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Welcome to Pro-Force!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Pro-Force!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Pro-Force!

2 Emergency Procedure Leave the building via the nearest safe exit.
Assemble at the Assembly Point. Do not re-enter the building until the Fire Warden in charge states that it is safe to do so. Do not stop to collect personal belonging.


4 Working for Pro-Force

5 Working for Pro-Force You will:
Receive a phone call or text from a coordinator Be given your allocated time, location and areas for work Arrive at work Correctly put on your PPE Wash your hands Your supervisor will tell you anything you need to know Start work!

6 Questions? Always speak to your supervisor!

7 Working Hours You will typically work between 8 – 12 hours a day
Breaks are usually unpaid If you wish you work MORE than 48 hours per week, you MUST complete the 48 hour opt out form at registration Typically you will work between 4 – 6 days per week. Sometimes you might be asked to work overtime. This is always voluntary.

8 Your Pay You MUST ensure you complete your timesheet or follow correct procedures for recording hours. You will be paid on a weekly basis into your own bank account. Your payslip will detail your pay, and any deductions such as tax or national insurance. Your hourly rate will always be at least equivalent to the National Minimum Wage in force at the time.

9 This shows any deductions such as tax or national insurance
This shows the hours you have worked and your hourly rate This shows your total pay after any deductions

10 Holidays You are entitled to paid holiday.
You earn holiday for every hour that you work. You can only take holiday you have earnt. You earn holiday up to a maximum of 28 days per year, for working full time hours. Working less than a full year will mean you accrue less holiday. You must provide TWO WEEKS NOTICE for all holiday. We can refuse holiday for operational reasons.

11 You must complete a holiday request form.
You can ask your coordinator for this form. Its also available on notice boards.

12 Pay Queries If you have a question about the amount you have been paid, such as you think that you have been paid incorrectly, you must complete a pay query form. These are available in all offices, or you can ask a coordinator. We aim to get all pay queries resolved within a week of being raised.

13 Pension After three months of work, you will automatically be set up into the pension scheme. This is a legal requirement. Our pension provider is called Now Pensions. If you do not wish to have a pension, you must contact Now Pension and Opt Out of the pension scheme. Pension deductions will be shown on your payslip.

14 Sickness If you are ill and unable to attend work, you must let your coordinator know AT LEAST ONE HOUR before you are due to start work. If you are unwell for a long time, you may be entitled to receive sick pay. Speak to your coordinator about this. You will need a Fit Note from your doctor. You must always let your supervisor know if you do not feel well when you are at work.

15 Behaviour & Performance
Always comply with H&S rules Be kind and courteous to all. Aggression, bullying, racism or violence is FORBIDDEN. Work hard and follow instructions. Do not ignore unsafe things.

16 Health & Safety

17 Basic Health & Safety Always keep your workplace clean and tidy
Read and obey all safety warnings Do not smoke in areas other than permitted areas Do not enter areas which are marked as unsafe. If you see something unsafe, report it to your supervisor

18 Always make sure you wear your PPE and keep it clean and safe Report any damages to PPE

19 Drugs & Alcohol Drinking alcohol is NOT permitted when at work.
Taking illegal drugs is prohibited and may be escalated to the police. If you are taking any prescription or over the counter medication that may affect your work, let your supervisor know. Only smoke in designated smoking areas.


21 Hygiene Nails must be kept short and clean with no nail varnish
No perfumes or aftershaves or jewellery ALWAYS shower / bathe before work Tie long hair back Clean and tidy at all times Remove piercings or cover with a plaster

22 A lot of workplaces have rules about nuts and glass.
Ensure you are aware of them and understand them.

23 Accidents If you cut yourself, you must ask for a plaster. Be aware of plaster rules, e.g. some workplaces only allow blue plasters If you have an accident, you must inform your supervisor as soon as possible, when it is safe to do so If you see someone else have an accident, report it All accidents must be recorded in the Accident Book

24 Many workplaces do not allow photos being taken on site.

25 Safe Lifting


27 Think about Where the load is going? Do you need help?
Remove obstacles Wear suitable shoes Ask for help if you need it!


29 Anything else?

30 Complaints If you are not happy with something at work, you can make a complaint. There are a number of ways that you can make a complaint. We take complaints very seriously and will always address them and come back to you with an answer. We will respect your privacy at all times.

31 Use the complaints form on our website
Talk to us! Call our confidential helpline on Fill in a Complaints Form

32 Modern Slavery Do you need help? If you, or someone you know is:
Being forced to work Bought into this country against their will Let us know, please! We can help you!

33 Payment to find work Taking your wages Restricting your movement
Payment to get shifts at work Someone taking your ID Taking your wages Forcing you to live somewhere you don’t want to Restricting your movement

34 These things are illegal They must not happen We can help you get help
These things are illegal They must not happen We can help you get help. Talk to us.

35 You can call the modern slavery helpline on 08000 121 700
Getting Help You can call the modern slavery helpline on Or call the Gangmasters Licencing Authority on

36 Remember!! If you work hard, you can earn good money and get good shifts, regular hours. If you have any questions, ask your coordinator.

37 Any Questions?

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