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Labor Administration, Labor Inspection and

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1 Labor Administration, Labor Inspection and
4th ACSH Workshop on National OSH Strategies Luxembourg, October OSH Strategies in the Future World of Work Nancy Leppink, Chief Labor Administration, Labor Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch International Labor Organization-Geneva

2 Future world of work is being defined by accelerating mega-drivers of change in:
Technology Production of Goods/Delivery of Services Demographics Environment Globalization

3 Change in the World of Work:
Challenge / Opportunity? Inevitable / Avoidable / Shapeable? Ability of OSH Strategies to adapt? New OSH Strategies needed?

4 Foundational concepts of OSH Strategies:
Prevention Systems Approach

5 Prevention: Regulation of hazards and risks Hazard and risk assessment
OSH Management Systems Mechanisms for worker participation Support for health and well-being

6 Future of Prevention: Regulation of preventive action in addition to hazards and risks. All work has an impact on the safety and health of workers – no work or conditions of work are neutral. “Wait and See” is no longer sufficient approach – need to better predict impact of work and working conditions on worker’s health and safety. Additional systems and actors responsible for prevention - actors in global supply chains, workplace designers, developers of technology, chemical manufacturers, . . . Actions are the drivers of a culture of prevention Psychosocial hazards, working conditions – precarious work, shift work Research and data is sufficient to predict hazards and risks before they are introduced into the workplace And this requires actors in addition to employers to begin assessing hazards and risks before they enter the workplace

7 Systems Approach Necessary Components:
Laws and regulations Enforcement/Compliance Employer/Employee Competency Data and Indicators Mechanism for Social Dialogue Employment Injury Insurance Protections Occupational Health Services OSH Professionals and Research Institutions Financial resources for investment in OSH Demand for OSH

8 Future of Systems Approach
The components of the system will need to adapt to change in world of work Need for cross boarder, regional and international systems. Integration of OSH into other systems – education, health, economic development, finance and investment, trade. Need for new components Capacity in all components of the system are necessary to improve and importantly to sustain national OSH performance. Components of the system need to collaborate and work in concert to have the greatest impact on OSH performance. Future of Systems Approach Enforcement/Compliance MSMEs

9 Laws and Regulations Responsible Actors and Scope of Responsibility
Protected Actors and Scope of Protections Places of work “Future proof” prevention Regulation of action Integration of OSH into other legal frameworks

10 Enforcement and Compliance
Strategic Enforcement and Compliance Data-driven Targeted Tailored Multi-faceted Multi-Stakeholder Technology

11 Employer and Worker Competencies
Basic Awareness – start early Multiple actors Multiple touch points Multiple access points Individualized Portable

12 Social Dialogue Mechanism for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Mechanisms for Worker participation Engagement of the unrepresented

13 Data and Indicators Better Injury, illness and fatality data
Better estimates of injury, illness and fatality data and related economic implications Better information and data that informs OSH strategies Leading indicators that drive and reinforce ”good practices” and ”good policies” at workplace, national, regional and international levels. Innovation in gathering and analyzing data and information. OSH information System

14 Cross-boarder, regional and international systems
Mobility of workers and work Import and export of hazardous agents and equipment Global Supply Chains National Labour Authority National Labour Authority: Labour mobility provide national authorities with operational and technical support to exchange information, develop day-to-day cooperation routines, carry out inspections and, if necessary, settle disputes. Ensure synergies with existing EU agencies by relying on their expertise in terms of skills forecasting, health and safety at work, the management of company restructuring and tackling undeclared work. Integrate a number of existing committees and networks, thereby simplifying cooperation amongst EU countries and eliminating fragmentation.

15 Integration of OSH in other Systems
Education Health Economic Development

16 New Components Technology & Data

17 Leverage the Change Technology (internet of things, block chain, big data) Global Supply Chains Common challenges – common solutions

18 Thank You

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