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Software Engineering for Internet Applications

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Presentation on theme: "Software Engineering for Internet Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Engineering for Internet Applications
Mobile Apps Programming - Android Socket ADF 1/11/2019

2 Java Socket Remember Socket Programming?
Multi-client chat via TCP Socket Build Android Socket for Client 1/11/2019

3 Server Chat Use the same Modify
Remove buffered reader as the input is no longer from string stream, change to Data Input Stream Create new Android Project for Client 1/11/2019

4 Server Thread 1/11/2019

5 Server Thread 1/11/2019

6 Android Client Create an Empty Project 1/11/2019

7 Android Manifest As the application will try to connect the network, add permission in the manifest file 1/11/2019

8 UI Layout 2 views Login panel view (vertical linear layout)
Username input text Server address input text Connect button Chatting panel view(vertical linear layout) Chatting input text Send button Disconnect button Scroll view chat log 1/11/2019

9 UI Layout 1/11/2019

10 UI Layout View Chat Panel only when the connection is established
Set chat panel visibility “gone” Give hint to input text username, server address, input chat Best practice to set all text value in string.xml 1/11/2019

11 UI Layout 1/11/2019

12 UI Layout 1/11/2019

13 UI Layout – Login Panel 1/11/2019

14 UI Layout – Chat Panel 1/11/2019

15 Client Thread Class Create client thread class 1/11/2019

16 Client Thread Class 1/11/2019

17 Client Thread Class 1/11/2019

18 Client Thread Class 1/11/2019

19 Client Thread Class 1/11/2019

20 Client Thread Class 1/11/2019

21 Main Activity Set server port number Add all element 1/11/2019

22 Main Activity Initialize resource activity in onCreate() method

23 Main Activity Create Listener for each button 1/11/2019

24 Main Activity 1/11/2019

25 Main Activity Set onClickListener in onCreate() method 1/11/2019

26 Run Application Run Server Run Android Client Connect to IP Server

27 1/11/2019

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