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Presentation on theme: "Planets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planets

2 Mercury

3 Mercury A terrestrial planet Closest planet to the sun No atmosphere
Revolution period is 88 Earth days Rotation period is 58 days. This means that Mercury has 1 ½ Mercurian days per year. 3.2 light minutes from the sun On Mercury, you weigh only 38 % of what you’d weigh on Earth.

4 Venus

5 Venus Similar to Earth in size, mass and density Earth’s twin
Retrograde Rotation-clockwise rotation 90 times the pressure of Earth’s atmosphere CO2 and acids in atmosphere cause greenhouse effect 464 degrees C average surface temp, hottest planet Active surface i.e. volcanoes etc. 6 light minutes from the Sun 91% of Earth’s gravity

6 Earth

7 Earth Liquid water was the key to the development of life on Earth
Most likely the only planet that supports life Thick atmosphere that protects us from UV rays Period of revolution is 365 days, 6 hours Period of rotation is 23 hours, 56 minutes Distance from the sun is 8.3 light minutes

8 Mars

9 Mars Cold planet and thin atmosphere
Only water on Mars is in the form of ice Distance from sun is 12.7 light minutes Water existed there in the past Has 2 polar ice caps 2 large volcanoes on it Period of revolution is 1 year and 322 days Period of rotation is 24 hours and 37 minutes.

10 Mars surface

11 Olympus Mons

12 Jupiter

13 Jupiter Made primarily of hydrogen and helium.
Has a storm called the “Great Red Spot” Radiates more energy into space than it receives. Largest planet in our solar system Period of rotation is about 10 hours. It is a butt 43.3 light minutes from the sun.

14 Saturn

15 Saturn Saturn is the only planet that is still forming.
It is the Second largest planet in our solar system. Gives off more energy than it receives. 1.3 light hours from the sun. Known for its rings made of dust and ice particles.

16 Uranus

17 Uranus Uranus is blue-green in color.
Has a large amount of water in its interior. It is tilted on its side. Thought to be caused by an impact. Has retrograde rotation ( sun sets in the south.)

18 Neptune

19 Neptune Called the “Blue” planet. 4.2 light hours from the sun.
Has a storm called the “The Great Dark Spot.” Takes 164 years to orbit the sun. At times is the farthest planet from the sun.

20 Pluto

21 Pluto The smallest planet in our solar system.
The farthest planet from the sun. Has a moon “Charon” more than half of its size. Unlike the other Gas Giants it is made of rock and covered with a thin icy surface.

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