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tribu-, trib- Con – together Tribu - give DISTRIBUTE to allot to give

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1 tribu-, trib- Con – together Tribu - give DISTRIBUTE to allot to give
to assign , to grant, to bestow from tribe to give out among the tribes

2 E – out Vacu – empty Evacuate- empty out evacuate vacuum sealed vacu-
to empty

3 ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu-
INVENT SOUVENIR: comes from _____ PREVENT: before the germs come to come to a new place ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu- Ad – to, motion toward Ventu – to come Ure – act, process Adventure – motion, action, toward to come

4 ver true truth real truthfulness

5 Ad – to motion toward Vers – turn Ary- person
vers-, vert-, -verse, -version, -version, -versation, -versal, -versary, -vert, vort-, vors- bend turn

6 vestry vesti-, vest- covering for the body clothes garment

7 vestig-, vestigi- footprint tracking to track to trace


9 via car/road train plane etc. via- [-vey, -voy-] way road path

10 vir-, viri-, virtu- Virile, virility virtues Manliness worth manhood
masculine husband

11 vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu-
VISIONARY vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu- videre, "to see“ plus words with other related meanings: to notice, noticing, noticed; observe, observing, observed; look, looking, looked; perceive, perceiving, perceived, perception; see, seeing, saw, seen, sight; view, viewing, viewed; manifest, manifesting, manifested; reveal, revealing, revealed, revelation

12 vivacious vivid colors Viv, vit Life Vivacious, vivid, vital

13 Voc, vok Voice, call Invocation, revoke, vocal

14 ab- from; away from Abnormal, abduct, absent, abhor absent

15 ad- to; motion toward; addition to adapt, addict, adhere, admit
adhesive ad- to; motion toward; addition to adapt, addict, adhere, admit

16 aerobics aerospace aerosol aero- air aerobic, aerobiology, aerospace

17 amphi- both, around amphibian, amphitheater

18 an- not anarchy, anesthesia, anonymous

19 ante- before antebellum, antecedent, antecede, antedate

20 anti- against, opposite; reverse
anti bullying anti- against, opposite; reverse antiaircraft, antifreeze, antonym, antibiotics

21 appeal approximate ap- to; nearness to approximate, appoint

22 autocorrect auto- self automatic, autograph, autobiography

23 bene-, ben-, beni- BENEFACTOR
a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause. be·nev·o·lent bəˈnevələnt/ adjective adjective: benevolent well meaning and kindly bene-, ben-, beni- good well

24 bi-, bin-, bino-, bis- BIFACIAL BICYCLE
it normally functions as a prefix two twice double twofold a number;

25 circum- CIRCUMNAVIGATE around about surrounding closed curve circling
circular on all sides literally, "in a circle" CIRCUMNAVIGATE

26 com- co-, cog-, col-, con-, cor-
COMPLETE com- co-, cog-, col-, con-, cor- together together with with

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