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Classical roots LESSON 5: MORE OR LESS.

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Presentation on theme: "Classical roots LESSON 5: MORE OR LESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical roots LESSON 5: MORE OR LESS

2 ROOTS MIKROS <G. small MINUO, MINUI <L. to lessen
TENUO, TENUARE <L. to make thin SATIS <L. enough IMPLEO, IMPLERE <L. to fill

3 microbe an organism invisible to the naked eye, especially one that causes disease (bios <G. life)

4 (kosmos <G. universe)
microcosm A miniature world; something that resembles something else on a very small scale (kosmos <G. universe)

5 miniscule Extremely small

6 minutia a small or trivial detail

7 minutia? miniscule? microcosm?
PRACTICE! Which word means tiny? minutia? miniscule? microcosm? (miniscule)

8 minutia? miniscule? microcosm?
PRACTICE! Which word means a miniature model? minutia? miniscule? microcosm? (microcosm)

9 minutia? miniscule? microcosm?
PRACTICE! Which word means small details? minutia? miniscule? microcosm? (minutia)

10 microcosm? miniscule? microcosm?
PRACTICE! Which word means an organism invisible to the naked eye? microcosm? miniscule? microcosm? (microcosm)

11 Tenuo, tenuare, tenavi, tenuatum
To make thin, thin

12 attenuate To make slender or small
To weaken; to reduce in force or value

13 tenuous Thin in form Flimsy; having little substance or value

14 satis <L. enough

15 satiate To satisfy and appetite fully; to gratify to excess

16 satiate? attenuate? tenuous?
PRACTICE! Which word means to reduce something in value? satiate? attenuate? tenuous? (attenuate)

17 satiate? minutia? attenuate?
PRACTICE! Which word means to satisfy an appetite fully? satiate? minutia? attenuate? (satiate)

18 minuscule? satiate? tenuous?
PRACTICE! Which word means having little truth or validity? minuscule? satiate? tenuous? (tenuous)

19 impleo, implere, implevi, plenus
<L. to fill, full

20 comply To do as one is asked or ordered

21 implement A tool or utensil To carry out; to put into effect

22 replete Well-stocked or abundantly supplied
Completely filled; utterly satisfied

23 expletive An exclamation or oath, often obscene

24 comply? replete? implement?
PRACTICE! Which word is similar to satiated? comply? replete? implement? (replete)

25 comply? replete? expletive?
PRACTICE! Which word means to do as ordered? comply? replete? expletive? (tenuous)

26 Challenge! Sometimes brides are known to focus too much on the very small details, or ____________of their wedding day. (minutia)

27 Challenge! Malaria is caused by a _____________that can be transmitted by the bite of certain mosquitoes. (microbe)

28 Challenge! I like a novel __________with suspense. (replete)

29 Challenge! (microcosm)
The dollhouse was a replica, or a ____________, of the actual mansion. (microcosm)

30 Challenge! When a student does not _________with a substitute, he or she will get sent to the office! (comply)

31 Challenge! (attenuate)
The umbrella did little to ____________the effects of the hail and wind. (attenuate)

32 Challenge! After Thanksgiving dinner, we felt quite ____________. (replete)

33 Challenge! The student needed a tutor because he has only a ____________understanding of geometry. (tenuous)

34 Challenge! (implement)
The ASB was able to ____________a longer break and lunch period for the student body only after many meetings with the principal and the school board . (implement)

35 Challenge! The tourists ____________themselves in art, opera, and many good meals while they were on vacation. (satiated)

36 Challenge! (attenuate)
Earplugs will _____________the volume of the loud machinery. (attenuate)

37 Challenge! (miniscule)
Newborn baby shoes are seem ___________ in comparison to adult shoes. (miniscule)

38 Challenge! The local movie theater has had a ___________existence in recent years. Most go to see movies at Spectrum. (tenuous)

39 Challenge! Many ___________dinner guests lounged on the couches after the large meal. (satiated)

40 Challenge! (Expletives)
_____________are often bleeped-out or omitted from local tv programming. (Expletives)

41 Challenge! (implements)
To be well-prepared, students need to stock their backpacks with many ___________such as books, pencils, highlighters, and art supplies. (implements)

42 Challenge! Spiders spin webs with ________threads. (tenuous)

43 Challenge! (expletives)
The criminals shouted offensive __________at the cell guards. (expletives)

44 Challenge! (attenuate)
Forecasters expected the force of the hurricane to ____________throughout the course of the day. (attenuate)

45 Challenge! (microcosms)
Certain cities are used as focus groups, or as ____________, for the U.S. population. (microcosms)

46 Challenge! The scientists viewed the ____________with the assistance of the microscopes. (microbes)

47 Challenge! (microcosm)
That game was a ____________for the entire season of play. (microcosm)


49 NOUNS microbe microcosm minutia implement expletive

50 ADJECTIVES miniscule tenuous replete

51 VERBS attenuate satiate comply

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