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Am. Gov’t A Custom Assessment

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1 Am. Gov’t A Custom Assessment

2 Questions are worth 10 points each.
INSTRUCTIONS Answer SIX (6) of these eight essay responses in complete sentences (essay format). 1. Scan your answers using CheckMyWork for authenticity. 2. 1 2 3 3. Attach and submit your test (with CMW link) for grading via web mail. Questions are worth 10 points each.

3 Question #1 Analyzing Primary Sources: The Preamble to the US Constitution lays out the purposes of the Constitution. Which two purposes/goals are most important? How does the Constitution fulfill each purpose? Use specific examples in your response. Use at least 5-6 sentences. [Type response here]

4 Question #2 Justify: What are the three most important characteristics that are necessary for a government to meet the needs of the people? Explain why these traits are essential to success. Give specific examples to support your arguments. Use at least 6-7 sentences [Type response here]

5 Question #3 Prioritize: Choose three of the following qualities that you believe are the most important for a legislative branch. For each quality, explain why it contributes to an effective Congress. Use at least 6-7 sentences in your response. [Type response here] Protects the Constitution Works well with the President Passes laws for the country’s good Has diverse membership Focuses on national defense Balances the budget Acts in the interest of the states Focuses on foreign aid Tries to find compromises Has experienced membership Creates new jobs Focuses on diplomatic relations

6 Question #4 [Type response here]
Historical Significance: Choose two of the qualities below that you believe are the most important for Us Presidents to possess. Based on your choices, who do you consider to be the best US President in our country’s history? Use specific examples to support your claims. Use at least 6-7 sentences in your response. [Type response here] Inspiring Well-Informed Trustworthy Well-educated Decisive Authoritative Knowledge of foreign affairs Commitment to the Constitution Open-minded Independent Humble Honest Charming Diplomatic

7 Question #5 Evaluate: What qualities do you think make an effective judge? Choose three of the following qualities you believe are the most important. Then explain why they make an effective judge. Keep these qualities in mind as you move through this unit.Use at least 6-7 sentenes. educated Thoughtful Committed to the Constitution Decisive Conservative Liberal Disciplined Opinionated Stubborn Honest Cultured Independent Fair Impartial Partisan

8 Question #6 [Type response here]
JUSTIFY: The Constitution set up a set of checks and balances among the three branches of government. Explain at least one specific way that each branch can check one of the other two branches. In your response, explain how each check limits the power of the other branch. Does our system of checks and balances really keep one branch of government from becoming more powerful than the other two? Use specific examples to support your argument. Use at least 7-8 sentences. [Type response here]

9 Question #7 Evaluate: Which three Amendments to the Constitution most benefit US citizens? Use specific examples and explanations to support your arguments. Use at least 6-7 sentences in your response. [Type response here]

10 Question #8 I believe the biggest threat to our government today is….
Predict: Complete the following sentence starters. Use specific examples to make your point. Use at least 6-7 sentences. [Type response here] I believe the biggest threat to our government today is…. Our government could overcome this threat by…

11 Authenticity Stamp of Approval
1. Select the CheckMyWork link from your Connexus® home page. CheckMyWork is a single-sign on and no username or password is required. 2. To submit your work, complete the available fields on the form: Section – Select the section associated with the work to be submitted. Title – Enter a title (e.g., Last Name_First Name_short description of the work_coursename_unit number_lesson number) My Work – Select “Browse” and select the file to upload from your computer. Note: The submitted file must be no larger than 70 MB and contain between 30 and 100,000 words.The following file formats are accepted: .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .html. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the page. The confirmation message shown below will be displayed along with a link to the CheckMyWork Originality Report. 3. After viewing the Originality Report, you can edit your work and resubmit it by repeating steps 1-3. 4. When you are satisfied with the results, download a PDF copy of the final report for your records by selecting “Generate Report” from the top-right. Once it is done, select “Download Report” to view the PDF copy and save for your records.. You will submit this PDF to Mrs. Endel when you submit your essay responses

12 Attach and Submit for Grading
Save this file to your computer for safe keeping. Save a pdf copy of your CheckMyWork report. Create a web mail to Mrs. Endel. Type “My Custom Essay Responses” in the subject box. Attach your responses and CheckMyWork pdf to the web mail. Send it! Do a little celebratory dance! [View in presentation mode]

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