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The Hero’s Journey “The story we all know”.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hero’s Journey “The story we all know”."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hero’s Journey “The story we all know”

2 Archetype: A re-occurring symbol, character, plot-line or situation in literature/movies. Joseph Campbell: In his book, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, he developed the idea of The Hero’s Journey or the Monomyth. “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.” (Campbell)

3 The Ordinary World The hero begins in everyday life, usually unaware of what is to come.

4 The Call to Adventure The hero is called to some kind of adventure or mission.

5 Refusal of the Call “But I don’t want to go!”

6 Meeting with the Mentor
The hero meets a wise counselor who will assist them in their quest.

7 Crossing the Threshold
The hero takes the first step in their journey. Crosses from safety to the unknown.

8 Test, Allies and Enemies
The hero encounters many tests and difficulties along the way.

9 Approach The hero and his/her allies prepare for their biggest challenge (often a visit to the supernatural world)

10 The Ordeal The hero faces their biggest challenge, often in the supernatural realm. Here they must face death or their biggest fear.

11 The Reward The Hero claims the treasure / prize for defeating the ordeal. However, the adventure is not over and the hero is still at risk of losing the prize or being destroyed.

12 The Road Back The hero must begin the road home, guarding the treasure.

13 The Resurrection The hero must face a final challenge as he/she crosses the threshold of home.

14 Return with the Elixir The hero returns home with a treasure that will benefit his home in some way. ...and the cycle continues!

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