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Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources in Kosovo till 2020

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources in Kosovo till 2020"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources in Kosovo till 2020
Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha Ministry of Energy and Mining Republic of Kosovo

2 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha
Content Introduction Why incentives for Renewable Energy Resources Kosovo obligation for use of RES Sharing experiences – regional and EU Kosovo’s case Conclusions October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

3 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha
Introduction October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

4 Introduction July 06 Establishment of TSMO July 04
Energy Regulatory Office Dec 04 Ministry of Energy & Mining Primary Legislation in Energy Sector in Kosovo (June 04) - Law on Energy - - Law on Electricity - Law on Energy Regulator – Low on Energy Efficiency- (2010) Nomination Licensing Economic regulation of the energy sector Designing sectors’ developments strategies and policies Operation of the electricity system and electricity market October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

5 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha
Introduction Forecasted energy demand in Kosovo till 2020 Reached 5.2TWh Demand 7-74 TWh Demand TWh Oktober 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

6 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha
Why incentives for RES RES technologies cannot compete in the energy market with conventional technologies for electricity generation RES support: Fixed tariffs – so called feed-in tariffs Mandatory quotes (green certificates) Subsides for a part of capital investment Tax relief Bidding of a mandatory amount of energy deriving from RES October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

7 Kosovo obligation for use of RES
Kosovo is a member of Energy Community Treaty Kosovo is committed to increase the amount of energy generated by renewables Diversification of resources Kosovo’s electricity is based (98%) on lignite coal Usage of RES will contribute: Economic growth, Increase of the security of supply, and Environment protection October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

8 Kosovo obligation for use of RES
Kosovo is required to implement the EU directive for energy by 2020: Reduction of gas emissions by 20% Increase of RES participation in the total energy consumptions to 20%, and Improvement of energy efficiency by 20% October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

9 Kosovo obligation for use of RES
The Law on Energy stipulates that the Ministry responsible for Energy shall each year establish indicative targets for the consumption of electricity and heat generated from RES Indicative targets for renewable energy for the period 2007 to 2016 were published in 2007 by Ministry of Energy October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

10 Sharing experiences – regional and EU
October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

11 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha
Kosovo’s case Based in RES indicative targets ERO has set: Other Feed-in tariffs coming soon. October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

12 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha
Conclusion First wind farm started on February, 16th 2010 Capacity: 3x450kW Estimated energy: ̴ 3,5 GWh/year Kosovo’s Demand 2009 4900 GWh October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

13 Utilizing Renewable Energy Sources in Kosovo till 2020
Thank you! Questions? October 2010 Dr. techn. Bedri Dragusha

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