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H OW C AN U NIVERSITY L EADERSHIP P ROMOTE C HANGE IN U NDERGRADUATE STEM E DUCATION ? Thomas J. LeBlanc Vision and Change in Biology Undergraduate Education.

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Presentation on theme: "H OW C AN U NIVERSITY L EADERSHIP P ROMOTE C HANGE IN U NDERGRADUATE STEM E DUCATION ? Thomas J. LeBlanc Vision and Change in Biology Undergraduate Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 H OW C AN U NIVERSITY L EADERSHIP P ROMOTE C HANGE IN U NDERGRADUATE STEM E DUCATION ? Thomas J. LeBlanc Vision and Change in Biology Undergraduate Education AAAS Annual Meeting/ August 2013

2 T HE U NIVERSITY OF M IAMI 11 schools and colleges on 3 campuses including Miller School of Medicine College of Arts & Sciences College of Engineering Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences A private comprehensive research university

3 T HE U NIVERSITY OF M IAMI ( CONT.) Approximately 15,000 students 10,000 undergraduate students 5,000 graduate and professional students A diverse student body 28% Hispanic 8% African American 12% Asian or Pacific Islander 50% White

4 Interdisciplinary entry level science courses Competency-based science curriculum Student-centered learning in the classroom Evidence-based teaching Authentic research in intro laboratory courses Emphasis on relevant quantitative skills Institutional commitment to change T HE T IMES T HEY A RE A -C HANGIN

5 W HAT CAN INSTITUTIONAL LEADERS DO ? Identify and support faculty leaders Provide release time and summer support for faculty Grant credit for innovative strategies (e.g. team teaching) Support professional development opportunities Sustain innovative programs over time

6 STEM Curricula Reform for Persistence and Diversity Provost Dean Department Chair Faculty

7 P ERSISTENCE AND D IVERSITY 1.Student Engagement 2.Tools to Excel 3.Diverse Pathways

8 S TUDENT E NGAGEMENT : A UTHENTIC R ESEARCH IN HHMI I NTRODUCTORY B IOLOGY L ABS Each lab is led by a three-person team Students work in four teams of six students Each team designs and conducts a research project

9 HHMI I NTRODUCTORY B IOLOGY L ABS Strongly agree Strongly disagree

10 S TUDENT E NGAGEMENT : H OW CAN LEADERSHIP HELP ? Renovated or construct undergraduate laboratories suitable for group projects Provided graduate student support for the labor- intensive team-teaching approach Reduced teaching assignments for research faculty involved in the labs

11 T OOLS TO E XCEL : PRISM C URRICULUM PRISM is a science and math curriculum developed at UM Integrates basic science and math courses within block scheduling Teaches science at an advanced level with a focus on quantitative skills Provides students with hands-on opportunities with new technologies and cutting-edge methods

12 T OOLS TO E XCEL : H OW CAN LEADERSHIP HELP ? Created a faculty committee with strong institutional leadership to develop new approach Provided summer support for PRISM faculty to design new curriculum Encouraged department chairs and faculty to support new curriculum

13 D IVERSIFY P ATHWAYS : A N I NSTITUTIONAL P ARTNERSHIP WITH M IAMI D ADE C OLLEGE MDC is the largest and most diverse college in the U.S. Nearly 70,000 full-time students Eight campuses Diverse student body 71% Hispanic 18% African –American 8% White

14 P ATHWAYS TO THE FUTURE MS (13.7%) PhD (22.0%) MD/PhD (1.4%) MD (34.0%) PharmD (5.5%) DDS (4.1%) JD (2.7%) Non-science PhD (1.4%) N = 98 Other

15 D IVERSIFY P ATHWAYS : W HAT CAN LEADERSHIP DO ? Waived tuition for high school transition course taught at UM by MDC/UM Faculty Waived tuition for MDC Bridge Scholars to take HHMI labs at UM Waived tuition for MDC Bridge Scholars who transfer to UM after MDC

16 C HALLENGES TO C HANGE Overcoming faculty and institutional inertia Reexamining teaching/research balance Protecting and nurturing early-career faculty Training faculty in evidence-based teaching Finding time (faculty) and money (labs) Having courage to fail Increasing communication among institutions

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