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GST Annual Return And Audit
GOODS AND SERVICES TAX Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants
44. (1) Every registered person, other than an Input Service Distributor, a person paying tax under section 51 or section 52, a casual taxable person and a non-resident taxable person, shall furnish an annual return for every financial year electronically in such form and manner as may be prescribed on or before the thirty-first day of December following the end of such financial year. (2) Every registered person who is required to get his accounts audited in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (5) of section 35 shall furnish, electronically, the annual return under sub-section (1) along with a copy of the audited annual accounts and a reconciliation statement, reconciling the value of supplies declared in the return furnished for the financial year with the audited annual financial statement, and such other particulars as may be prescribed.
80. Annual return.-(1) Every registered person, other than an Input Service Distributor, a person paying tax under section 51 or section 52, a casual taxable person and a non resident taxable person, shall furnish an annual return as specified under sub-section (1) of section 44 electronically in FORM GSTR-9 through the common portal either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner: Provided that a person paying tax under section 10 shall furnish the annual return in FORM GSTR-9A. (2) Every electronic commerce operator required to collect tax at source under section 52 shall furnish annual statement referred to in sub-section (5) of the said section in FORM GSTR -9B.
Section 35(5) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 reads as follows: Every registered person whose turnover during a financial year exceeds the prescribed limit shall get his accounts audited by a chartered accountant or a cost accountant and shall submit a copy of the audited annual accounts, the reconciliation statement under sub-section (2) of section 44 and such other documents in such form and manner as may be prescribed. Rule 80(3) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 reads as follows: Every registered person whose aggregate turnover during a financial year exceeds two crore rupees shall get his accounts audited as specified under sub-section (5) of section 35 and he shall furnish a copy of audited annual accounts and a reconciliation statement, duly certified, in FORM GSTR-9C, electronically through the common portal either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner
The salient points which emerge out of a plain reading of the above provisions are as follows:
The Act and Rules require a ‘registered person’ to have his accounts audited A “person” has been defined under section 2(84) of the CGST Act, 2017 as follows: (84) “person” includes— an individual; a Hindu Undivided Family; a company; a firm; a Limited Liability Partnership; an association of persons or a body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, in India or outside India; any corporation established by or under any Central Act, State Act or Provincial Act or a Government company as defined in clause (45) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013; any body corporate incorporated by or under the laws of a country outside India; a co-operative society registered under any law relating to co-operative societies; a local authority; Central Government or a State Government; society as defined under the Societies Registration Act, 1860; trust; and every artificial juridical person, not falling within any of the above;
It is to be noted that the definition of a person is an inclusive definition having a very wide import. The definition of a person includes all possible entities including “every artificial juridical person”. However, for a person to be subject to GST Audit, the person has to be registered under Section 25 of the CGST Act, 2017. As per Section 2(94) of the CGST Act, 2017, “registered person” means a person who is registered under section 25 but does not include a person having a Unique Identity Number; Section 25 of the CGST Act, 2017 covers every person who is compulsorily required to be registered under sections 22 and 24 of the CGST Act, 2017 and persons who obtain voluntary registration. Therefore, registered person shall mean every person who is registered under the CGST Act, 2017, whether compulsory or voluntary. The only exception is specialised agency of the United Nations Organisation or any Multilateral Financial Institution and Organisation notified under the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947, Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries; and any other person or class of persons, as may be notified by the Commissioner, which have been granted a Unique Identity Number. Therefore, persons having an UIN under the CGST Act, 2017 do not fall within the definition of a registered person and are not required to be subjected to GST Audit.
The registered person will be required to have his accounts audited if his turnover during a financial year exceeds the limit prescribed in the rules. The rules specify a limit of two crore rupees of aggregate turnover in a financial year. Aggregate turnover has been defined under section 2(6) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 to mean the aggregate value of all taxable supplies (excluding the value of inward supplies on which tax is payable by a person on reverse charge basis), exempt supplies, exports of goods or services or both and inter-State supplies of persons having the same Permanent Account Number, to be computed on all India basis but excludes central tax, State tax, Union territory tax, integrated tax and cess; Therefore, the total value of all income of the registered persons having the same Permanent Account Number needs to be considered for ascertaining the aggregate turnover of a registered person and thereby determining the applicability of GST Audit is respect of the same.
Person and Distinct person
As per section 25 (4) of the CGST Act, 2017, A person who has obtained or is required to obtain more than one registration, whether in one State or Union territory or more than one State or Union territory shall, in respect of each such registration, be treated as distinct persons for the purposes of this Act. Therefore, if a registered person has more than one registration whether in a single state or more than one states, he shall be treated as a distinct person for the purpose of each registration. Since, each registration is distinct, a registered person will have to comply with GST Audit requirements separately for each registration as a distinct person. Instruction No. 26 to the FORM 9C states that the reconciliation statement is to be filed for every GSTIN separately. Further, instructions in respect of Sl. No 5A specify that in cases where multiple GSTINs (State-wise) registrations exist on the same PAN, such persons / entities, will have to internally derive their GSTIN wise turnover and declare the same in Form 9C.
Persons who have failed to register
The GST Audit is to be conducted for a registered person. A registered person is a person who is registered under section 25 of the CGST Act, 2017. In case a person is required to register under section 22 or section 24 of the CGST Act, 2017 and has failed to obtain such registration, whether it is the liability of such person to have his accounts audited under section 35(5) of the CGST Act, 2017. As per section 25(8) of the CGST Act, 2017 read with Rule 16 of the CGST Rules, 2017, where a person who is liable to be registered under the CGST Act fails to obtain registration, the proper officer may proceed to register such person on a temporary basis. Such person has the option to regularize his registration within 90 days by submitting the registration form or he may appeal against grant of temporary registration. Therefore, there may be two situations in case where a person who was required to register under the CGST Act, 2017 and such person has failed to obtain such registration The person is granted suo moto registration by the Department The person remains unregistered In situation (a), the person will be required to comply with the requirement of GST Audit as suo moto registration is also covered by section 25 and therefore, such person falls within the definition of “registered person” In situation (b), since the person is not a “registered person”, he will not be subject to GST Audit.
Unregistered Persons (branches)
Registration under section 22(1) of the CGST Act, 2017 is compulsory for a supplier in the State or Union territory, from where he makes a taxable supply of goods or services. Therefore, if a person is registered under GST in a particular State, he may not obtain a registration for his branch office in another State or Union territory if he makes no taxable supplies of goods or services from that State or Union territory. In such a case, whether such registered person is required to comply with the requirement of GST Audit for the unregistered branch? Section 35(5) requires every “registered person” to get his accounts audited. Further, as per section 25(1) of the CGST Act, 2017, every person who is liable to be registered under section 22 or section 24 shall apply for registration in “every such State or Union territory” in which he is so liable. If a registered person has more than one registration whether in a single state or more than one states, he shall be treated as a distinct person for the purpose of each registration. Further, as per section 25(5) of the CGST Act, 2017 where a person who has obtained or is required to obtain registration in a State or Union territory in respect of an establishment, has an establishment in another State or Union territory, then such establishments shall be treated as establishments of distinct persons for the purposes of this Act.
Therefore, the unregistered branch in another State/ Union territory is an establishment of a distinct person and will not be treated as a person registered under section 25 of the CGST Act, 2017. Further, in Sl. 5A of Form GSTR 9C, “Turnover (including exports) as per audited financial statements for the State / UT” is to be mentioned. Therefore, the unregistered branch will not be covered under the ambit of GST Audit, the scope of which shall be restricted to the audit of accounts of the registered person in the State/ Union territory in which he is registered.
Separation of accounts of distinct person
For the purpose of the GST Law, where a registered person has multiple registrations or multiple establishments, each such registered person is a distinct person. GST audit will have to be conducted separately for each distinct registered person. The audited annual financial statements are prepared on a consolidated basis for the multiple GSTIN under same PAN. Therefore, the accounts of distinct persons need to be segregated for reporting the figures in Form GSTR 9C. Segregation of Turnover The Sl. 5A reads as follows: Turnover (including exports) as per audited financial statements for the State / UT (For multi-GSTIN units under same PAN the turnover shall be derived from the audited Annual Financial Statement)
The instructions to Sl. 5A read as follows:
The turnover as per the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. There may be cases where multiple GSTINs (State-wise) registrations exist on the same PAN. This is common for persons / entities with presence over multiple States. Such persons / entities, will have to internally derive their GSTIN wise turnover and declare the same here. This shall include export turnover (if any). It may be noted that reference to audited Annual Financial Statement includes reference to books of accounts in case of persons / entities having presence over multiple States. Deemed Supply under Schedule I is to be reflected in Sl. 5D. Supply of goods or services or both between related persons or between distinct persons as specified in section 25, when made in the course or furtherance of business is covered under Schedule I. Therefore, while segregating the accounts of a distinct persons following has to be kept in mind The turnover in 5A shall reflect the turnover as per the audited financial statements divided between the distinct persons on the basis of their respective GSTIN Branch transfers (which is usually not a part of the turnover reflected in the Audited Financial Statements) shall not be shown in 5A Branch transfers which form a part of Deemed Supply under Schedule I shall be reflected separately under Sl. 5D Turnover from April 2017 to June 2017 is to be reduced under 5G. The same shall also be ascertained separately for separate distinct persons.
