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Re-chartering Your Scouting Unit
This is the Training Workshop presentation for the 2018 unit re-charters. Updated 09/23/2015, 9/30/2015, 10/3/15, 8/15/17 A Training Workshop For Greater Los Angeles Area Council
What Is Re-charter? Let’s look at a few Scouting terms that we will use in this presentation. While individuals experienced with re-charter may be familiar with them, it is important that all of us understand them in the same way. So, if you already know this, please bear with us while we explain them for those who don’t. Let’s be sure we’re all on the same page for some terms we will use to talk about re-charter
Re-charter is … Annual commitment of a chartered organization to continue sponsoring and operating a specific Scouting unit Annual renewal of individual memberships of a unit’s youth and adult members Annual authorization from BSA for a chartered organization to use a BSA program to serve youth As used in this presentation: UNIT is a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Varsity Scouting Team, Venturing Crew, or Sea Scout Ship. A CHARTERED ORGANIZATION is a local organization or group of citizens that want to use BSA’s programs to serve youth in this area. The BSA programs are Cub Scouting (Tiger, Cubs, Webelos), Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, and Sea Scouting. A CHARTER AGREEMENT is executed between GLAACBSA and a chartered organization to define the relationship between GLAACBSA and the organization. A separate agreement is required for each unit the organization has. The organization OWNS the unit created by the agreement and is responsible for providing it adult leadership and a place to meet. The UNIT LEADER is the top direct contact leader in the unit. This is the Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Coach, Advisor, or Skipper, depending on the program the unit is using. This is also called the “top unit leader”.
Key Points for 2019 Charter Renewal
The Key Points are information that everyone involved in recharter needs to know. There are a lot of changes this year. But, even when the information remains the same, it is important that all of us are reminded about it. After all, we only do this once a year and we may be a “mite hazy” on some of it. Important things everyone – first timer or Baden-Powell’s first cousin – needs to know
Key Points (Dates for Re-charter)
All 2019 charters need to be turned in at the district re-chartering site in October/November of 2018. Rio Hondo Turn in Event #1 10/17/2018 7:00 to 9:00 Roundtable Event #2 11/1/2018 6:00 to 9:00 PM @ Plymouth Congregational Church Event #3 11/21/2018 6:00 to 9:00 Roundtable Final #4 11/29/2018 6:00 to 9:00 PM @ Plymouth Congregational Church ROSE BOWL Last Date to turn in Re-charter is December 13
Key Points (Dates for Re-charter)
You can turn in at a scheduled turn in event or by making an appointment with your District Executive. Any charter not received at the Council office by December 31, 2018 will be placed on the “non-member” listing. 2019 “NO LAPSE PERIOD”
Key Points (YPT) If you took YPT before February 1, 2018 you must take it again National set all YPT to Expire September 30, 2018 that were taken before February date so if you have not taken New YPT you are not current. All registered leaders must take Youth Protection Training (YPT) annually (Western Area Policy – Effective September1, 2017).
Key Points (YPT) All registered leaders must have completed and current Youth Protection Training before the unit can be re-chartered. If a volunteer’s YPT is not current at charter renewal, or if it expires any time during the charter renewal process, the volunteer cannot be registered. Units should not wait until it is time to renew the unit’s charter to make sure all YPT is current! Key 3 check your Training records!
Key Points (Applications)
Any new Youth and Adult recruited in September/October MUST be registered with the council BEFORE BEGINNING the online re-charter process. Online Application System will be turned off October 1, 2018 After October 1, 2018 use paper application
Key Points (Direct-Contact Leaders Re-Charter)
CM Cubmaster (key 3) DL Den Leader WL Webelos Den Leader SM Scoutmaster (key 3) NL Crew Advisor SK Skipper EA Explorer Post Advisor Charter Org Rep (key 3) Committee Chair (key 3) Rosebowl (Cub and Scout program) Charter Org Rep 19 Scoutmaster 6 Cubmaster 8 Den Leaders 48 ASM 80 ACM 2 Committee Chair 19 Committee Member 153 This is the National list of Direct contact leaders that need to be trained for re-charter
Key Points (Training) Weather 1 of 5
Hazardous Weather Training (SCO-800) Training Requirement Effective April 30, 2018, new direct-contact leaders must complete Hazardous Weather Training to be considered position-trained.
Key Points (Direct-Contact Leaders Weather) 2 of 5
CM Cubmaster CA Assistant Cubmaster DA Assistant Den Leader DL Den Leader WL Webelos Den Leader WA Assistant Webelos Den Leader SM Scoutmaster SA Assistant Scoutmaster MT Mate NA Crew Associate Advisor NL Crew Advisor SK Skipper EA Explorer Post Advisor AA Explorer Post Associate Advisor NOTE: This includes all assistant leaders. These are the major area of changes for 2018 and beyond. The next slides will provide details
Key Points (Training) Weather 3 of 5
Q. Is this a membership requirement like Youth Protection training? A. No. This is a direct contact leader positioned trained requirement effective April 30, Q. Is this a new requirement? A. No. Since 2008, at least one person on any tour or activity has been required to have hazardous weather training. It is also a requirement for all camp staff as part of the NCAP standards SQ-402.
