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Schoolwide Instructional Focus

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1 Schoolwide Instructional Focus 2018-2019
SLT Schoolwide Instructional Focus Pat Mitchell , Principal Vanessa Christensen Assistant Principal Dorothy Cush UFT Teacher Center Jennifer Clementson Universal Literacy Coach Nicola Fletcher IEP Teacher

2 What is the school-wide Priority/Focus?
P.S. 48

Based on interim assessment data, summative state exam results and internal assessment data, we know that our scholars have difficulty completing and/or mastering constructed responses. To address this deficiency we are designing professional learning, incorporating the skill set of reading coaches and supporting teachers with planning and preparation during common planning periods. This year we are investing more time into building content with and for teachers… For example, teachers will be required to create exemplars for the constructed responses they expect to see from scholars. THEORY OF ACTION If we immerse ourselves in the work of building teacher content knowledge, then teachers scaffold learning, anticipate student misunderstandings and create success criteria more effectively.

4 Focus/Priority Statement
To build teacher capacity using state standards as a guide to create teaching points that align to student assessments and include rigorous tiered tasks that promote student-centered discussion, use of text-based evidence to make inferences using complex text. This will be evidenced by constructed responses completed by scholars.

5 Ms. Mitchell, What are tiered tasks?

6 Tiered Tasks…. Tiered Tasks are differentiated activities that engage scholars through…. Critical thinking with H.O.T. questions The promotion of student centered discussion The use of Hess’ DOK matrix to ensure rigor of the tasks.

7 What can we expect to see (absolutes) across classrooms that speak to our Focus/Priority Statement?

8 = aligns with District 28 Absolutes
Teachers use state standards and Hess’ DOK levels as tools to create higher order thinking questions for student centered discussions. Students make inferences, cite evidence and analyze text during discussion. Scholars use accountable talk with visual support prompts to build upon upon peer’s responses during discussion Teacher designed D.I., including guided reading, or tiered tasks to support student mastery Students and Teachers monitoring progress using the 2 point constructed response rubric or checklist.

9 What structures are in place to support Teacher Teams to close the achievement gap?
(Leadership Practice #2)

10 Weekly common planning to collaboratively choose text, design questions, create measurable learning targets, design and use checks for mastery. Inquiry Schedules that support strategic student work analysis for the purpose of inquiry. Schedules for Inter-visitations to support effective pedagogy PD regarding the use of tools that gauge the complexity of text Weekly Progress monitoring via formative assessment data (pre and post)spreadsheets. Scheduled opportunities to revise curricula based on student data and unit plan analysis Scheduled opportunities to engage in celebrating the work of Teacher Teams at least 2 times this year with PPT shares

11 3-5 Teacher Teams will also...
Analyze the June Instructional Report to prioritize math and ELA standards for the purpose of teaching and learning (Early October). Align question stems from released tests to standards. Analyze Lesson and unit plans using the NY State Education Dept. Map to the Standards as a reference tool to ensure standards coverage ) (November) Provide scholars with descriptive feedback for continuous improvement with MC and CR (November-June ) Engage scholars in the architecture of Socratic Seminar to improve the quality of student lead questioning and discussion. (January June)

12 Ms. Mitchell, How will the Instructional Team support ELA instruction at PS 48? (Leadership Practice #1)

Reading Coaches will...… Meet with teacher teams weekly to ensure that teachers are using student data to plan and implement tiered instruction Support teachers in a safe and judgement free zone to increase content knowledge and confidence during guided reading Provide teachers with support by sharing leveled INFERENCE questions based on reading levels. Provide parents with support by sharing leveled INFERENCE questions based on reading levels. Ensure that teachers have the resources to support the work and their practice (Webb’s DOK Rigor Tool) Keep track of objectives and goals for common planning time and future meetings

14 Ms. Mitchell, How has the instructional team planned to support mathematics instruction at PS 48? (Leadership Practice #1)