Segregation of Input Tax Credit
ITC availed as per audited Annual Financial Statement for the State/ UT is required to be reflected in the Sl. No. 12A. It is to be noted that for multi-GSTIN units under same PAN this should be derived from books of accounts. Therefore, all input tax credit reflected in the books of accounts related to a distinct person should be reflected here. Any ITC arising out of inter branch transfer should also be reflected in this Sl. No. itself. Under Sl No. 14, ITC availed further needs to be segregated into ITC on various expenses like purchases, freight, power and fuel, imported goods, rent and insurance, goods stolen destroyed etc, royalties, employees cost, conveyance charges, bank charges, entertainment charges, stationery expenses, repair and maintenance, other miscellaneous expenses and capital goods. It may be possible that the expenses may be reflecting in the accounts of a particular distinct person while credit may have been taken under the GSTIN of another distinct person. The segregation of the expenses will have to be done on the basis of the credit taken as the value of the expense is also required to be shown in Sl No. 14 along with ITC availed in respect of each expense.
Distinct persons outside India
As per the GST Law, definition of distinct persons and distinct establishments is restricted to the establishments and registrations within India. In case of branch offices outside India, the same will fall under “non-taxable territory” meaning the territory which is outside the taxable territory. Therefore, the transactions conducted by the same will not be covered by the GST Regulations. However, if such branch office supplies certain services to the registered person in India and place of supply of such services is within India, the same will be subject to GST under reverse charge mechanism to be discharged by the recipient of the service. For the purpose of GST Audit, the turnover of the foreign branch should be excluded from the turnover calculated in Sl No. 5A. The value of services imported from the foreign branch on which GST has been paid under reverse charge mechanism should be included by the registered person under Sl No. 7D.
FORM GSTR-9 Annual Return
Pt.1 Basic Details 1 Financial Year 2 GSTIN 3A Legal Name 3B Trade Name (if any)
Terms used: a. GSTIN: Goods and Services Tax Identification Number b. UQC: Unit Quantity Code c. HSN: Harmonized System of Nomenclature Code INSTRUCTION 2 The details for the period between July 2017 to March 2018 are to be provided in this return. It is mandatory to file all your FORM GSTR-1 and FORM GSTR-3B for the FY before filing this return. INSERTED Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
It may be noted that additional liability for the FY not declared in FORM GSTR-1 and FORM GSTR-3B may be declared in this return. However, taxpayers cannot claim input tax credit unclaimed during FY through this return.. INSERTED It may be noted that all the supplies for which payment has been made through FORM GSTR-3B between July 2017 to March 2018 shall be declared in this part SUBSTITUTED INSTRUCTION 4 Part II consists of the details of all outward supplies & advances received during the financial year for which the annual return is filed. The details filled in Part II is a consolidation of all the supplies declared by the taxpayer in the returns filed during the financial year. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Made Pt. II Details of Outward and inward supplies declared during the financial year (Amount in Rs. in all tables) Nature of Supplies Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 3 4 5 6 Details of advances, inward and outward supplies on which tax is payable as declared in returns filed during the financial year A Supplies made to unregistered persons (B2C) B Supplies made to registered persons (B2B) C Zero rated supply (Export) on payment of tax (except supplies to SEZs) D Supply to SEZs on payment of tax E Deemed Exports
Table 4A. Supplies made to unregistered Persons (B2C)
Aggregate value of supplies made to consumers and unregistered persons on which tax has been paid shall be declared here. These will include details of supplies made through E-Commerce operators and are to be declared as net of credit notes or debit notes issued in this regard. Table 5, Table 7 along with respective amendments in Table 9 and Table 10 of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under Supplies made to unregistered Persons (B2C) along with their values: Intra-State supply to consumer in August 2017 as reported in GSTR 1: Rs. 30,00,000 (b) Inter-State supply to consumer in September 2017 as reported in GSTR 1: 40,00,000 (c) Intra-State supply incorrectly shown as supply to consumer in October 2017 and rectified as B2B supply in May 2018: 10,00,000 (d) Inter-State supply to consumer incorrectly shown with value of Rs. 5,00,000 in November 2017 and rectified with value of Rs. 7,00,000 in March 2018 (e) Credit note issued in March 2018 of Rs. 2,00,000 in respect of intra-State supplies made to consumers in December 2017 for Rs. 5,00,000 (f) Credit note issued in April 2018 of Rs. 1,00,000 in respect of inter-State supplies made to consumers in January 2018 for Rs. 3,00,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 4B. Supplies made to Registered Persons (B2B)
Aggregate value of supplies made to registered persons (including supplies made to UINs) on which tax has been paid shall be declared here. These will include supplies made through E-Commerce operators but shall not include supplies on which tax is to be paid by the recipient on reverse charge basis. Details of debit and credit notes are to be mentioned separately. Table 4A and Table 4C of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under Supplies made to Registered Persons (B2B) along with their values:- Intra-State supply to Registered Persons in July 2017 as reported in GSTR 1: Rs. 10,00,000 (b) Inter-State supply to consumer in October 2017 as reported in GSTR 1: 25,00,000 (c) Intra-State supply incorrectly shown as supply to consumer in October 2017 and rectified as B2B supply in March 2018: 10,00,000 (d) Inter-State supply to Registered Persons incorrectly shown with value of Rs. 5,00,000 in November 2017 and rectified with value of Rs. 7,00,000 in May 2018 (e) Credit note issued in March 2018 of Rs. 2,00,000 in respect of intra-State supplies made to Registered Persons in December 2017 for Rs. 5,00,000 (f) Credit note issued in April 2018 of Rs. 1,00,000 in respect of inter-State supplies made to Registered Persons in January 2018 for Rs. 3,00,000 (g) Outward supplies taxable under reverse charge basis in February 2018 as reported in GSTR 1: Rs. 5,00,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants
Table 4C. Zero rated supply (Export) on payment of tax (except supplies to SEZs)
Aggregate value of exports (except supplies to SEZs) on which tax has been paid shall be declared here. Table 6A of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
IILUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under zero rated supply (Export) on payment of tax (except supplies to SEZs) along with their values: Goods exported to USA in November without payment of tax as reported in GSTR 1: Rs (b) Export invoice of Rs not shown in Table 6A of GSTR 1 in October 2017 and later disclosed in May The said invoice was with payment of tax. (c) Exports with payment of tax incorrectly shown with value of Rs. 25,00,000 in November 2017 and rectified with value of Rs. 30,00,000 in March 2018 (d) Exports with payment of tax incorrectly shown as SEZs supplies in Table 6B of GSTR 1 rectified in April 2018: Rs 50000 (e) Credit note issued in March 2018 of Rs. 6,00,000 in respect of exports made in January 2018 for Rs. 12,00,000. The original exports were with payment of tax. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 4D. Supply to SEZs on payment of tax
Aggregate value of supplies to SEZs on which tax has been paid shall be declared here. Table 6B of GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under supply to SEZs on payment of tax along with their values: Goods supplied to SEZ unit in November without payment of tax as reported in GSTR 1: Rs (b) Supplies to SEZ developer with payment of tax worth Rs belonging to October2017 was disclosed in May 2018 (c) Supplies to SEZ unit with payment of tax incorrectly shown with value of Rs. 25,00,000in November 2017 and rectified with value of Rs. 30,00,000 in March 2018 (d) Supplies to SEZ unit with payment of tax incorrectly shown as deemed export in Table 6C of GSTR 1 rectified in April 2018: Rs 50000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table. 4E. Deemed export Aggregate value of supplies in the nature of deemed exports on which tax has been paid shall be declared here. Table 6C of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under deemed export on payment of tax along with their values: Supply of goods to EOU in September 2017: Rs (b) Supply of goods against advance authorization in December 2017: Rs Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Made Pt. II Details of Outward and inward supplies declared during the financial year (Amount in Rs. in all tables) Nature of Supplies Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of advances, inward and outward supplies on which tax is payable as declared in returns filed during the financial year F Advances on which tax has been paid but invoice has not been issued (not covered under (A) to (E) above) G Inward supplies on which tax is to be paid on reverse charge basis H Sub-total (A to G above) I Credit Notes issued in respect of transactions specified in (B) to (E) above (-) J Debit Notes issued in respect of transactions specified in (B) to (E) above (+)
Table 4F. Advances on which tax has been paid but invoice has not been issued
Details of all unadjusted advances i.e. advance has been received and tax has been paid but invoice has not been issued in the current year shall be declared here. Table 11A of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under advances on which tax has been paid but invoice has not been issued in respect of outward supplies along with their values: (a) Advances received against outward supply to consumers in the month of August 2017: Rs The supply was made and disclosed in GSTR 1 in the month of December 2017 for Rs (b) Advances received against outward supply to Registered Persons in the month of November 2017: Rs The supply was made and disclosed in GSTR 1 in the month of May 2018 for Rs Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 4G. Inward supplies on which tax is to be paid on reverse charge basis
