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Canadian Identity During the 1920s.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Identity During the 1920s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Identity During the 1920s

2 Canada’s Growing Independance
During the 1920’s, Canada took some important steps towards full autonomy (control over its affairs) from Britain

3 1922 – The Chanak Affair Britain and Turkey in a dispute over a strait
Britain asks Canada for troops We refuse until Parliament could vote on it

4 The Halibut Treaty Canada and US sign treaty over Halibut fishing Britain had always signed on behalf of Canada

5 The King-Byng Crisis Governer General Byng refused PM Mackenzie King’s request to dissolve Parliament Mackenzie King determined to clarify role of Governor General

6 The Balfour Report Canada had no longer a “Dominion of the British Empire” Canada should be self governing and independent Creates the Commonwealth of Nations Canada no longer has to talk to Britain through the Governor General

7 New Foreign Embassy Canada opens its own embassy in the US

8 1931 - The Statute of Westminster
Made the recommendations of Balfour Report law Canada bound by no other laws than its own Canada is completely self-governing

9 So we see... Canadians are turning away from British culture and attitudes Canadians start to see Canada as a distinct country, not just an extra part of Britain We begin to express our own ideas in world affairs and mange agreements with other countries without British approval

10 I am Canadian! Was this the start for Canada to develop our own unique culture?

11 Radio Broadcasting Nearly 300,000 radios in Canada
But very few Canadian radio stations By the end of the decade, less than 20% of what Canadians heard on the radio came from Canada So what were Canadians listening to?

12 The Aird Commission In 1928, the government appointed this royal commission to study the state of Canadian broadcasting Eventually the report would lead to the formation of the Canadian broadcasting Corporation in 1936

13 Motion Pictures Canadian Mack Sennett was a slient movie pioneer, with his Keystone Kops comedies, starring Charlie Chaplin As silent films gave way to the “talkies”, many Canadian actresses made their way into Hollywood

14 Mary Pickford: America’s Sweetheart

15 Automobiles Ford Model T

16 American Influences Canadians are getting more and more influence from the US with consumer products, magazines, radio programs, movies, recorded music, and more Has this trend continued?

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