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(The native white people)

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1 (The native white people)
’s: This party had a suspicion and strong hatred towards foreigners/immigrants and Roman Catholics, believing that they were the cause of the economic and political problems in the country, who posed a threat to the native-born Protestant Americans. The “Know-Nothing” Party called for restrictions on immigration, prided themselves on meeting in secret, were natorous for telling people, “I know nothing” about the party.

2 : The Greenbacks believed that printing paper money as a way of having people pay their bills instead of using metals like gold and silver was the way to help the economy; they were against big business, and for labor rights. They wanted get the economy back on their feet, by supporting small businesses and assisting farmers by raising prices and making debts easier to pay making debt easier to pay. They felt that the economy was failing because of a lack of gold.

3 1900: The Populist Party believed they were being “crucified” (nailed to a cross) by the rich and powerful. They thought that the major parties had ignored all other issues besides money, and that there were too many poor people and too many rich people in America at the time.

4 The Prohibition Party won their platform in the 1920s: the complete banning of alcohol. Though it was repealed in 1933, the Prohibition Party had achieved what they set out to do.

5 1920s: The Socialist and Communist Parties believed that the current Democrats and Republicans were abusing their power and that it was time for something new, they saw “equality” as the better method of politics. “Communism” has the word “community” in it.

6 In 1964, during the heat of the Civil Rights movement, George Wallace branched away from the Democrats and ran on his own party against black Americans and the Brown v. Board decision. George Wallace was pro-segregation, and rejected the mainstream Democratic Party. His strategy was to prevent the Democratic candidate from winning in the Electoral College, to throw the election. He came to symbolize hatred of black America.

7 The 1990s saw the rise of the Green Party, usually associated with Ralph Nader. The Green Party believed in consumer rights, democratic rights, grassroots democracy, and the environment, and they feel that the current parties are not doing a sufficient job for the country.

8 The Libertarian Party, recently associated with Ron Paul, broke out from the Republican Party and made a huge splash against the system of political fighting in They believe in individual rights of the people, and that the government has too much power and is to blame for both the cause and effect of societal ills. They were sick of political name-calling and finger-pointing.

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