Aggregate value of all inward supplies (including advances and net of credit and debit notes) on which tax is to be paid by the recipient ( the person filing the annual return) on reverse charge basis. This shall include supplies received from registered persons, unregistered persons on which tax is levied on reverse charge basis. This shall also include aggregate value of all import of services. Table 3.1(d) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under inward supplies received on reverse charge basis along with their values: Intra state supply received from GTA (charging 12%) in January 2018 reported incorrectly in ‘Table 3.1(a) - Inward supplies liable to reverse charge’ of GSTR 3B: Rs This was rectified in the month of August 2018. (b) Professional services received from an unregistered supplier was received on 15th July 2017 for Rs was not in GSTR 3B even though the limit of Rs 5000 as per section 9(4) of CGST Act was crossed. This has not been corrected till date. (c) Remuneration paid to non-executive directors in November 2017 not shown in GSTR 3B for Rs.4,00,000. This was later disclosed, and tax was paid under reverse charge basis in Table 3.1(d) of GSTR 3B in March 2018 (d) Inward supplies liable to reverse charge in Table 3.1(d) of GSTR 3B incorrectly shown as Rs in November 2017 but later rectified as Rs in April 2018 (e) Input tax Credit on reverse charge supplies availed in Table 4A (3) of GSTR 3B but same not shown as part of inward supplies liable to reverse charge under Table 3.1 (d) of GSTR 3B in January 2018: Rs This has not been rectified till date. (f) CGST and SGST paid on inward supplies liable to reverse charge in Table 3.1(d) of GSTR 3B in March 2018 instead of IGST and rectified in May 2018: 30000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 4I. Credit notes issued in respect of transactions specified in (B) to (E) above
Aggregate value of credit notes issued in respect of B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E) shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under credit notes issued in respect of outward supplies along with their values: Credit note issued in March 2018 of Rs. 2,00,000 in respect of intra state supplies made to Registered Persons in December 2017 for Rs. 5,00,000 (b) Credit note issued in April 2018 of Rs. 1,00,000 in respect of interstate supplies made to consumers in January 2018 for Rs. 3,00,000 (c) X Ltd issued a credit note worth Rs 20,000 against supply made in November. However, in GSTR 1 it was furnished as debit note. The error was rectified in April 2018 (d) Credit note issued in respect of intra state supplies made to consumer in August 2017: Rs 25000 (e) Credit note issued in September 2017 for Rs wherein GST has not been charged as it could not satisfy the conditions of being treated as discount under section 15(3) of the CGST Act. The original invoice was issued in the month of July 2017 for Rs Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 4J. Debit notes issued in respect of transactions specified in (B) to (E) above
Aggregate value of debit notes issued in respect of B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E) shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under credit notes issued in respect of outward supplies along with their values: Debit note issued in March 2018 of Rs. 2,00,000 in respect of intra state supplies made to Registered Persons in December 2017 for Rs. 5,00,000 (b) Debit note issued in April 2018 of Rs. 1,00,000 in respect of interstate supplies made to Registered Persons in January 2018 for Rs. 3,00,000 (c) Y Ltd issued a debit note worth Rs against supply made in November. However, in GSTR 1 it was furnished as credit note. The error was rectified in April 2018 (d) Debit note issued in respect of intra state supplies made to consumer in August 2017: Rs 15000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Made Pt. II Details of Outward and inward supplies declared during the financial year (Amount in Rs. in all tables) Nature of Supplies Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of advances, inward and outward supplies on which tax is payable as declared in returns filed during the financial year K Supplies / tax declared through Amendments (+) L Supplies / tax reduced through Amendments (-) M Sub-total (I to L above) N Supplies and advances on which tax is to be paid (H + M) above
Table 4K and 4L. Supplies / tax declared through amendments
Details of amendments made to B to B supplies (4B), exports (4C), supplies to SEZs (4D) and deemed exports (4E), credit notes (4I), debit notes (4J) and refund vouchers shall be declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of the reporting under credit notes issued in respect of outward supplies along with their values: GSTIN of party incorrectly furnished in GSTR 1 of November 2017 and later rectified in April 2018. (b) M Ltd exported goods worth Rs to USA in October Shipping bills number was mentioned incorrectly in Table 6A of GSTR 1 and later the same was amended in November 2017 (c) taxable value of a B2B supply was Rs as disclosed in the GSTR 1 for the month of August However, IGST of Rs was shown instead of Rs This was rectified in the month of February 2018. (d) taxable value of a B2C supply was Rs as disclosed in the GSTR 1 for the month of August However, IGST of Rs was shown instead of Rs This was rectified in the month of March 2018. (e) Incorrect taxable value of Rs was shown in December 2017 in B2B supply which was rectified as Rs in the amendment Table in GSTR 1 in July 2018. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Made Pt. II Details of Outward and inward supplies declared during the financial year (Amount in ₹ in all tables) Nature of Supplies Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of Outward supplies on which tax is not payable as declared in returns filed during the financial year A Zero rated supply (Export) without payment of tax B Supply to SEZs without payment of tax C Supplies on which tax is to be paid by the recipient on reverse charge basis D Exempted E Nil Rated
Table 5A: Zero Rated Supply (Export) without payment of tax
Aggregate value of exports (except supplies to SEZs) on which tax has not been paid shall be declared here. Table 6A of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Mr. A made two exports one to China against LUT without charging any tax of INR lacs and another to USA after charging 18% of Rs lacs. Both these exports were reported by him in Table 6A of GSTR 1. However, while filling up the GSTR 9, he has to report only the exports made to China i.e. without payment of tax. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
5B: Supply to SEZs without payment of tax
Aggregate value of supplies to SEZs on which tax has not been paid shall be declared here. Table 6B of GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Mr. A has made two supplies to SEZ one against LUT without charging any tax of INR 10.00 lacs and another after charging 18% of Rs lacs. Both these supplies were reported by him in Table 6B of GSTR 1. However, while filling up the GSTR 9, he has to report only the supplies made without payment of tax. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5C: Supplies on which tax is to be paid by the recipient on reverse charge basis
Services provided by an individual advocate including a senior advocate or firm of advocates by way of legal services, directly or indirectly to any business entity located in taxable territory. The value of such services shall be reported in Table-5C of GSTR 9. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table. 5D,5E and 5F : Exempted, Nil Rated and Non-GST supplies
Aggregate value of exempted, Nil Rated and Non-GST supplies shall be declared here. Table 8 of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. The value of “no supply” shall also be declared here. SUBSTITUTED The value of ―no supply shall be declared under Non-GST supply (5F) Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Made Pt. II Details of Outward and inward supplies declared during the financial year (Amount in ₹ in all tables) Nature of Supplies Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of Outward supplies on which tax is not payable as declared in returns filed during the financial year F Non-GST supply G Sub-total (A to F above) H Credit Notes issued in respect of transactions specified in A to F above (-) I Debit Notes issued in respect of transactions specified in A to F above (+) J Supplies declared through Amendments (+)
Table 5H: Credit Notes issued in respect of transactions specified in A to F above
Aggregate value of credit notes issued in respect of supplies declared in 5A,5B,5C, 5D, 5E and 5F shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Mr. A made two exports in the month of September 2017, one to China against LUT without charging any tax of INR lacs and another to USA after charging 18% of Rs lacs. Later on, he issued a credit note of Rs. 50,000/- in January 2018 to both the parties on account of price variance. Credit note to China party was issued under LUT whereas credit note to U.S.A. party was issued with to reverse output liability. Both these credit notes were reported by him in Table 9B of GSTR 1. However, while filling up the GSTR 9, he has to report only the credit notes issued to China party i.e. without payment of tax. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table5I: Debit Notes issued in respect of transactions specified in A to F above (+)
Aggregate value of debit notes issued in respect of supplies declared in 5A,5B,5C, 5D, 5E and 5F shall be declared here. Table 9B of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Mr. A made two exports in the month of September 2017, one to China against LUT without charging any tax of Rs lacs and another to USA after charging 18% of Rs lacs. Later on, he issued a debit note of Rs. 50,000/- in January 2018 to both the parties on account of price variance. Debit note to China party was issued under LUT whereas debit note to U.S.A. party was issued with to increase the output liability. Both these debit notes were reported by him in Table-9B of GSTR 1. However, while filling up the GSTR 9, he has to report only the debit notes issued to China party i.e. without payment of tax. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5J & 5K : Supplies declared through Amendments & Supplies reduced through Amendments
Details of amendments made to exports (except supplies to SEZs) and supplies to SEZs on which tax has not been paid shall be declared here. Table 9A and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Mr. A made supplies of Rs. 5 lakhs to SEZ unit in the month of August While filing details in GSTR 1, his accountant made a typographical error and entered the invoice value of Rs. 4 lakhs in Table-6B of GSTR 1. Mr. A noticed this mistake in the month of November 2017 and corrected the invoice value in Table-9A of GSTR 1 for the month of November. Details of these amendments are to be reported in this Table. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION Mr. A made supplies of Rs.5 lakhs to SEZ unit in the month of August While filing details In GSTR 1, his accountant made a typographical error and entered the invoice value of Rs. 6 lakhs in Table-6B of GSTR 1. Mr. A noticed this mistake in the month of November 2017 and corrected the invoice value in Table 9A of GSTR 1 for the month of November. Details of these amendments are to be reported in this Table. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Made Pt. II Details of Outward and inward supplies declared during the financial year (Amount in ₹ in all tables) Nature of Supplies Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of Outward supplies on which tax is not payable as declared in returns filed during the financial year K Supplies reduced through Amendments (-) L Sub-Total (H to K above) M Turnover on which tax is not to be paid (G + L above) N Total Turnover (including advances) (4N + 5M - 4G above)
Instruction 5: Part III consists of the details of all input tax credit availed and reversed in the financial year for which the annual return is filed Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
