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Chapter 4 –Requirements for coding in Assembly Language

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1 Chapter 4 –Requirements for coding in Assembly Language
Lecture 1 Chapter 4 –Requirements for coding in Assembly Language

2 Chapter Outline Assembly Language Features
Simplified segment Directive Defining Types of data Equate Directive 1

3 Assembly Language Features
Program comments Reserved words Identifiers Statements Directives 4

4 Program Comment The comment field of a statement is used by the programmer to say something about what the statement does. A semicolon marks the beginning of this field, and the assembler ignores anything typed after the semicolon. It is almost impossible to understand an assembly language program without comments. Good programming practice dictates a comment on almost every line. 13

5 Program Comment Examples: MOV CX, 0 ; CX counts terms, initially 0
Thus, comments is used to put the instruction into the context of the program. It is permissible to make an entire line a comment, and to use them to create space in a program. 14

6 Reserved words Instructions, such as MOV and ADD
Directives, such as END that used to provide information to the assembler Operators Predefined symbols, such which return information to your program during the assembly

7 Identifiers Two types of Identifiers : name and label
1. Name refers to the address of a data items ex: COUNTER ,SUM,ID 2. Label refers to the address of an instruction,procedure,or segment ex: MAIN

8 Identifiers Can be from 1 to 31 characters long (not case sensitive).
May consist of letters, digits, and the special characters ? _ $ % (Thus, embedded blanks are not allowed). Names may not begin with a digit. If a dot is used, it must be the first character.

9 Identifiers Examples: COUNTER1 2abc Begins with a digit @CHARACTER
. Not first character TWO WORDS Contains a blank STD_NUM .TEST YOU&ME Contains an illegal character 8

10 Statements Both instructions and directives have up to four fields:
[identifier ] operation [operand(s)] [comment] [Name Fields are optional] At least one blank or tab character must separate the fields. The fields do not have to be aligned in a particular column, but they must appear in the above order. An example of an instruction: START: MOV CX,5 ; initialize counter An example of an assembler directive: MAIN PROC 6

11 Directives SEGMENT Directive Data Segment Stack segment Code Segment
END Directive ex: ENDP directive ends a procedure ex: END directive ends the entire program and appears as the last statement 9

Data Segment Stack segment Code Segment END Directive ex: ENDP directive ends a procedure ex: END directive ends the entire program and appears as the last statment 9

13 Program Structure - Memory Models
The size of code and data a program can have is determined by specifying a memory model using the .MODEL directive. Syntax: .MODEL memory_model Model Description SMALL code in 1 segment data in 1 segment MEDIUM code > 1 segment data in 1 segment COMPACT code in 1 segment data > 1 segment LARGE code > 1 segment data > 1 segment no array larger than 64k bytes HUGE code > 1 segment data > 1 segment arrays may be larger than 64k bytes

14 Program Structure - Memory Models
The appropriate model is SMALL, unless there is a lot of code or data. .MODEL directive should come before segment definitions. A segment is 216 (64 k)

15 Program Structure - Stack Segment
The purpose of the stack segment declaration is to set aside a block of memory (the stack area) to store the stack. The stack area should be big enough to contain the stack at its maximum size. Syntax: .STACK size ; where size is an optional number that specifies ; the stack area size in bytes. Example: .STACK 100H ; sets aside 100H bytes for the stack area. ; (reasonable size for most applications). If size is omitted, 1KB is set aside for the stack area.

16 Program Structure - Data Segment
A program’s data segment contains all the variable definitions. Constant definitions are often made here as well. (they may be placed elsewhere in the program since no memory allocation is involved). To declare a data segment, we use the directive .DATA, followed by variable and constant declarations. Example: .DATA WORD1 DW 2 MSG DB ‘this is a message’

17 Program Structure - Code Segment
The code segment contains a program’s instructions. Syntax: .CODE name ; where name is an optional name of segment. There is no need for a name in a SMALL program, However, the assembler will generate an error. Inside a code segment, instructions are organized as procedures.

18 Program Structure - Code Segment
The simplest procedure definition is: name PROC ; name: is the name of the procedure. ; body of the procedure ; PROC & ENDP: are pseudo-ops that name ENDP ; delineate the procedure Example of a code segment definition: .CODE MAIN PROC ; main procedure instructions MAIN ENDP ; other procedures go here

19 A General Form of a .SMALL model program
Program Structure - A General Form of a .SMALL model program .MODEL SMALL .STACK 100H .DATA ; data definitions go here .CODE MAIN PROC ; instructions go here MAIN ENDP ; other procedures go here END MAIN

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