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Drama Terms Romeo & Juliet.

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Presentation on theme: "Drama Terms Romeo & Juliet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama Terms Romeo & Juliet

2 Dialogue Conversations among and between the characters

3 Stage Directions Convey information to the cast, crew, and readers about sound effects, actions, sets, and line readings Example: “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward!” [They fight.] [Enter old Capulet in his gown, and his wife.]

4 Characters Dramatic characters are brought to life by their dialogue and actions onstage Round characters Flat characters Dramatic foils

5 Round character Has many personality traits, like a real person; very dynamic

6 Flat character One-dimensional, embodying only a single trait; often provide comic relief

7 Dramatic foil Character who highlights the traits of another character through contrast

8 Plot Sequence in which events unfold, develop to a climax, and are resolved

9 Theme Central message the playwright seeks to convey to the audience

10 Staging Sets, lighting, sound effects, costumes, and the way the actors move and deliver their lines

11 Act Plays are split up into acts (instead of chapters)
Romeo & Juliet has five acts Acts are designated by Roman numerals (Act I, Act II, Act III, Act IV, Act V)

12 Scene Each act consists of smaller scenes
Scenes are designated by lower case Roman numerals (scene i, scene ii, scene iii, scene iv, scene v)

13 How to find your place in a play
Act, scene, line # Mercutio says “That dreamers often lie” in Act I, Scene iv, line 52.

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