FOR DURING Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of ITC availed as declared in returns filed during the financial year A Total amount of input tax credit availed through FORM GSTR-3B (sum total of Table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B) <Auto> B Inward supplies (other than imports and inward supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs) Inputs Capital Goods Input Services C Inward supplies received from unregistered persons liable to reverse charge (other than B above) on which tax is paid & ITC availed D Inward supplies received from registered persons liable to reverse charge (other than B above) on which tax is paid and ITC availed E Import of goods (including supplies from SEZs)
Table 6A: Total input tax credit availed
Total input tax credit availed in Table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B for the taxpayer would be auto-populated here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table . 6B. Inward supplies (other than imports and inward supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs) Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies except those on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis but includes supply of services received from SEZs shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs, capital goods and input services. Table 4(A)(5) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. This shall not include ITC which was availed, reversed and then reclaimed in the ITC ledger. This is to be declared separately under 6(H) below. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit for the month of August 2017 includes the following: Input tax credit on purchase of inputs: Rs. 3,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on purchase of input services: Rs. 4,00,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of capital goods: Rs. 5,00,000 (d) Input tax credit on import of goods as per bill of entries: Rs. 250,000 (e) Credit notes in respect of purchases made in July 2017: Rs. 50,000 (f) Input tax Credit available against self-invoice for payment made to GTA: Rs. 20,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6C. Inward supplies received from un-registered Persons liable to reverse charge (other than B above) on which tax is paid and ITC availed Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies received from unregistered persons (other than import of services) on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs, capital goods and input services. Table 4(A)(3) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit for the month of August 2017 includes the following: Input tax credit on purchase of inputs: Rs. 3,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on purchase of input services: Rs. 4,00,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of capital goods: 5,00,000 (d) Input tax credit on purchase from unregistered supplier: Rs. 10,000 (e) Input tax credit on import of goods as per bill of entries: Rs. 250,000 (f) Credit notes in respect of purchases made in July 2017: Rs. 50,000 (g) Input tax Credit available for payment made to registered GTA: Rs. 20,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6D: Inward supplies received from Registered Persons liable to reverse charge (other than B above) on which tax is paid and ITC availed Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies received from registered persons on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs, capital goods and input services. Table 4(A)(3) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit for the month of August 2017 includes the following, which one of the following transactions shall be reported in this table. Input tax credit on purchase of inputs: Rs. 3,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on purchase of input services: Rs. 4,00,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of capital goods: Rs. 5,00,000 (d) Input tax credit on purchase from unregistered supplier: Rs. 10,000 (e) Input tax credit on import of goods as per bill of entries: Rs. 250,000 (f) Credit notes in respect of purchases made in July 2017: Rs. 50,000 (g) Input tax Credit on payment under reverse charge from registered GTA: Rs. 20,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6E: Import of goods (including supplies from SEZs)
Details of input tax credit availed on import of goods including supply of goods received from SEZs shall be declared here. It may be noted that the total ITC availed is to be classified as ITC on inputs and capital goods. Table 4(A)(1) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit for the month of August 2017 includes the following, which one of the following transactions shall be reported in this table. Input tax credit on purchase of inputs: Rs. 3,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on purchase of input services: Rs. 4,00,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of capital goods: Rs. 5,00,000 (d) Input tax credit on purchase from unregistered supplier: RS. 10,000 (e) Input tax credit on import of goods as per bill of entries: Rs. 250,000 (f) Credit notes in respect of purchases made in July 2017: Rs. 50,000 (g) Input tax Credit available for payment made to registered GTA: Rs. 20,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
FOR DURING Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of ITC availed as declared in returns filed during the financial year F Import of services (excluding inward supplies from SEZs) G Input Tax credit received from ISD H Amount of ITC reclaimed (other than B above) under the provisions of the Act I Sub-total (B to H above) J Difference (I - A above)
Table 6F: Import of services (excluding inward supplies from SEZs) 6F Import
Details of input tax credit availed on import of services (excluding inward supplies from SEZs) shall be declared here. Table 4(A)(2) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit for the month of August 2017 includes the following: Input tax credit on purchase of inputs: Rs. 3,00,000 (B) Input tax credit on purchase of input services: Rs. 4,00,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of capital goods: Rs. 5,00,00 (d) Input tax credit on purchase from unregistered supplier: Rs. 10,000 (e) Input tax credit on import of goods as per bill of entries: Rs. 250,000 (f) Input tax credit of tax paid under reverse charge on import of services: Rs. 100,000 (g) Credit notes in respect of purchases made in July 2017: Rs. 50,000 (h) Input tax Credit available for payment made to registered GTA: Rs. 20,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6G: Input tax credit received from ISD
Aggregate value of input tax credit received from input service distributor shall be declared here. Table 4(A)(4) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit for the month of August 2017 includes the following: Input tax credit on purchase of inputs: Rs. 3,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on purchase of input services: RS. 4,00,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of capital goods: Rs. 5,00,000 (d) Input tax credit on purchase from unregistered supplier: Rs. 10,000 (e) Input tax credit on import of goods as per bill of entries: Rs. 250,000 (f) Input tax credit of tax paid under reverse charge on import of services: Rs. 100,000 (g) Input tax Credit on invoice of ISD: Rs. 25,000 (h) Credit notes in respect of purchases made in July 2017: Rs. 50,000 (i) Input tax Credit available for payment made to registered GTA: Rs. 20,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6H: Amount of ITC reclaimed (other than B above) under the provisions of the Act
ITC reversed on account of non-payment to vendor within one hundred and eighty days. When payment is made, the Registered Person is eligible to reclaim the credit. Such credits are to be reported in Table 6H. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
The difference between the total amount of input tax credit availed through FORM GSTR-3B and input tax credit declared in row B to H shall be declared here. Ideally, this amount should be zero. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
FOR DURING Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 Details of ITC availed as declared in returns filed during the financial year K Transition Credit through TRAN-I (including revisions if any) L Transition Credit through TRAN-II M Any other ITC availed but not specified above N Sub-total (K to M above) O Total ITC availed (I + N above)
Details of transition credit received in the electronic credit ledger on filing of FORM GST TRAN-I including revision of TRAN-I (whether upwards or downwards), if any shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Details of transition credit received in the electronic credit ledger on filing of FORM GST TRAN-Ii if any shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6M. Any other ITC availed but not specified above
1. Credit availed under section 18(1)(a) to 18(1)(d) of the CGST Act, 2017 it to be disclosed in table 6M 2. Credit availed under section 18(3) read with Rule 41(1) of CGST Rules, 2017 on account of sale, merger, demerger, amalgamation, lease or transfer of a business is to be disclosed in table 6M Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
FOR Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Details of ITC Reversed and Ineligible ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year A As per Rule 37 180 days B As per Rule 39 ISD C As per Rule 42 Exempt, non business D As per Rule 43 capital goods E As per section 17(5) blocked credit
Sl. No. 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G and 7H. Details of input tax credit reversed due to ineligibility or reversals required shall be declared here. Details of input tax credit reversed due to ineligibility or reversals required under rule 37, 39,42 and 43 of the CGST Rules, 2017 shall be declared here. This column should also contain details of any input tax credit reversed under section 17(5) of the CGST Act, 2017 and details of ineligible transition credit claimed under FORM GST TRAN-I or FORM GST TRAN-II and then subsequently reversed. Table 4(B) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Any ITC reversed through FORM ITC -03 shall be declared in 7H. If the amount stated in Table 4D of FORM GSTR-3B was not included in table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B, then no entry should be made in table 7E of FORM GSTR-9. However, if amount mentioned in table 4D of FORM GSTR-3B was included in table 4A of FORM GSTR-3B, then entry will come in 7E of FORM GSTR-9. INSERTED Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Sl. No. 7C: As per Rule 42 (Reversal of input tax credit for Inputs and Input services)
ILLUSTRATION XYZ Ltd. is having aggregate turnover of Rs. 13 lakhs for particular month consisting of taxable supply of Rs.10 lakhs and exempt supply of Rs. 3 lakhs. It has availed input tax credit of input and input services as follows: ITC availed of Rs. 3 lakhs exclusively for effecting taxable supply (ii) ITC availed of Rs. 1.5 lakhs exclusively for effecting exempt supply (iii) ITC availed of Rs lakhs exclusively for used for non-business (iv) ITC of Rs lakhs on purchase of motor vehicle (v) ITC of Rs. 2.5 lakhs which cannot be segregated whether used in taxable or exempt supply. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Sl. No. 7D: As per Rule 43 (Reversal of input tax credit for capital goods)
