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Witch-Hunts and McCarthyism

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1 Witch-Hunts and McCarthyism

2 Witch Hunt An all-out effort to discover and reveal disloyalty, dishonesty, difference, etc. usually based on little or no evidence.

3 Joseph McCarthy Joseph McCarthy was a U.S. Senator in the 1950’s.
McCarthy investigated communists and sympathizers to communism within the USA. This investigation and its tactics (the use of intimidation and threats) became known as McCarthyism. The Red Scare was the fear people felt in the 50’s as the communism in the soviet union increased and spread. Americans feared it would reach the United States.

4 The House Un-American Activities Committee
Used to investigate communist’s or communist sympathizers People brought before the court were if found to be innocent were not trusted the same again People lost jobs, went to jail, and Labeled as communist Witnesses were pressured to give other names

5 Televised McCarthy Hearings
Joseph McCarthy’s methods were revealed, he had accused army officers of being communists without any real evidence. He lost all popularity and credibility.

6 McCarthyism = Witch Hunt
it persecuted people who were innocent it had people claiming others were guilty It took peoples civil rights away

7 McCarthyism compared to Witch Hunts
Both went after certain people with no real evidence. New England Puritans acted the same as the US Government. They both wanted to purify their communities against “evil”.

8 International “Witch-Hunts”
The Holocaust 11 million people killed: 6 million Jews Approved by Nazi government Sent to concentration camps

9 Continued Japanese-American Internment Camps During WWII
U.S. segregates Japanese/Japanese-Americans No Germans or Italians were segregated

10 Continued Sunnis vs. Shiites Different beliefs about one religion
Going on for a very long time Big factor in War in Iraq

11 Web Sites Used:

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