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Learning Goals: 4. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go aboveand above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 3. Knowledge: meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Goals: 4. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go aboveand above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 3. Knowledge: meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Goals: 4. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go aboveand above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 3. Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. 2. Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. 1. Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level. How do stars differ from moons and planets, and from one another? How does the classification of stars help us understand how they evolve over their lifetimes? What are the different types of stars? What happens when different types of stars die? Why is it important for us to understand stars?


3 Counting the Stars in the Sky
Today’s Question: Why is it important to learn about stars?

4 We are headed to the lab tables
Plotting the Sky We Have 12 Minutes We are headed to the lab tables Graph Label what you think you’ve created Cut out Glue in


6 Plotting the Sky 12, 12 0,10 2,0 4.5, 9 7, 4 10, 1 7,10 8, 9.5 6, 6 4, 1 7.5, 7 7, 6.5




10 Stars in Orion Main Stars Visible Stars Long Exposure Camera Hubble
10-12 Visible Stars 250 Long Exposure Camera 3-4 Thousand Hubble Many Millions Without Gas and Dust in our Galaxy Many Billions Counting each star in all the galaxies in Orion Many Trillions or Quadrillions Depends on how faint you want to go…

11 Cosmic Connection Why is it important to understand stars?


13 Big Bang The Big Bang resulted in the production of the matter and energy in the Universe. Most of the hydrogen and helium in the Universe were created in the moments after the Big Bang. Heavier elements came later.


15 Small Stars Small stars fuse hydrogen into helium, and then fuse helium into carbon and nitrogen. Carbon is a basic building block of life and nitrogen is a part of all proteins – essential to life.


17 Large Stars Large stars make heavy elements as well as light elements through the process of fusion in their cores. For example, large stars create the calcium in your bones and the oxygen you breathe, the silicon in the soil, and the sulfur that’s in your hair.


19 Supernovae The explosive power of supernovae creates and disperses a wide range of elements. The gold used in jewelry and the titanium used in light-weight eyeglass frames were formed in supernovae. Supernovae also provide the iron in your blood. They create and distribute every element up to number 92; Uranium.


21 Photons (cosmic rays) The nuclei of the elements formed in the big bang, stars, and supernovae rain down on us from space in the form of cosmic rays. Among other elements, Lithium - used in batteries - comes partly from cosmic rays.


23 Top 10 elements in the human body
Element by # atoms Cosmic Process 10. Magnesium (Mg) 0.03% LS, SN 9. Chlorine (Cl) 0.04% LS 8. Sodium (Na) 0.06% LS 7. Sulfur (S) 0.06% SS, LS 6. Phosphorous (P) 0.20% LS 5. Calcium (Ca) 0.24% LS 4. Nitrogen (N) 1.48% SS, LS 3. Carbon (C) 9.99% SS, LS 2. Oxygen (O) 26.33% LS, SS 1. Hydrogen (H) 61.56% BB

24 The Heck Did We Come From?
Stars die and explode, seeding areas of the universe Planets are made from clouds containing stellar debris Earth and all the living things on it are made of star stuff.

25 Betelgeuse Orion Nebula Rigel making Ca . New stars forming
With heavy elements. Rigel making He, C, N.


27 Summary:
We are all connected… To each other biologically To the earth chemically To the rest of the universe atomically

28 Counting the Stars in the Sky
By which process are most of the different types of elements in our universe made? Today’s Question: Why is it important to learn about stars?

29 Your Assignment… “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe.“ -Carl Sagan 8f2TWs Paragraph and Diagram

30 Your Assignment… “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch you must first invent the universe.“ -Carl Sagan Paragraph and Diagram on google classroom Pick an element that can be found in apple pie and trace its evolutionary history to a star or the universe. Address the constant recycling of elements here on earth, as well as the formation of elements in the cores of active stars and supernovae. Describe the way in which these elements were dispersed from the star through space and ultimately to the Earth. create a diagram that illustrates the meaning of this statement. Diagram should also include whatever you need to better explain the scientific concept. There will be test questions regarding this assignment

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