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Open House Welcome to the Coyote Wolves Team. Thank you for coming!

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Presentation on theme: "Open House Welcome to the Coyote Wolves Team. Thank you for coming!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House Welcome to the Coyote Wolves Team. Thank you for coming!
Mrs. Jackson - ELA/Math – team leader Ms. Nagy - Science/Social Studies

2 PowerSchools PowerSchools: access via WMS website
Please verify your information as seen on PowerSchools on Mrs. Jackson’s and Ms. Nagy’s homeroom lists. We will submit corrections to our data manager Judy Gay. Your student will soon receive a sticker with his/her PowerSchools login information (Students will place the sticker in the back of their agenda)

3 Team Website
Students and parents can check the website to find Classwork and homework for each day Forms Links Digital class documents Periodic reminders will come to your phone and/or if you… Text:

4 Curriculum WCPSS has a link to Curriculum Unit Guides for each grade in middle school This link is on the WMS website Parent tab Curriculum Unit Guides

5 WCPSS Grading Scale A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F

6 Grading Weights Major Grades (Tests, etc.) 55%
Minor Grades (Quizzes, etc.) 35% Formative Grades (Homework) 10%

7 Interim/ Progress Reports
Teachers will send home progress reports approximately halfway through each quarter. One progress report will be given to each student by the homeroom teacher. All grades from all classes will be included on that one progress report.

8 Homework Please make sure that your student does his/her homework each night Quiet location Consistent time Review class notes every night Purpose of homework To practice skills To reinforce concepts

9 Make Up Work It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missed school work. Check website to see what you have missed. Check language arts and math make-up work files for missed handouts. Check social studies and science trays for missed handouts. Show teacher any homework/classwork that was due during your absence.

10 Retest Policy Retests on tests may be taken within 2 weeks of the return of the test if… All homework and classwork have been completed Test corrections for the original test have been completed on the test correction form Student has arranged with the teacher to stay after school to take the retest and has a ride home by 3:30pm.

11 Positive Behavior Intervention Support

12 Having Respect Outstanding Learner Working for Safety Learning to Lead
At Wendell Middle We…. Having Respect Outstanding Learner Working for Safety Learning to Lead

13 What NOT to Wear at Wendell Middle

14 Cell Phones BOARD POLICY 6426
No student shall use, display, transmit or have in the “on” position on school property any wireless communication device or personal entertainment device. Violation of this policy shall result to confiscation of the item and returned only to the student’s parents or another responsible adult. Repeated violations may result to short term suspension

15 Deputy Alston: School Resource Officer
School Resource Officers (SRO) perform necessary law enforcement functions on campus.  This includes proactive crime prevention, conducting criminal investigations, making arrests when necessary, developing intervention strategies and crisis planning.  The SRO is instrumental in providing a safe environment conducive to the learning process. 

16 Bullying The Board prohibits bullying and harassment.
This may include: abusive jokes, insults, slurs, name-calling, threats, bullying, intimidation, or cyber bullying.

17 Facebook / Social Media

18 Weapons No student, pre-kindergarten – 12th grade, shall possess, handle, or transmit any weapon, facsimile of a weapon, or other object that can reasonably be considered or used as a weapon or dangerous instrument.

19 Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages, Controlled Substances, Chemicals, and Drug Paraphernalia: Policy 6429 No student shall possess, use, distribute, sell, possess with intent to distribute or sell, or conspire or attempt to distribute or sell, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, alcoholic beverage, controlled substance, chemical or drug paraphernalia.

20 Consequences/Re-Directions
1st Violation - Referral/1-3 OSS 2nd Violation – Referral/5 days ALC 3rd Violation – Referral/10 days ALC 4th Violation –days Referral/15 ALC *Depending on incident Admin may suspend students rather than assign ALC Behavior Fighting/ Physical Aggression Class/ School Disturbance Threat (true or false) Harassment/ Bullying Vandalism Theft Sexual harassment/ Inappropriate Sexual behavior Integrity Major Disruption/ Non Compliance (Level I)

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