ILLUSTRATION XYZ Ltd., is having aggregate turnover of Rs. 13 lakhs for particular month consisting of taxable supply of Rs. 10 lakhs and exempt supply of Rs.3 lakhs. They have availed Input tax credit of capital goods as follows: ITC of capital goods availed of Rs. 3 lakhs exclusively for effecting taxable supply (ii) ITC of capital goods availed of Rs. 1.5 lakhs exclusively for effecting Exempt supply (iii) ITC of capital goods availed of Rs lakhs exclusively for used for Non-business (iv) ITC of capital goods of Rs lakhs on purchase of motor vehicle (v) ITC of capital goods of Rs. 2.5 lakhs which cannot be segregated whether used in taxable or exempt supply. Assume all capital goods are purchased in March-18. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 7G: Reversal of TRAN-II credit
ILLUSTRATION RP Ltd. has filed his April-17 to June-17 service tax return where in closing balance of service tax was Rs.5,00,000 and KKC of Rs.60,000. At the time of filling TRAN-I on 30th November 2017, they have claimed both credit of Service tax and KKC in TRAN-I hence amount gets credited to CGST electronic credit ledger. On scrutiny by the registered person, they got to know that credit of KKC was not allowed. Hence, they have reversed such credit in GSTR-3B of March-18. In such case, such credit reversal is required to be reported in Table-7F of GSTR-9 since credit gets reversed during itself. Suppose in above situation, they have reversed such credit in GSTR-3B of May-18, then such credit reversal is required to be reported in Table-12 of GSTR-9 Mr. Peter provided sales and services of automobiles as an unregistered dealer under excise in Central excise regime. Under GST, claimed a transitional credit of Rs.18000/- on his stock in hand in TRAN-II incorrectly. The Excise credit claimed needs to be reversed as there is no documentary evidence of the eligible input. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 7H: Other reversals (pl. specify)
ILLUSTRATION 1. Supply made and return subsequently for which credit note was raised but customer has also issued his invoice for the said return. 2. Credits required to be reverse as per rule 44 of the CGST Rules, 2017 in case of special circumstances read with section 18(4) and section 18(6) of the CGST Act, 2017. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
FOR Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Details of ITC Reversed and Ineligible ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year G Reversal of TRAN-II credit H Other reversals (pl. specify) I Total ITC Reversed (A to H above) J Net ITC Available for Utilization (6O - 7I)
Other ITC related information
ITC available but not availed ITC available but ineligible Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Other ITC related information A ITC as per GSTR-2A (Table 3 & 5 thereof) <Auto> B ITC as per sum total of 6(B) and 6(H) above C ITC on inward supplies (other than imports and inward supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs) received during but availed during April to September, 2018 D Difference [A-(B+C)] E ITC available but not availed (out of D) F ITC available but ineligible (out of D)
Table 8A: The total credit available for inwards supplies
Pertaining to The total credit available for inwards supplies (other than imports and inwards supplies liable to reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs) received during FY and reflected in FORM GSTR-2A (table 3 & 5 only) shall be auto-populated in this table. This would be the aggregate of all the input tax credit that has been declared by the corresponding suppliers in their FORM GSTR-1. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 8B: The input tax credit as declared in Table 6B and 6H
The input tax credit as declared in Table 6B and 6H shall be auto-populated here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 8C: Aggregate value of input tax credit availed between April to September 2018 on all inward supplies Aggregate value of input tax credit availed on all inward supplies (except those on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis but includes supply of services received from SEZs) received during July 2017 to March 2018 but credit on which was availed between April to September 2018 shall be declared here. Table 4(A)(5) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Inserted Aggregate value of the input tax credit which was available in FORM GSTR2A (table 3 & 5 only) but not availed in FORM GSTR-3B returns shall be computed based on values of 8A, 8B and 8C. However, there may be circumstances where the credit availed in FORM GSTR-3B was greater than the credit available in FORM GSTR-2A. In such cases, the value in row 8D shall be negative. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 8E & 8F: The credit which was available and not availed
Aggregate value of the input tax credit which was available in FORM GSTR-2A (table 3 & 5 only) but not availed in any of the FORM GSTR-3B returns shall be declared here. The credit shall be classified as credit which was available and not availed or the credit was not availed as the same was ineligible. The sum total of both the rows should be equal to difference in 8D. Changed To The credit which was available and not availed in FORM GSTR-3B and the credit was not availed in FORM GSTR-3B as the same was ineligible shall be declared here. Ideally, if 8D is positive, the sum of 8E and 8F shall be equal to 8D. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Other ITC related information
Pt. III Details of ITC as declared in returns filed during the financial year Description Type Central Tax State Tax / Integrated Tax Cess UT Tax 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Other ITC related information G IGST paid on import of goods (including supplies from SEZ) H IGST credit availed on import of goods (as per 6(E) above) <Auto> I Difference (G-H) J ITC available but not availed on import of goods (Equal to I) K Total ITC to be lapsed in current financial year (E + F + J)
Table 8G, 8H & 8K TABLE 8G: Aggregate value of IGST paid at the time of imports (including imports from SEZs) during the financial year shall be declared here. TABLE 8H: The input tax credit as declared in Table 6E shall be auto-populated here. TABLE 8K: The total input tax credit which shall lapse for the current financial year shall be computed in this row. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Instruction 6: Part IV is the actual tax paid during the financial year. Payment of tax under Table 6.1 of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. IV Details of tax paid as declared in returns filed during the financial year 9 Description Tax Payable Paid through cash Paid through ITC Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 State/UT Tax Interest Late fee Penalty Other
Sl. No. 9: Details of tax paid as declared in the returns filed during the Financial Year
ILLUSTRATION Please specify what actions should be taken while reporting amounts in Table-9 of GSTR 9 and any further action to be taken through GSTR 3B, in the following cases : Value of taxable supply pertaining to February 2018 amounting to Rs 100,000/- with IGST of Rs ,5000/- was reported in GSTR 1 of February 2018 and in GSTR 3B of April 2018. (b) Value of taxable supply pertaining to February 2018 amounting to Rs 100,000/- with IGST of Rs 5,000/- was reported in GSTR 1 of April 2018 and in GSTR 3B of February 2018. (c) Value of taxable supply pertaining to February 2018 amounting to Rs 100,000/- with IGST of Rs 5,000/- was reported in GSTR 1 of April 2018 and in GSTR 3B of April 2018. (d) Value of taxable supply pertaining to February 2018 amounting to Rs 100,000/- with IGST of Rs 5,000/- was identified after September 2018. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Consolidated Illustration for Table 8 of GSTR-9
Details available: (a) Total Credits claimed in GSTR-3B • CGST: Rs. 20,000 • SGST: Rs. 20,000 • IGST: Rs.15,000 (b) Out of the above following is the ineligible credit • CGST: Rs. 500 • SGST: Rs.500 (c) Credit reflecting in GSTR-2A • CGST: Rs.8,000 • SGST: Rs.8,000 • IGST: Rs.25,000 (d) IGST on Import of Goods • Claimed in GSTR-3B : Rs.12,000 • As per Books of accounts: Rs.16,000 (e) ITC of FY claimed in the month of April’18- • IGST: Rs.2,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
but paid in the FORM GSTR-3B
INSTRUCTION 7: Part V consists of particulars of transactions for the previous financial year but declared in the returns of April to September of current FY or date of filing of Annual Return for previous financial year (for example in the annual return for the FY , the transactions declared in April to September 2018 for the FY shall be declared), whichever is earlier but paid in the FORM GSTR-3B
Pt. V Particulars of the transactions for the previous FY declared in returns of April to September of current FY or upto date of filing of annual return of previous FY whichever is earlier Description Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 Supplies / tax declared through Amendments (+) (net of debit notes) 11 Supplies / tax reduced through Amendments (-) (net of credit notes) 12 Reversal of ITC availed during previous financial year 13 ITC availed for the previous financial year
Sl. No. 10 & 11: Details of additions or amendments to any of the supplies already declared in the returns of the previous financial year Details of additions or amendments to any of the supplies already declared in the returns of the previous financial year but such amendments were furnished in Table 9A, Table 9B and Table 9C of FORM GSTR-1 of April to September of the current financial year or date of filing of Annual Return for the previous financial year, whichever is earlier shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table11: Supplies / tax reduced through Amendments (-) (net of credit notes)
Particulars Reporting in GSTR 9 1.Tax invoice B2B dated 5th July 2017 of Rs.1,00,000 reported as Rs. 10,000/- in July returns Scenario -1 Amended in March 18 GSTR 1 Scenario -2 Amended in Aug 2018 GSTR 1 Scenario -1 Sl.No.4B – Rs.10,000/- Sl.No 4K –Rs.90,000/- Scenario -2 Sl.No 10 – Rs.90,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
2.Tax invoice B2B dated 5th July 2017 of
Rs.1,00,000 reported as Rs. 1,00,000/- in July returns and credit note issued on 5th Aug 2017 for Rs.10,000/- Scenario -1 credit note considered in Aug- 17 GSTR 1 Scenario -2 credit note missed to consider in Aug-17 GSTR 1 but considered in March - 18 GSTR 1 Scenario-3 credit note missed to be considered in Aug-17 GSTR 1 but considered in April -18 GSTR 1 Scenario -1 Sl.No.4B – Rs.1,00,000/- Sl.No 4I –Rs.10,000/- Scenario -2 Scenario -3 Sl.No 11 –Rs.10,000/- Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
3.Rax invoice B2B dated 5th July 2017 of
