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Presentation on theme: "FIVE STEPS TO INCREASE SALES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Most builders spend less than 3 percent of their time in sales— when sales generate 100 % of their income. Among the biggest problems facing builders TODAY is the quality and performance of the SALES PEOPLE! Builders are busy dealing with sub-contractors, cash-flow, correcting mistakes in the field, etc. They spend little time in sales because they know little about it.

3 Builders and developers close only 2 % of the total traffic visiting their model homes, in contrast to new-home professionals who will sell one of every four visitors a home. Why is there such a discrepancy? Do you think the client drove out to your property for no reason what-so-ever? In order to identify problems, we need to aware of them. We need an objective set of eyes to evaluate our company because over time we unconsciously overlook other options.

4 For example, Foster Cathcart, former V. P
For example, Foster Cathcart, former V.P. of DuPont Corporation, owner of Flooring Systems in Houston, tells how on a plant tour he took the manager aside and asked, “What do you think of that corner of the plant?” The manager replied, “It looks okay.” Foster told him, “Clean it up so it looks okay to me, too.”

5 Successful builders need a vision of what they can accomplish
Successful builders need a vision of what they can accomplish. Once the builder has the vision, they can create a plan to show others. Someone taught Mozart the music scale. A company’s vision has to start from the top—with YOU! Here are five steps you can take to IMMEDIATELY INCREASE SALES………...

6 1 Be smart enough to be aware that you don’t know everything. Pride is self destructive. Only a humble person is teachable. Builders who are wrapped up in themselves make very small packages. The greatest battle is fought within one’s own mind and heart. The crown of character is self-control.

7 2 Set proper goals for your company. Successful builders plan the number of homes they will sell. That year’s figure is based on the number of buildable lots available IF SALES WERE NOT THE PROBLEM.

8 3 Be a Leader. Leaders are like Battleships, they were made to fight. Don’t accept excuses about slow sales, weather is bad, slow economy, don’t have the proper advertising, etc. Set yourself and your company up for a higher purpose. Leaders have mastered self-management, are idealistic and incorruptible, and inspire others. Someone had to see the Empire State Building before it was built.

9 4 Don’t tell me what to do, show me. We need more Player Coaches in the building Industry. Be watchful of so-called experts. Avoid hiring anyone as a sales manager or trainer who is unwilling to approach a client who walks in the model to sell them a home, or who will not pick up a telephone in front of your team and make a cold call. After all, who’s paying the interest on your land or standing inventory.

10 5 Either retrain non-producers or dismiss them. A builder should expect salespeople to invest as much planning, energy, and expertise to sell their homes as the builder has put into building them. Your sales team should be earning good commissions—the more money they make, the more the builder earns. Reward productive sales teams — they are the builder’s most important asset!

11 Lou Principe 407-461-6132
Home Builders Trainer and Consultant PowerPoint created by: April Williams, Your on-line Virtual Assistant AMW Office Office


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