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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING & TEACHING DISSEMINATION EVENT"— Presentation transcript:

18 October 2017, 2.00pm pm Parliament Hall

2 Programme 1400 Dr Catherine O'Leary, Associate Dean of Arts and Divinity Dr Jon Issberner, Associate Dean of Science Ros Campbell, Academic Monitoring/Development Adviser 1410 Redesigning PGT programmes to improve the student experience Dr Linda Goddard, School of Art History 1425 Undergraduate Careers Day Dr Jacqueline Nairn, School of Biology 1440 Exit interviews Dr Dharini Balasubramaniam, School of Computer Science 1455 MEQ reflection process Dr Sandra Romenska, School of Management 1510 Reflective practice including awaydays Dr Lucy Fife Donaldson, Department of Film Studies 1525 Coffee 1540 Group discussion: Participants split into 5 groups, each of which will be facilitated by the relevant presenter focusing on one of the presentation topics. Participants are asked to hold a further discussion over lunch* and produce a short report for LTC, which should include any outcomes/ideas taken back their own School for further development. 1630 Close/completion of evaluation forms Dr Catherine O'Leary, Associate Dean of Arts and Divinity Dr Jon Issberner, Associate Dean of Science

3 Dissemination event Now in its sixth year, this annual event is held in response to requests that the Annual Academic Monitoring (AAM) process involve an opportunity for Schools to speak to one another. The intended outcomes are the dissemination and adoption of positive practice across the University. To assist further exchanges and follow-up, each group will be expected to hold a further inter-School discussion on the topic over lunch funded by the Proctor’s Office. Each group should nominate a convenor who will take responsibility for organising lunch.* Each group is asked to produce a short report (one A4 page) on the discussion held and any actions/ideas taken back their own School for further development. The reports will be circulated to the Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC), and should be submitted to Joyce Walsh no later than 30 November.

4 Dissemination of good practice
Some examples from

5 Dissemination event topics, 2016-17
How to adapt to increasing numbers while retaining core aspects of teaching: Dr Dharini Balasubramaniam, School of Computer Science Resource packs for incoming students to facilitate transitions to University: Annette Zimmermann or Elise Hugueny-Léger, School of Modern Languages Learning rounds (observation of practice): Kerith George-Briant, ELT Induction for Honours students: Dr Ralph Anderson, School of Classics

6 Good practice adopted by Schools as a result
Evidence from Annual Academic Monitoring Reports Some schools did not make any changes to practice as a result of the dissemination event, but several did. Adapting to increasing numbers: Medicine; Physics and Astronomy Transitions to University: Chemistry; Divinity; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy Learning Rounds (peer observation): Biology; Chemistry; ELT (for PG tutors); Music; Honours Induction: Art History; Chemistry; Film Studies; History; IR; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy Some conscious of adapting it to their School’s needs: E.g., History: ‘It will help us underline what is unique about the way we teach History at St Andrews in comparison to other institutions (esp comparatively small classes and unusually wide range of module choice at Honours). This will also be a cohort-building exercise (we’ll provide wine etc).’ E.g. Medicine: ‘ScotGEM: Curriculum construction partially informed by “Adapting to increasing student numbers while maintaining core aspects of teaching”’

7 What comes next? You have been informed of good practice
You have brought it to your School What next?

8 Measuring success

9 Closing the loop This year we have provided some information on how last years practice has been adopted by some Schools. Mostly this has been pretty binary in nature i.e. tried it or not. Our Aim is to enhance this potentially rich seam of data using simple quantification of new processes Dissemination event Adoption of new process Qualitative feedback on new process Assessment of new process

10 Evidence enhancement If possible:
Find a way to determine if the changes you make are helpful Grades Opinions at focus groups Student confidence Include these measures in your AAM report so we can feed back to next years meeting Stay in contact with the groups you form today beyond the second meeting and share experiences. Use the experiences from other schools to inform adaptive changes in your school

11 Programme 1400 Dr Catherine O'Leary, Associate Dean of Arts and Divinity Dr Jon Issberner, Associate Dean of Science Ros Campbell, Academic Monitoring/Development Adviser 1410 Redesigning PGT programmes to improve the student experience Dr Linda Goddard, School of Art History 1425 Undergraduate Careers Day Dr Jacqueline Nairn, School of Biology 1440 Exit interviews Dr Dharini Balasubramaniam, School of Computer Science 1455 MEQ reflection process Dr Sandra Romenska, School of Management 1510 Reflective practice including awaydays Dr Lucy Fife Donaldson, Department of Film Studies 1525 Coffee 1540 Group discussion: Participants split into 5 groups, each of which will be facilitated by the relevant presenter focusing on one of the presentation topics. Participants are asked to hold a further discussion over lunch* and produce a short report for LTC, which should include any outcomes/ideas taken back their own School for further development. 1630 Close/completion of evaluation forms Dr Catherine O'Leary, Associate Dean of Arts and Divinity Dr Jon Issberner, Associate Dean of Science


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