Rs.1,00,000 reported as Rs. 1,00,000/- in July returns and credit note issued on 5th April 2018 for Rs.10,000/- Scenario -1 credit note considered in April- 18 GSTR 1 Scenario -2 credit note missed to be considered in April-18 GSTR 1 but considered in Sep -18 GSTR 1 Scenario -1 Sl.No.4B – Rs.1,00,000/- Sl.No 4I – Nil Sl.No.11- Nil (credit note dated 5th April to be considered in annual returns of FY18-19 Scenario -2 Sl.No 4I –Nil Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 12 & 13 Table 12: Aggregate value of reversal of ITC which was availed in the previous financial year but reversed in returns filed for the months of April to September of the current financial year or date of filing of Annual Return for previous financial year , whichever is earlier shall be declared here. Table 4(B) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details Table 13: Details of ITC for goods or services received in the previous financial year but ITC for the same was availed in returns filed for the months of April to September of the current financial year or date of filing of Annual Return for the previous financial year whichever is earlier shall be declared here. Table 4(A) of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details. However, any ITC which was reversed in the FY as per second proviso to section 16(2) but was reclaimed in FY , the details of such ITC reclaimed shall be furnished in the annual return for FY Inserted Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. V Particulars of the transactions for the previous FY declared in returns of April to September of current FY or upto date of filing of annual return of previous FY whichever is earlier Description Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 Differential tax paid on account of declaration in 10 & 11 above Payable Paid State/UT Tax Interest
Table14. Differential tax paid on account of declaration in 10 and 11 above
Illustration Details of tax payable amounting to Rs. 10,000/- under IGST has been reported in Table 10 and details of tax to be reduced amounting to Rs. 5,000/- under IGST has been reported in Table 11. The amount of total tax paid in GSTR 3B of July 2018 was Rs. 70,000/- which included amount of tax paid under amendments amounting to Rs. 5,000/- was also paid. How the same shall be disclosed in Table 14 of Part V of GSTR 9? Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Instruction 8: Part VI consist of details of other information
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. VI Other Information 15 Particulars of Demands and Refunds Details Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess Interest Penalty Late Fee / Others 1 2 3 4 5 A Total Refund claimed B Total Refund sanctioned C Total Refund Rejected D Total Refund Pending E Total demand of taxes
Pt. VI Other Information 15 Particulars of Demands and Refunds Details Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess Interest Penalty Late Fee / Others 1 2 3 4 5 F Total taxes paid in respect of E above G Total demands pending out of E above
Table 15A, 15B, 15C and 15D : Aggregate value of refunds claimed, sanctioned, rejected and pending for processing Aggregate value of refunds claimed, sanctioned, rejected and pending for processing shall be declared here. Refund claimed will be the aggregate value of all the refund claims filed in the financial year and will include refunds which have been sanctioned, rejected or are pending for processing. Refund sanctioned means the aggregate value of all refund sanction orders. Refund pending will be the aggregate amount in all refund application for which acknowledgement has been received and will exclude provisional refunds received. These will not include details of non-GST refund claims. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 15E, 15F and 15G : Aggregate value of demands of taxes for which an order confirming the demand has been issued Aggregate value of demands of taxes for which an order confirming the demand has been issued by the adjudicating authority shall be declared here. Aggregate value of taxes paid out of the total value of confirmed demand as declared in 15E above shall be declared here. Aggregate value of demands pending recovery out of 15E above shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. VI Other Information 16 Information on supplies received from composition taxpayers, deemed supply under section 143 and goods sent on approval basis Details Taxable Value Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Supplies received from Composition taxpayers B Deemed supply under Section 143 C Goods sent on approval basis but not returned
Table 16A, 16B and 16C Table 16A: Aggregate value of supplies received from composition taxpayers shall be declared here. Table 5 of FORM GSTR-3B may be used for filling up these details Table 16B: Aggregate value of all deemed supplies from the principal to the job-worker in terms of sub-section (3) and sub-section (4) of Section 143 of the CGST Act shall be declared here. Table 16C: Aggregate value of all deemed supplies for goods which were sent on approval basis but were not returned to the principal supplier within one eighty days of such supply shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table16B: ILLUSTRATION XYZ Ltd principal manufacturer has sent input for job work to job worker on 31st July As per section 143(1) of CGST Act, he can send such goods for jobwork without payment of tax. Time limit for receiving back such input is 1 year from the date of being sent out of such input hence, XYZ Ltd will have to get back such input or intermediary goods arising from jobwork process on such input before 30th July Now if XYZ ltd is not in a position to get back such goods before 30th July 2018, then as per section 143(3), it is deemed supply effected on 31st July 2017 itself. So XYZ ltd has to pay tax alongwith interest for 1 year on such supply. Such transaction needs to be reported in GSTR-3B and GSTR-1 for the month of July-18. Taxable value of such input sent along with tax thereon is to be reported in Table-16B. Same way, in above case, if XYZ Ltd had issued capital goods instead of input then, XYZ ltd has to get back such capital goods before 3 years on their being sent out that means before 30th July 2020 If capital goods are not received back by principal before 30th July 2020, then it is deemed supply for XYZ ltd on 31st July 2017 itself and tax is to be paid on such capital goods alongwith interest for 3 years. Such transaction needs to be reported in GSTR-3B and GSTR-1 for the month of July-20. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. VI Other Information 17 HSN Wise Summary of outward supplies HSN Code UQC Total Quantity Taxable Value Rate of Tax Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pt. VI Other Information 18 HSN Wise Summary of Inward supplies HSN Code UQC Total Quantity Taxable Value Rate of Tax Central Tax State Tax / UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Summary of supplies effected and received against a particular HSN code to be reported only in this table. It will be optional for taxpayers having annual turnover upto Rs Cr. It will be mandatory to report HSN code at two digits level for taxpayers having annual turnover in the preceding year above Rs Cr but upto Rs.5.00 Cr and at four digits‘ level for taxpayers having annual turnover above Rs 5.00 Cr. UQC details to be furnished only for supply of goods. Quantity is to be reported net of returns. Table 12 of FORM GSTR-1 may be used for filling up details in Table 17. It may be noted that this summary details are required to be declared only for those inward supplies which in value independently account for 10 % or more of the total value of inward supplies. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION 1. Effective from July 2017, a person had classified ‘Bed and Bath Towels’ into the HSN code 4818 and had taken the rate of 18% prevailing at that time. However, upon reconsideration and taking of legal opinion, such products were reclassified into HSN code 3307 which was taxable at the rate of 28% in the month of July Such reclassification was done in GSTR 1 for the month of April 2018 for all such products supplied from the month of July 2017 and the additional tax liability was discharged accordingly. In this case, the revised HSN code of 3307 should be reported in Table 17. 2. In the above illustration, if the detection of the requirement of reclassification had occurred in the month of November 2018 after the filing of GSTR 1 for the month of September 2018, then such detection cannot result in any reclassification in the Annual return. HSN code of 4818 will be continued to be taken as they had been reported as such for the period till the filing of GSTR 1 for the month of September 2018. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Late fee payable and paid
Pt. VI Other Information 19 Late fee payable and paid Description Payable Paid 1 2 3 A Central Tax B State Tax
Towards the end of the return, taxpayers shall be given an option to pay any additional liability declared in this form, through FORM DRC-03. Taxpayers shall select ―Annual Return‖ in the drop down provided in FORM DRC-03. It may be noted that such liability can be paid through electronic cash ledger only. INSTRUCTION 9 INSERTED Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
FORM GSTR-9C Reconciliation Statement
Pt. I Basic Details 1 Financial Year 2 GSTIN 3A Legal Name < Auto> 3B Trade Name (if any) <Auto> 4 Are you liable to audit under any Act? <<Please specify>>
. Terms used: (a) GSTIN: Goods and Services Tax Identification Number INSTRUCTION 2 The details for the period between July 2017 to March 2018 are to be provided in this statement for the financial year The reconciliation statement is to be filed for every GSTIN separately. It is mandatory to file all your FORM GSTR-1, FORM GSTR 3B and FORM GSTR 9 for the FY before filing this return. INSERTED Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
INSTRUCTION 3 The reference to current financial year in this statement is the financial year for which the reconciliation statement is being filed for INSTRUCTION 4 Part II consists of reconciliation of the annual turnover declared in the audited Annual Financial Statement with the turnover as declared in the Annual Return furnished in FORM GSTR-9 for this GSTIN. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) 5 Reconciliation of Gross Turnover A Turnover (including exports) as per audited financial statements for the State / UT (For multi-GSTIN units under same PAN the turnover shall be derived from the audited Annual Financial Statement) B Unbilled revenue at the beginning of Financial Year (+) C Unadjusted advances at the end of the Financial Year D Deemed Supply under Schedule I E Credit Notes issued after the end of the financial year but reflected in the annual return F Trade Discounts accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but are not permissible under GST
Table 5A: Turnover as per the audited Annual Financial Statement
The turnover as per the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. There may be cases where multiple GSTINs (State-wise) registrations exist on the same PAN. This is common for persons / entities with presence over multiple States. Such persons / entities, will have to internally derive their GSTIN wise turnover and declare the same here. This shall include export turnover (if any). It may be noted that reference to audited Annual Financial Statement includes reference to books of accounts in case of persons / entities having presence over multiple States. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5B: Unbilled revenue
