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Multimedia Course UART/AEMMI

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Presentation on theme: "Multimedia Course UART/AEMMI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multimedia Course UART/AEMMI
Lecturer: Tomáš Sysala Department of Automation and Control Engineering Room – 51/717 Phone number: Home Work 1: Please send me an I had to address you.

2 About this Course Lectures and Laboratories (Tutorials) – 2 hours a week Exam and Final Grade: Exam: 40% Coursework: 60%

3 What is Multimedia? „Talking about multimedia is a lot like talking about love. Everybody agrees that it´s a good thing, everybody wants it, wants to participate in it; but, everybody has a different idea of what „it“ really is. Right now, the industry reminds me of a bunch of teenagers dabbling in something that instinctively feels right, all the while wondering how and when they´ll know for sure if they´re really in „it,“ and what to do about it if they are.“ (Vaughan) „Hovory o multimédiích se velmi podobají hovorům o lásce. Všichni souhlasí s tím, že je to dobrá věc, každý ji chce, chce se na ní podílet, ale každý má jiný názor, co „to“ skutečně je. Právě teď mi obor připomíná partu teenagerů, kteří se rýpají v něčem, o čem si instinktivně myslí, že je to to pravé, a celou dobu jsou zvědaví, jak a kdy si budou jisti, jestli jsou skutečně „v tom“ a co budou dělat, pokud ano .“

4 Course Materials PDFs with Slides (Colour)
Coursework material Lots of Links to other materials Always under Development — More to be added

5 Course Outline A basic grounding in issues surrounding Multimedia
Multimedia data: digital audio, graphics, images and video, Underlying concepts and representations of sound, pictures and video, Audio/Digital signal processing fundamentals, Data compression — JPEG, MPEG video and MP3 audio. – Core data compression algorithms in JPEG/MPEG etc. Multimedia applications

6 More detailed course content
An introduction to Multimedia How do we store movies? (Key frames, data rates, Mpeg compression, encoders, containers) How to create movie or animations: (Slow-motion, Fast-motion, Stop-motion, Reverse-motion) Morphing and Warphing (Task 2 – 20 Points (Pts)) How are audio files stored? (MP3 copression) How are audio files edited ? (Task 3 – 10 Pts) What is video post processing? (Time line, movie processing software, After Effect) (Task 4 – 10 Pts) Seminar work on one of the Multimedia topics (Task 1 – 20 Pts) Final semester project (creation of a short movie) (Project 5 – 40 Pts) Show an example of Fnal Project.

7 Seminar Work Use at least 4 references!!! Students have to submit:
PowerPoint presentation (for 5-7 min), Seminar work in Microsoft Word or PDF format (10 pages or 15 pages if in work are many pictures). Use at least 4 references!!!. The text of your seminar work should be formatted as follows: - 12-point Times, Times Roman or Times New Roman. - The text should be set to single line spacing. - Paragraphs should be justified. Use at least 4 references!!! References should be cited in the text by placing sequential numbers in brackets (for example, [1], [2, 5, 7], [8-10]). They should be numbered in the order in which they are cited.

8 Topics for a Seminar Work
Virtual Reality and its technical equipments. Television broadcasting standards (PAL, NTSC), (DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-S). Technical procedures for photographing. Description of terms such as aperture, shutter speed, depth of focus and others. Steganography - ways of hiding data in multimedia files. P2P networks. Principle and most frequently used programs. Bar code and QR code. History, principle, most frequently used programs. Multimedia in education. Equipments a most frequently used multimedia programs. Any other topic according to your idea or preferences.

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