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ATHLETIC COUNSELOR Claudia Ramirez Success in Student Athletes LA Pierce College Claudia Ramirez.

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Presentation on theme: "ATHLETIC COUNSELOR Claudia Ramirez Success in Student Athletes LA Pierce College Claudia Ramirez."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATHLETIC COUNSELOR Claudia Ramirez Success in Student Athletes LA Pierce College Claudia Ramirez

2 THE STUDENT ATHLETE How can we help our student athletes transfer their on-field determination and success to academics Claudia Ramirez

3 Pierce Athletics 11 Competitive Sports 6 Mens sports 5 Womens sports One Co-ed Cheerleading Squad 230 Athletes (various levels of eligibility) 150 men 80 women Ethnically, socio-economically diverse Claudia Ramirez

4 Discussion Questions What do you believe or know about student-athletes? What challenges do you believe student-athletes face? Claudia Ramirez

5 Challenges Facing Student-Athletes Campus Stereotypes Faculty Fellow students Underprepared Academically Physically Minority, First Generation College Students, Lack Role Models NCAA Requirements Schedule/expectations/commitments Managing multiple roles Overall college experience Claudia Ramirez

6 What are the Athletic and Academic Realities of Student Athletes? Claudia Ramirez

7 Weekly Athletic Requirements Twenty plus hours of athletic preparation which includes strength and conditioning classes, meetings and practice time. 1 or 2 games per week, 2-4 hours plus travel time. Most of these commitments are between 1:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily This leaves early morning class times until 1:00 for athletes to attend class Mon. thru Fri. taking 12 to 18 units. Claudia Ramirez

8 College Admission and NCAA Standards For Division I schools: Five-Year Clock (5 years to play 4 seasons) Clock begins as soon as student enrolls full-time whether or not playing To compete on an Athletic Scholarship: Student-athletes have only Two Years to complete their AA degree, CSU or IGETC Certification, otherwise they will lose their eligibility AA degree = 60 units Min. 2.0 GPA Claudia Ramirez

9 College Admission & NCAA Standards 40% 60% 80% Rule Refers to overall academic degree progress In 4-5 full-time semesters 40% of their entire Bachelors degree must be completed In 5-6 full-time semesters 60% must be completed In 7-8 full-time semesters 80% must be completed Claudia Ramirez

10 Division I School Requirements English 101 & 102 & College Level Math Claudia Ramirez

11 Basic Skills Placement 98% of students Do Not Place into Eng. 101 Most Student-Athletes place into English 21 or 28 and Math 115 Claudia Ramirez


13 Barriers to Transfer and Success Out of 110 community colleges, only 10 have a Full-Time Athletic Counselor Coaches developing educational plans No Study Hall or Tutoring specifically designed for student-athletes No Priority Registration Lack of family support (out of state students) Lack of financial aid out-of-state students pay -- $188 per unit Claudia Ramirez

14 How Can Faculty Help Support Athletes? Claudia Ramirez

15 How Can Faculty Support Athletes? Refer to Athletic Counselor: Claudia Ramirez Counseling: personal, career and academic/NCAA Eligibility Refer to PD 40 course College Success Seminar (primarily for student athletes) Refer to Tutoring Center Provide required text books on reserve at the Library Provide Opportunities for EXTRA CREDIT: Ex: Student Success Workshops (brochures) Participate in Progress Grade Checks Providing Early intervention Claudia Ramirez

16 Progress Grade Check HANDOUT: Conducted once a semester (7th week of the semester) Data complied within 24 hours and provided to Counselor and Coaches Data includes attendance/absences, grades, attitude, missing assignments, class performance and professors comments. Students receiving a C- in any subject will be recommended to Athletic Counselor and/or Tutoring Center and other campus resources Student will provide you with the form, you can give back to student or place in Coaches mailbox Claudia Ramirez


18 PRIORITY REGISTRATION Providing Student-Athletes with Priority Registration would allow students to: Register for courses needed to fit their Time Constraints Register for courses needed to complete AA degree requirements within 2 years Register for Math & English courses needed to complete within 2 years (if student place in Eng. 20, have 4 semesters to complete Eng. 102 required for Div. I schools) Be eligible for a Scholarship and transfer to a 4 year university within 2 years Claudia Ramirez

19 BOOK: GOING THE DISTANCE The College Athletes Guide to Excellence on the Field & in the Classroom Authors: Stephen Figler and Howard Figler Challenges/struggles Advice reaching goals Adjusting to demands of college athletics Maintaining academic standards Claudia Ramirez


21 GO BRAHMAS!! Lets help Pierce Athletes Succeed! Claudia Ramirez

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