Key Points (Training) Weather 4 of 5
Q. If I am trained in my current position, will I be required to take Hazardous Weather now to retain the trained designation? A. No, if you are currently trained in your position you will not be required to take the additional course now. We recommend if you have not taken the updated course (SCO_800) that you do so to have the most current content.
Key Points (Training) Weather 5 of 5
Q. What happens to my previous credit for Hazardous Weather (WS81)? A. Course code WS81 is being retired. To stay current, the new course (SCO_800) will need to be taken after WS81 is two years old. Q. At what point in my training do I need to take Hazardous Weather (SCO_800)? A. The course is available for you to take at any time but is a required course to achieve position trained status as a trained leader. It is recommended that you take the course before an outdoor activity.
100% Training –Direct-Contact Leaders Not new but still Mandatory
GLAAC Board of Directors have adopted the National policy that all “direct-contact leaders ” must have completed all BSA training required to be considered “trained for the position” in order to re-charter in that position. After consulting councils in the BSA mandatory training pilot project, the Greater Los Angeles Area Council Board of Directors announced in August 2017 that all “top unit leaders” would have to meet BSA “trained for the position” requirements to re-charter in a “top unit leader” position in December Trained leaders are better able to delivery a quality Scouting program to the youth. This requirement applies to Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches, Venturing Advisors, Skippers, and Exploring Advisors. The specific requirements can be found via the council website, If the “top unit leader” named on a re-charter does not meet the training requirements, the re-charter cannot be completed until either (1) the leader completes the required training or (2) the leader is replaced with one that has completed the required training.
Internet Re-chartering (411)
Access codes will still be distributed by councils and will be used by units to log in. First Time Users must register to enter the Internet Re-chartering system. After initial registration they will enter the system as a Returning User. Stages and steps remain the same with one new feature------electronic authorization and payment inserted before the final step. Council reports will not change.
Internet Re-chartering – What features have been added:
The new look is consistent with my.Scouting Tools so it is much easier to read and navigate. Electronic authorization is available for the chartered organization representative. There will be no more signatures to obtain or rosters to turn in if the unit chooses this option.
Internet Re-chartering – What features have been added:
Accident and sickness insurance fee will be included in the unit fee calculation. Two payment options: Online payment option: Units can elect to pay online by credit card. A payment confirmation will show for the unit in the council’s Internet Re-chartering Administration module. Registration fees collected by credit card will stay with the National Council and accident and sickness insurance fees will be remitted to your council. The National Council will be incurring the credit card authorization fees. Cash/check/unit account option: Units that elect this option will print the renewal application, which includes the fee summary showing the amount due to the council. The unit will turn this in as part of the charter renewal paperwork required by the council.
Adult and Youth Application
Now let’s talk about how your unit should approach re-charter. What has changed and what we need to do.
Reminders Complete applications are required for each new youth or adult member listed as new on the printout. Social Security Numbers and YPT are required for all adults at the time of turn in. Remember 2 pages are need for adult application (disclosure and application). PLUS A COPY OF YPT All adults (unless they are assuming a key leadership position) must be coded as 91U (Unit Scouter Reserve). Internet Re-chartering should eliminate most roster problems. Don’t forget these things so that your re-charter is On Time and Error Free: Any youth or adult listed on Page 1 of the Internet Re-chartering printout must be accompanied by a complete application with original signatures. Be sure to fill in all blanks that apply to the member, including all of the references and questions at the end of the adult application. Don’t forget the Background Check Authorization for adults. SSN’s are required for adults to conduct the criminal background check. Adults must have completed the Youth Protection Training appropriate for the unit’s Scouting program when application is turned in to council. The due date for all re-charters is December 1 – NOT the end of the month. Chasing down re-charters that are late wastes a lot of volunteer and employee time. Please set a good example for the youth in your unit and be on time!
