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How would you start an internet search?

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Presentation on theme: "How would you start an internet search?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How would you start an internet search?
DO NOW How would you start an internet search?

2 What are the pros and cons to using the internet for research? Google?

3 How to do a Google Search?
Topic Key words Brainstorm your topic What are some key words? Use brain map Type in what you’re looking for Be concise and specific Every word used and their order matter Spelling and capitalization do not Refine your search 5 Questions to Narrow Topics: 1. What am I looking for? What do I want to find? 2. What key words could I use? 3. How would someone else talk about this topic? 4. How could my key words be more specific? 5. What kind of results am I looking for?

4 Tips and Tricks to doing a Google Search effectively
Symbols and search functions Minus sign (-): excludes the word following it from search results Ex. Michael Jordan -shoes Plus sign (+): makes sure the word in front of it is used exactly as you entered it Ex. +ball Tilde sign (~): includes similar words in your search results Ex. ~car “Or”: includes either of the two words or both in your search results Ex. Apartment or Condo for rent

5 More Tips and Tricks “..”: includes a range of numbers in your search results Ex. Civil Rights Asterisks (*): leaves space for a missing word in your search results Ex. Music and *movies Quotations (“”): includes only your exact phrase in your search results Ex. “The meaning of life” Search results Tools --> Verbatim: sometimes Google looks up a search very similar to yours with to best help you answer your search. Can be turned off to help accuracy of results

6 Whole Class Search Problem: Search questions for finding a solution:
Carbon Dioxide levels highest in last 800,000 years What are some key terms that relate to this topic, that could help us narrow down our search? Search questions for finding a solution: How do we fix carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere How can we fix carbon dioxide levels How do we stop global warming Plans to end global warming

7 Group Search – Exit Ticket
Using your phones find at least 1 source that your group could use to finish your research Step by step explanation of how you found this source Explain why you think this source is useful for your topic

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