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1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA NIBSC Code 97/656

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1 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA NIBSC Code 97/656
CBER, CLB and NIBSC collaborated in development of HIV-1 International Standard for NAT Three candidate standards evaluated in collaborative study WHO Expert Committee (ECBS) established candidate YY as 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA (code 97/656) Assigned a concentration of 100,000 IU per vial/ml (1IU ~ 0.58 copies/ml) YY was human HIV-1-positive plasmapheresis donation diluted in defibrinated plasma Has recently been found positive for HBV DNA WHO Expert Committee (ECBS) established candidate YY as 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA (code 97/656) Assigned a concentration of 100,000 IU per vial/ml Mean copy number in 20 quantitative assays was: 4.75 Log10 RNA copies/ml 56,000 RNA copies/ml 1 RNA copy equal to 1.78 IU Available from NIBSC 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

2 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA Code 97/656
In-house qualitative assay detected HBV DNA (David Padley, NIBSC) Nested PCR positive for HBV DNA – estimated viral load at 3.5 x 104 amplifiable copies/ml (Alison Hardie, University of Edinburgh) Procleix Triplex assay showed that 100 IU/ml dilution of HIV-1 International Standard contains 611 IU/ml HBV DNA (V Shyamala, Chiron Corporation) What are the implications of this? 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

3 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA: Implications of HBV Contamination
For use in monovalent HIV-1 NAT or multivalent NAT assays that do not include HBV detection: International Standard may still be used as directed For use in multiplex assays that detect both HIV-1 RNA and HBV DNA : 1st international Standard for HIV-1 may not be suitable for the quantitation of HIV-1 RNA What difficulties will this cause for users? Do we need to establish a second International Standard calibrated on the first? If so, should we use candidate XX used in the collaborative study? 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

4 Development of 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA
Candidate: XX YY Subtype: B Virus: Primary isolate Plasmapheresis donation Propagated: PBMCs No Copy number: High Medium Freeze-dried: Yes Diluent: Plasma Volume: 1ml 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

5 Development of 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA
Candidate XX Candidate YY Candidate ZZ --- bDN --- Monitor --Nuclisens --- Abbott --- in-house 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

6 Distribution: Approx 240 vials/year
On present trend, Std will run out in 4 years, possibly sooner 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

7 1st International Standard for HIV-1 RNA: Implications of HBV Contamination
If it is agreed that candidate XX be brought in as a replacement for 1st international Standard (YY) we will need to carry out small comparability and stability study to confirm that performance is satisfactory This can be carried out over next 6 months in time for approval at WHO ECBS meeting in 2004 03 July 2003 SoGAT XVI

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