONSENSE mutation

7 Frameshift Mutation Involve the insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotides in a DNA sequence Changes the reading frame Rearranges nucleotides leading to new codons Results in the coding of new or different amino acids

8 Let’s take a look…

9 The Cell Cycle Unit 5.1

10 Stages of the Cell Cycle
Living systems go through cycles of stable conditions and changing conditions. Homeostasis Cells also cycle between phases of stability and change.

11 Stages of the Cell Cycle
The cell cycle is the regular pattern of growth, DNA duplication, and cell division that occurs in eukaryotic cells, or cells with nuclei. Divided into stages: resting phase & dividing phase

12 Regulating the Cell Cycle
Checkpoints Checkpoints in the cell cycle keep cells from moving to the next stage before certain conditions are met Apoptosis Programmed cell death Some cells are programmed to die at a predetermined time in their life cycle or after a certain number of cell divisions.

13 Cancer Cancer is the common name for a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell division. Happens when cell cycle is disrupted.

14 Cancer Do not respond to regulating growth – divide more often
Causes tumors (disorganized clumps of cells) Localized vs metastasized Cancer cells are hazardous because they do not perform normal cell functions

15 Cancer Cancer can be caused by various mutagens
Sections of DNA code – abnormal gene Could be passed down Exposure to radiation or chemicals (carcinogens) Tobacco smoke Air pollution Sun exposure

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