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Using Information Ethically Part 1 Plagiarism Plagiarism Objectives Locate the University's policies on Academic Integrity Locate the University's policies.

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2 Using Information Ethically Part 1 Plagiarism

3 Plagiarism Objectives Locate the University's policies on Academic Integrity Locate the University's policies on Academic Integrity Define Plagiarism Define Plagiarism Distinguish proper use of information from plagiarism Distinguish proper use of information from plagiarism

4 Plagiarism Academic honesty Being honest in all scholarly activities Georgia Southern Honor Code: I will be academically honest in all my course work and will not tolerate the academic dishonesty of others

5 Plagiarism Plagiarism Definition: The unaccredited use of someone elses words or ideas. Stolley, Karl. "Avoiding Plagiarism." OWL at Purdue. 28 Sept. 2006. Purdue University. 26 Jan. 2007.

6 Plagiarism Georgia Southern University Plagiarism defined: Student Conduct Code See Academic Dishonesty in the TOC. /student-code-of-conduct/ /student-code-of-conduct/ Note: Ga Southerns definition includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another and the purchase of academic materials from an agency

7 Plagiarism

8 Distinctions To quote: to provide an exact duplication of an authors words as they appear in the original source To paraphrase: to provide a restatement of the authors words in your own words To summarize: to provide a brief overview of the authors main points from an original source

9 Plagiarism Tips for avoiding plagiarism Organization Organization Preparing Preparing Good note-taking Good note-taking Giving credit/attribution, i.e., citing sources Giving credit/attribution, i.e., citing sources Asking for help Asking for help

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