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2 Constructed Response Questions (CRQ)
CRQ are open-ended essay questions that require students to... demonstrate cognitive knowledge and reasoning use information in a text or other stimulus (e.g., map, picture, chart, audio recording) provide evidence-based responses

3 REMEMBER Students will write a “constructed response” when they answer a “constructed response question.”

4 10 Steps to Writing a Proper Constructed Response


6 READ Read the ENTIRE constructed response question/prompt. STEP #1
[Read it aloud if it is appropriate.]

7 STEP #2 RE-READ Re-read the question/prompt carefully at least once more. [Make sure you understand all parts of the CRQ.]

8 Questions to Ask Yourself
There are several important questions to ask yourself as you are re-reading the CRQ: “What are the most important parts of this question?” “Exactly what is this question asking me to do?” “Is the answer stated explicitly in what I am viewing such as in written text, graphs, charts, etc.?” “Is the question asking me to connect something that I am viewing or reading with information that I already know?”

9 UNDERLINE STEP #3 Underline or highlight the key words in the CRQ
[Key words can be verbs (e.g., explain, compare), vocabulary words, character names, or literary terms.]

10 STEP #4 PARAPHRASE Paraphrase the question/prompt (i.e., restate in your own words for clarity). [Analyze the question/prompt to know exactly what is being asked of you.]

11 TRANSFORM STEP #5 Transform the question/prompt into your claim.
[Use some of the same terms from the question and rearrange them into the topic sentence of your paragraph.]

12 STEP #6 GATHER INFO Gather all relevant details related to all parts of the question. [Return to the text and gather any needed information by underlining, highlighting, &/or taking notes to identify the parts of the text needed to answer the question completely.]

13 STEP #7 ORGANIZE Organize the details you gathered into a logical order (e.g., chronological, order of importance, sequential) making sure you address ALL parts of the question in your answer.

14 STEP #8 JUSTIFY You must justify your responses with EVIDENCE from the text. [Provide specific facts from the text to explain, define, or prove your claim. Be sure to cite your sources using MLA style parenthetical/embedded citations.]

15 WRITE STEP #9 Write your response in paragraph form.
Write carefully and neatly, or type your response. [Proofread your work, so you don’t misspell or omit any words.]

16 RE-READ STEP #10 Re-read your constructed response.
Did you answer all the parts of the question/prompt? Did you provide factual evidence from the text to justify your claim? Did you cite your evidence using parenthetical/embedded citations?

17 BAM!

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