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Introduction to Year 9 Options

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1 Introduction to Year 9 Options

2 Achieving Success Together
Aims of This Evening Students and parents have an understanding of the Year 9 Options process. Year 9 families start to think about the future beyond KS3, and plan for it. Students begin to think about their long- term aspirations for future study and a career. Achieving Success Together

3 Achieving Success Together
Key focus: Improving outcomes Investing in teaching & learning Raising attendance Promoting positive student behaviour Developing our environment Ensuring our students are safe & enjoy school Achieving Success Together

4 Achieving Success Together

5 The Basics of the Options Process
17 subjects studied by students in KS3. Need to reduce this to 8 or 9 subjects for GCSE-level study. Greater specialism, greater mastery. Beginning of greater independence as a learner- and an individual. Achieving Success Together

6 Achieving Success Together
The Background National curriculum change. New, tougher GCSEs, graded 1-9. Less coursework, no modular exams. Narrower choice of qualifications. Emphasis on E-Bacc. Headline measure- Progress 8. Achieving Success Together

7 The English Baccalaureate (E-Bacc)
The E-Bacc English Language English Literature Mathematics Sciences (including Computer Science) A foreign language A group of important, academic qualifications. Encouraged for all by government. Useful in applying for further study & employment. Not right for all students- we will guide to an appropriate balance. Achieving Success Together

8 The Basics of the Options Process
Compulsory Subjects GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics GCSE Science (Combined or Separate) PSHE & RE PE Achieving Success Together

9 Achieving Success Together
Science Options Combined Science A double-award worth 2 GCSEs Covers Biology, Chemistry & Physics Separate Sciences 3 separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry & Physics A choice based on enthusiasm and future intentions - not on ability. Achieving Success Together

10 Achieving Success Together
Options Subjects 3-4 subject choices. Arts, Humanities, Computing & Business, Vocational Options. Choosing in option blocks. Course Types GCSE – Traditional, academic, strong exam element, linear. Vocational – Work-related, greater coursework element, some exam. More accessible for all abilities. Achieving Success Together

11 Greater proportion of E-Bacc subjects: Students Needing Most Support
Options Pathways Most Able Learners Greater proportion of E-Bacc subjects: History, Geography, Computing, MFL Other Students A balanced selection with elements of both pathways Students Needing Most Support More vocational options, tailored to enthusiasms & aspirations Achieving Success Together

12 Achieving Success Together
How to Choose Think about future study: Sixth Form, Further Education, University. Think about careers: Employment, apprenticeships, area of work. Be sensible! Make the choices that are right for you. Achieving Success Together

13 OSA Sixth Form Our advice when choosing options in Year 9:
Explore your possibilities Work backwards Don’t close any doors Talk to us

14 Your Subject Choices Choose what’s right for YOU
You have accurate and up to date information Talk to people who can give you reliable advice Discuss your options with your family and subject teachers

15 Your Subject Choices To choose the right subjects for YOU, you must
Choose subjects that you enjoy You’re good at And PASSIONATE about Decide what’s right for YOU Enjoying your chosen option subjects = better grades = SUCCESS

16 Think about your future
If you have a particular career in mind or already thinking about A Level Subjects, College Courses or Apprenticeships or hoping to go to University in the future, then find out if there are specific subjects you need to study for your chosen path.

17 Think about your future
If you are undecided about your future and are thinking ‘I don’t know what I want to do’ - Don’t worry this is normal. For most people a ‘career’ develops over time, as they figure out what they’re good at, what they enjoy and what opportunities are out there – the only person who can tell if a subject is right for them is you.

18 Year 11 Option Choices - Sixth Form, College or Apprenticeship
Next Steps - The Career Ladder Year 13 Option Choices – University, Apprenticeship or Work 2 Years Year 11 Option Choices - Sixth Form, College or Apprenticeship 2 Years Year 9 Option Choices

19 Continuous Learning- The Career Ladder

20 Compulsory Subjects The Foundations English Maths Science
Until recently if students didn’t perform well in English and Maths at the age of 16, they could be dropped. But now, if you fail to get a C or above (Grade 4) in these subjects, you'll have to keep studying them until you're 18 in extra classes at school or college. If you're doing an apprenticeship or another form of training, these extra classes will be scheduled into your timetable.

21 Sixth Form English Maths GCSE 4 and above in English and Maths

22 College English Maths GCSE 4 and above in English and Maths

23 Apprenticeship English Maths GCSE 4 and above in English and Maths

24 University English Maths GCSE 4 and above in English and Maths

25 To Conclude The Foundations English Maths Science Drama Music
Creative Arts Languages Business Humanities Sports The Foundations English Maths Science

26 Achieving Success Together
Be Sensible! Don’t choose because your friend has. Choose the subject, not the teacher. Be aware that the choice will not be 100% free, and not all subject combinations will be possible. Be aware that courses may not run. Plan back-up choices. Achieving Success Together

27 Achieving Success Together
Options Timeline Tuesday 16th October: Options taster lessons. Options Evening- teacher consultations. Option blocks & pathways released. Monday 5th November: Options choices deadline Achieving Success Together

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