Unbilled revenue which was recorded in the books of accounts on the basis of accrual system of accounting in the last financial year and was carried forward to the current financial year shall be declared here. In other words, when GST is payable during the financial year on such revenue (which was recognized earlier), the value of such revenue shall be declared here. For example, if rupees Ten Crores of unbilled revenue existed for the financial year , and during the current financial year, GST was paid on rupees Four Crores of such revenue, then value of rupees Four Crores rupees shall be declared here Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5B. ILLUSTRATION Having understood the concept of unbilled revenue, some situations in which unbilled revenue may arise (Please note that what will appear in Sl.No. 5B will only be the transactions for which invoice is raised during July 2017 to March 2018): Representation services provided on 25th of March for which invoice is raised on 5th of April will be recognized as unbilled revenue. However, this will not be part of Clause 5B as it is transaction during the period April 2017 to June 2017. 2. IT/ITES services provided for the month of March 2017 for which invoice is raised on 1st of July 2017 as per the terms of contract will be recognized as unbilled revenue. 3. Fixed landline charges for the month of March will be recognized as unbilled revenue to the extent of billing cycle in subsequent month/quarter. 4. Rental contract for which billing is on 20th of every month, unbilled revenue will be recognized in the books of accounts as on 31st March to the extent of 11 days of services provided in March. 5. Maintenance contract for which billing is on 5th of the subsequent month, unbilled revenue will be recognized in the books of accounts as on 31st March. 6. Cost incurred as on 31st March towards construction services for which billing will be done on reaching the milestone in September 2017. 7. In case of cost-plus companies, if any cost is excluded from billing cycle during the financial year and is identified at the time of Audit, it will be booked as unbilled revenue in the books of accounts and invoice will be raised in the month in which it is identified i.e. September or October 2017. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5C & 5D Table 5C : Value of all advances for which GST has been paid but the same has not been recognized as revenue in the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. Table 5D: Aggregate value of deemed supplies under Schedule I of the CGST Act, 2017 shall be declared here. Any deemed supply which is already part of the turnover in the audited Annual Financial Statement is not required to be included here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table. 5D. ILLUSTRATION Transfer of machinery from Agra Branch to Bengaluru Branch without consideration for indefinite usage in production activity is a supply although there is no consideration involved. An Architect located in New Jersey, USA may provide architect services to say, his brother who is a Builder in India and is a taxable person. Foreign branch supplying manpower to Head Office located at Hyderabad. Cloud servers and data storage facilities are commonly shared by the group of entities. Each region is allocated its share of cost. In such instances, it is possible that due to difference in financial year closure in various other branches, the relevant cost of the Indian entity may not be recorded. The Auditor needs to ensure that by year end, these costs are also reckoned - GST is paid and the relevant input tax credit is claimed. In the above illustrations even if there is no consideration involved, it would still be treated as supply of services without consideration and taxes will stand attracted. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5E & 5F Table 5E : Aggregate value of credit notes which were issued after 31st of March for any supply accounted in the current financial year but such credit notes were reflected in the annual return (GSTR-9) shall be declared here. Table 5F: Trade discounts which are accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but on which GST was leviable (being not permissible) shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5F: ILLUSTRATION Please specify whether the following trade discounts will form part of reporting under ‘Trade discounts accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but are not permissible under GST‘ (a) Turnover discount of Rs.50, 000/ issued by way of Credit Notes issued by the supplier during August 2017 wherein the supplier has not reduced the tax rates. (b) Quantity discounts of Rs /- issued by way of Credit Notes without tax impact. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of Gross Turnover
Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) 5 Reconciliation of Gross Turnover G Turnover from April 2017 to June 2017 (-) H Unbilled revenue at the end of Financial Year I Unadjusted Advances at the beginning of the Financial Year J Credit notes accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but are not permissible under GST K Adjustments on account of supply of goods by SEZ units to DTA Units
Table 5G, 5H, 5I, 5J & 5K Table 5G : Turnover included in the audited Annual Financial Statement for April 2017 to June 2017 shall be declared here Table 5H: Unbilled revenue which was recorded in the books of accounts on the basis of accrual system of accounting during the current financial year but GST was not payable on such revenue in the same financial year shall be declared here Table 5I: Value of all advances for which GST has not been paid but the same has been recognized as revenue in the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. Table 5J: Aggregate value of credit notes which have been accounted for in the audited Annual Financial Statement but were not admissible under Section 34 of the CGST Act shall be declared here. Table 5K: Aggregate value of all goods supplied by SEZs to DTA units for which the DTA units have filed bill of entry shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5G: ILLUSTRATION Please specify which of the following supplies will form part of reporting under turnover for the period April 2017 to June 2017 Goods were manufactured and cleared from factory on on sale or approval basis. The sale was approved / recognised only on (b)Goods were manufactured and cleared from factory on on sale or approval basis. The goods have not been approved by the recipient as at but returned back after (c) Goods were manufactured and cleared from factory located in Bangalore on The goods have been cleared to own showroom located in Hyderabad. The goods have been sold from the showroom in Hyderabad on The audit under GST Law is being conducted for Bangalore GSTIN. (d) Services were provided during the period June The service was completed on The invoice for the service was however raised only on Continuous supply of service in the nature of construction service is being provided.The construction started on and is yet to be completed as on As per agreement for sale, the customers are liable to be pay on completion method. As of , the ‘first floor slab’ of construction work has been completed, at which point every customer is required to pay Rs.2,00,000/-. Only 50 customers have paid out of 200 customers. Revenue has been recognised only for 50 customers as on customers have paid during the period to , which has been recognised as revenue for the period ended March Please also state the effect to be given in respect of the balance 40 customers who have not paid any consideration. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5K: ILLUSTRATION XYZ Limited, SEZ unit supplied goods to a DTA unit and the relevant bill of entry wasfiled by the DTA unit 2. XYZ Limited, a SEZ unit supplied goods to a DTA unit and bill of entry was filed by theSEZ unit based on the authorization by the DTA unit Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of Gross Turnover
Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) 5 Reconciliation of Gross Turnover L Turnover for the period under composition scheme (-) M Adjustments in turnover under section 15 and rules thereunder (+/-) N Adjustments in turnover due to foreign exchange fluctuations (+/-) ) O Adjustments in turnover due to reasons not listed above P Annual turnover after adjustments as above <Auto> Q Turnover as declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) R Un-Reconciled turnover (Q - P) AT1
Table 5L, 5M, 5N, 5O & 5Q Table 5L : There may be cases where registered persons might have opted out of the composition scheme during the current financial year. Their turnover as per the audited Annual Financial Statement would include turnover both as composition taxpayer as well as normal taxpayer. Therefore, the turnover for which GST was paid under the composition scheme shall be declared here. Table 5M: There may be cases where the taxable value and the invoice value differ due to valuation principles under section 15 of the CGST Act, 2017 and rules thereunder. Therefore, any difference between the turnover reported in the Annual Return (GSTR 9) and turnover reported in the audited Annual Financial Statement due to difference in valuation of supplies shall be declared here. Table 5N: Any difference between the turnover reported in the Annual Return (GSTR9) and turnover reported in the audited Annual Financial Statement due to foreign exchange fluctuations shall be declared here. Table 5O: Any difference between the turnover reported in the Annual Return (GSTR9) and turnover reported in the audited Annual Financial Statement due to reasons not listed above shall be declared here. Table 5Q: Annual turnover as declared in the Annual Return (GSTR 9) shall be declared here. This turnover may be derived from Sr. No. 5N, 10 and 11 of Annual Return (GSTR 9). Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5L: turnover for the period under composition scheme
Illustration Advance received during composition scheme, but supplies effected after opting out. Time of supply for composition scheme includes advance received on supply of goods but under regular scheme advance received is excluded from time of supply. e.g. Advance received Rs.50,000/- under composition scheme and tax paid on 1% i.e., Rs.500/- whereas the supply value after he exits the composition scheme aggregates Rs.1,00,000/- In terms of Section 12 of CGST Act to the extent of advance of Rs.50,000/- supply is deemed to have been already effected. Hence, tax under composition scheme is required to be paid only on Rs.50,000/- and the balance of Rs.50,000/- will be subject to tax as if it is a normal supply, at the applicable rates. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 5N: Adjustments in turnover due to foreign exchange fluctuations (+/-)
Illustration PQR Limited has exported goods to a Company located in USA. The value of goods is $100,000. The exchange rate (Rs/$) on the date of filing Shipping Bill are CBEC Notified rate RBI Reference rate RS65 RS68 At the time of receipt of money, the bank has exchanged the foreign currency at Rs 70. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) 6 Reasons for Un - Reconciled difference in Annual Gross Turnover A Reason 1 <<Text>> B Reason 2 C Reason 3
Table 6 : Reasons for non-reconciliation
Reasons for non-reconciliation between the annual turnover declared in the audited Annual Financial Statement and turnover as declared in the Annual Return (GSTR 9) shall be specified here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 6- ILLUSTRATION Illustration