FEES Any new youth recruited in the fall MUST be registered with the council BEFORE BEGINNING the online re-charter process. However, in the event you have NEW youth that you are adding to the charter please use the following prorated fees Annual Fees to Re-charter (January 1 through December 31) Youth and Adults* (each) $45* Registration $12.00 Boys’ Life (Packs: Do not collect for Lion/Tiger Cub Adult Partners) Unit Liability Insurance Fee: $40.00 per unit Membership Fee Increase Announced The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. To do this — while delivering the nation’s foremost youth development program — the BSA must remain vigilant in controlling costs. Although we have been successful in reducing our expenditures in many areas, it has become necessary to evaluate our annual membership fees. Based on feedback from both volunteers and employees, the BSA National Council membership fee will increase to $33 for all registered youth and adult leaders, effective December 1, In addition, local councils have been authorized to add an additional insurance surcharge to the registration fee. After a careful review of this matter, the Greater Los Angeles Area Council will add a $7 insurance surcharge bringing the total registration fee to $40 annually. Membership fees support the services that are necessary to provide Scouting to youth from kindergarten to 21 years of age. From creating opportunities for new youth and families to join, year-round training opportunities, the maintenance of camps and summer programs; Scouting provides unique experiences you can’t get anyplace else. The BSA continues to be a great value for our youth and families. The Boy Scouts of America provides important services to support unit programs including primary liability coverage for all volunteer leaders and chartered organizations, ongoing advances in technology, new program development, high adventure facilities and membership support materials. In 2016 alone, the BSA served 2.3 million youth members through approximately 270 local councils across the United States and its territories. With the help of all of our volunteers and Scouting parents, we will continue accomplishing incredible things for young people and the communities we serve. Thank you for your understanding of this important matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Scouting representative at the Council Service Center in Los Angeles at or Pasadena at Our volunteers and staff are committed to: “Providing an outstanding Scouting experience, to a growing membership, sustainably”.
Girls in Scouting Cub Program Scouts
Must talk with DE before accepting Girls into Pack Scouts 2019 Girls Troops will need to do a Charter to start up watch for planning meetings
Contacts District Executive Stephen Kalb
How re-charter is accomplished
Unit Re-charter Plan Now let’s talk about how your unit should approach re-charter. How re-charter is accomplished
How To Make Recharter Easy
Start early! Be sure all members are on your unit roster before you begin the roster update process! Develop a Unit Recharter Plan using the tasks in the Unit Recharter Process Assign responsibility and due dates for the Plan’s tasks Publicize dates pertaining to unit members in the Unit Annual Plan (calendar) Monitor progress to assure that tasks are completed on time Be thorough and accurate Recharter is a simple process if you follow the plan. Be sure to start early! That will give you plenty of time to handle anything unexpected. Use Internet Advancement to check that all your members are registered before you start working on recharter. If you don’t see a member on Internet Advancement, you WILL need a new application for that member. If you turn in all new member applications before you start recharter, you won’t have to turn in any new applications with recharter which will simplify your turn in. Use the Charter Renewal Guidebook. It will help everyone know who is responsible for what by when. Keep your members in the loop about what is expected of them. Delegating responsibility is great! But be sure to check that all tasks are on schedule.
For best results USE INTERNET EXPLORER. Firefox, Safari, and Chrome are compatible but you may come up with warnings. NOT compatible with MAC! LOG ON AS A FIRST TIME USER WITH YOUR 2018 ACCESS CODE even if you did the charter last year. New Internet Re-charter access codes are issued every year. Use the one provided with this packet. Disable your “popup blocker” to allow all processes. LEAVE ALL GRADES AS SHOWN. Exception: If a Scout is currently listed in the wrong grade, change only that Scout. The National office automatically advances all grades on June 1. Please ensure you update or add adult leader and family addresses for all members. (The slide shows what is needed – read it.)
Page one is missing. Attach ALL pages of the printed charter. Applications are not attached for youth or leaders listed as NEW on page one of the charter. APPLICATIONS MUST BE ATTACHED OR WE CANNOT PROCESS THE CHARTER. Applications are required for any new youth or leader listed on page one Any adult previously registered as Tiger Cub Adult Partner only and now registering in a leadership role, Any currently registered 18-yr old youth who is promoted to Assistant Scoutmaster or College Scouter Reserve.
Signatures are missing on page two of the charter. The Executive Officer (EO) as listed on the charter papers must sign on the first signature line. The Unit Leader (CM, SM, VC, NL) must sign on the third signature line. The District Executive will sign on the second signature line for the Council. Signatures are missing from the applications that have been attached. Unit leaders and parents must sign the youth applications. The Applicant, Committee Chair and Chartered Organization Representative must sign the adult leader applications. The Disclosure/Authorization form is not attached with the adult leader application. Money is not attached. Money needs to be submitted with the charter.
The right-hand column of information is not filled in on the adult leader application The Chartered Organization is the same on the pack, troop and crew, but the Chartered Org Rep is different from one unit to another. All units chartered to the same organization MUST list the same person (s) as the Executive Officer and Chartered Org Rep on all units. The COR only pays in one unit. More than one position has been assigned to an adult leader, such as Committee Member. The Chartered Org Rep is the only position that can multiple either as a Committee Member or as the Committee Chair.
Using Internet Rechartering Tool
Now we will look at the Internet Re-chartering tool. Most of this part of the presentation will be looking at screens from Internet Re-chartering. The presenter should use the titles and any comments on each slide to simulate an Internet Re-chartering session. Commentary in the presenter notes from this point forward will focus on points to stress rather than a complete script. The presenter may wish to allow experienced Internet Re-chartering users to leave at their discretion. A tool to make life easier
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