15 By enlisting the support of National Teacher Network to facilitate opportunities for critical thinking during Math Cafe (Grades 3 & 4)(October-March) By meeting with teachers in grades 3 and 4 to plan units of study and align assessments. (October - March) By analyzing June Instructional reports to ensure that we prioritize standards and identify patterns. (October-November) By introducing the S.O.L.V.E. strategy to scholars and the school community to support problem solving (November) By creating and utilizing NTN assessment tracker for progress monitoring. (November) By ensuring that scholars are utilizing 8 Mathematical Practices when solving multi-step problems (October - June) By providing teachers with feedback based on Atlas 2.0 observation tool with a focus on what SCHOLARS are observed doing based on teacher designed tasks. (December-May)

16 Ms. Mitchell, How will student engagement be measured at PS 48?

17 PS 48 will partner again with the Center for Educational Innovation (CEI) and various schools in the Cohort to conduct instructional rounds that will provide valuable feedback to staff about evidence of authentic Student Engagement according to Schlechty. December 2018

18 Ms. Mitchell, What do we expect scholars to do as they prepare for college and careers?

19 Our scholars will...… Learn the architecture of Socratic Seminar (1 class per grade) by January 2019 to increase their ability to use text based evidence to support a claim. Self –regulate during class discussions to improve their ability to listen for and identify salient information. Use saliency determination to track a speaker and provide feedback “ I agree with ....”, “I would like to add on...” “I think that... Take notes during close reading that will strengthen an oral claim and provide evidence for a written constructed response. Use rubrics and other success criteria to self and peer assess. Adhere to feedback to improve work products

20 Ms. Mitchell, How will teachers be held accountable for the expectations of the work?

21 Teachers will be observed and provided with descriptive feedback using the ATLAS 2.0 protocol for math Teachers will be observed and provided with descriptive feedback using Danielson indicators protocol for ELA Teachers will provided with time to meet with admin to discuss and revise progress with 3 professional goals (aligned to school goals)

22 Ms. Mitchell, How are you and teachers tracking student progress?

23 ELA Fountas and Pinnell running record data will provide interim data about reading proficiency to support guided reading. Constructed response rubrics will be used to analyze constructed responses during inquiry for evidence of growth based on the effective use of RAFT strategy MATH NTN will provide grade specific online assessments that will track progress for standards mastery 12 times per year Constructed response rubrics will be used to analyze constructed responses in mathematics as well in MOSL assessments

24 What leadership practices, structure and systems do we have in place at PS 48 to ensure that all stakeholders are accountable toward student learning?

25 Structured 9 week Cycle of Inquiry by grade
Professional Contributions by Teachers and Teacher Teams to support Academic and Non-Academic goals Grade Team PPT Inquiry Cycle Presentations (K-2) December 10 and (3-5) December 17 Teacher Teams will lead the work to gauge all text complexity using Text Complexity Rubric Teacher Teams will lead the work to gauge the quality of ELA and Math units using the Tri State Rubric SLT will meet monthly to review and monitor CEP goals Superintendent & Staff will meet with admin for progress check-ins and provide support as needed.

26 Ms. Mitchell How will you align school goals with the school budget?

27 We will monitor register growth/loss to determine projections and budget for GenEd and Sped services
Collaborate with SLT to align school needs with Galaxy budget allocations Work with FSC to intend funds to support school goals Meet with Pinkerton funders monthly to plan year-long activities and events to promote parent engagement Partner with PTA to fund School Clubs

28 Ms. Mitchell, How will you communicate with, and engage your partners in education?

29 Staff will communicate expectation and parents using Class Dojo
Staff will utilize parent engagement time to create family activities each Tuesday from 2:50-3:30pm We will create Open Access hours each Tuesday for the school library School will continue to utilize to communicate and celebrate our parent partnership Principal Mitchell will hold Open Access with parents each Tuesday morning in the Parent Room from 8:45-9:30am PTA will hold monthly meetings to provide a collaborative forum for parents and teachers School Based Support Team will continue to provide families with support Literacy Inc. will plan and implement parent workshops each month to support literacy.

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