Following illustrations can be considered for having the reconciliation differences to be reported Capital Gain/ Loss on sale of a Fixed Asset recorded in Books for turnover purpose compared with Total consideration available in GST Returns (b) Government grant received on account of Capital/Revenue commitment needs a special disclosure in Books based on the conditions to be complied with. However, disclosure of the total sum in GST Returns in the period of its receipt shall call for the reconciliation as per above (c) Transaction reported in a Delivery challan during the financial year for supply on sale or approval basis beyond a period of six months shall be deemed to be a supply under GST. However, that may not be a sale for revenue recognition in the Books for such transaction. Assuming GST Returns carry the supply details and no revenue recognition has been done in the Books of Accounts, this shall call for the reconciliation Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of Taxable Turnover
Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) 7 Reconciliation of Taxable Turnover A Annual turnover after adjustments (from 5P above) <Auto> B Value of Exempted, Nil Rated, Non-GST supplies, No-Supply turnover C Zero rated supplies without payment of tax D Supplies on which tax is to be paid by the recipient on reverse charge basis E Taxable turnover as per adjustments above (A-B-C-D) F Taxable turnover as per liability declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) G Unreconciled taxable turnover (F-E) AT 2
Pt. II Reconciliation of turnover declared in audited Annual Financial Statement with turnover declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) 8 Reasons for Un - Reconciled difference in taxable turnover A Reason 1 <<Text>> B Reason 2 C Reason 3
Table 7 , 7A, 7B & 7C Table 7: The table provides for reconciliation of taxable turnover from the audited annual turnover after adjustments with the taxable turnover declared in annual return (GSTR-9). Table 7A: Annual turnover as derived in Table 5P above would be auto-populated here. Table 7B: Value of exempted, nil rated, non-GST and no-supply turnover shall be declared here. This shall be reported net of credit notes, debit notes and amendments if any. Table 7C:Value of zero rated supplies (including supplies to SEZs) on which tax is not paid shall be declared here. This shall be reported net of credit notes, debit notes and amendments if any. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 7B: ILLUSTRATION The following supplies will form part of the reporting under value of Exempted, Nil rated, Non- GST supplies, No-Supply turnover in case of Hospital: Consultation fees received by Hospital Rs.2,50,00,000/- (Exempted supply) (b) Diagnostic services provided by Hospital Rs.40,00,000/- (Exempted supply) (c) Excess petrol available in the Hospital sold to related party Rs.10,000/- (Non-GST supply) (d) Land sold by Hospital Rs.5,00,00,000/- (No-supply) Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 7D , 7E , 7F & 8 Table 7D: Value of reverse charge supplies on which tax is to be paid by the recipient shall be declared here. This shall be reported net of credit notes, debit notes and amendments if any. Table 7E: The taxable turnover is derived as the difference between the annual turnover after adjustments declared in Table 7A above and the sum of all supplies (exempted, non-GST, reverse charge etc.) declared in Table 7B, 7C and 7D above. Table 7F: Taxable turnover as declared in Table 4N of the Annual Return (GSTR9) shall be declared here. Table 8: Reasons for non-reconciliation between adjusted annual taxable turnover as derived from Table 7E above and the taxable turnover declared in Table 7F shall be specified here. Table (4N – 4G) + (10-11) Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 7D - ILLUSTRATION Illustration:
Please state which of the following are liable to reverse charge GTA has issued consignment note dt The consignment notes charges 12%. The consignor has booked the GTA. The recipient has paid the freight to GTA on ‘to collect’ basis. Whether this turnover would find a mention under Table 7D? (b) GTA has issued consignment note dt The consignment note does not charges GST. The consignor has booked the GTA. The recipient has paid the freight to GTA on ‘to collect’ basis. Whether this turnover would find a mention under Table 7D? (c) Advocate Mr. X has provided legal service and thereafter charged GST of Rs 18 on his invoice of Rs.100. The advocate’s client has paid 118 to advocate. The advocate has remitted Rs.18 to government and hence of the opinion that aforesaid transaction should not be reduced in Table 7D. Please state whether the stand taken by advocate is correct? Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 8: ILLUSTRATION Following illustrations can be considered for having the reconciliation differences to be reported: Zero-rated supply made by the Registered person during the previous year. However, conditions relevant for the supply has not been complied by the Registered person, can be construed to be a regular supply. (b) Transaction reported in a Delivery challan during the financial year for supply on sale or approval basis beyond a period of six months shall be deemed to be a supply under GST. However, that may not be a sale for revenue recognition in the books of accounts for such transaction. Assuming GST returns carry the supply details and no revenue recognition has been done in the books of accounts, this shall call for the reconciliation. (c) Exemption conditions not fulfilled by the Registered person while exercising the option to supply either a Nil rated of Exemption, shall be reported as Regular Supply. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Instruction 5: Part III consists of reconciliation of the tax payable as per declaration in the reconciliation statement and the actual tax paid as declared in Annual Return (GSTR9). Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of tax paid
Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid 9 Reconciliation of rate wise liability and amount payable thereon Tax payable Description Taxable Value Central tax State tax / UT tax Integrated Tax Cess, if applicabl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 A 5% B 5% (RC) C 12% D 12% (RC) E 18%
Table 9 : Reconciliation of tax paid as per reconciliation statement and amount of tax paid as declared in Annual Return (GSTR 9). The table provides for reconciliation of tax paid as per reconciliation statement and amount of tax paid as declared in Annual Return (GSTR 9). Under the head labelled ―RC‖, supplies where tax was paid on reverse charge basis by the recipient (i.e. the person for whom reconciliation statement has been prepared) shall be declared. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of tax paid
Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid 9 Reconciliation of rate wise liability and amount payable thereon Tax payable Description Taxable Value Central tax State tax / UT tax Integrated Tax Cess, if applicabl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 F 18% (RC) G 28% H 28% (RC) I 3% J 0.25% K 0.10% L Interest M Late Fee
Reconciliation of tax paid
Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid 9 Reconciliation of rate wise liability and amount payable thereon Tax payable Description Taxable Value Central tax State tax / UT tax Integrated Tax Cess, if applicabl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 N Penalty O Others P Total amount to be paid as per tables above <Auto> Q Total amount paid as declared in Annual Return (GSTR 9) R Un-reconciled payment of Amount PT 1
Table 9 P & 9 Q Table 9P: The total amount to be paid as per liability declared in Table 9A to 9O is auto populated here. Table 9Q: The amount payable as declared in Table 9 of the Annual Return (GSTR9) shall be declared here. It should also contain any differential tax paid on Table 10 or 11 of the Annual Return (GSTR9). Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of tax paid
Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid 10 Reasons for un-reconciled payment of amount A Reason 1 <<Text>> B Reason 2 C Reason 3
Table 10 : Reasons for non-reconciliation between payable / liability declared
Reasons for non-reconciliation between payable / liability declared in Table 9P above and the amount payable in Table 9Q shall be specified here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Reconciliation of tax paid
Pt. III Reconciliation of tax paid 11 Additional amount payable but not paid (due to reasons specified under Tables 6,8 and 10 above) To be paid through Cash Description Taxable Value Central tax State tax / UT tax Integrated tax Cess, if applicabl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 5% 12% 18% 28% 3% 0.25% 0.10% Interest Late Fee Penalty Others (please specify)
Table 11 : Any amount which is payable due to reasons specified above shall be declared here.
Any amount which is payable due to reasons specified under Table 6, 8 and 10 above shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Instruction 6: Part IV consists of reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC).
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ITC availed as per audited financial statements or books of account
Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 12 Reconciliation of Net Input Tax Credit (ITC) A ITC availed as per audited Annual Financial Statement for the State/ UT (For multi-GSTIN units under same PAN this should be derived from books of accounts) B ITC booked in earlier Financial Years claimed in current Financial Year (+) C ITC booked in current Financial Year to be claimed in subsequent Financial Years (-) D ITC availed as per audited financial statements or books of account <Auto> E ITC claimed in Annual Return (GSTR9) F Un-reconciled ITC ITC 1
Table 12 A: ITC availed as per audited Annual Financial Statement for the State/ UT (For multi-GSTIN units under same PAN this should be derived from books of accounts) ITC availed (after reversals) as per the audited Annual Financial Statement shall be declared here. There may be cases where multiple GSTINs (Statewise) registrations exist on the same PAN. This is common for persons / entities with presence over multiple States. Such persons / entities, will have to internally derive their ITC for each individual GSTIN and declare the same here. It may be noted that reference to audited Annual Financial Statement includes reference to books of accounts in case of persons / entities having presence over multiple States. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION M/s ABC Limited is maintaining in his books of account for Madhya Pradesh GSTIN, three accounts for availment of ITC - CGST receivable, SGST receivable and IGST receivable, the amount for this column can be taken from such ledgers. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 12 B: ITC booked in earlier Financial Years claimed in current Financial Year
Any ITC which was booked in the audited Annual Financial Statement of earlier financial year(s) but availed in the ITC ledger in the financial year for which the reconciliation statement is being filed for shall be declared here. This shall include transitional credit which was booked in earlier years but availed during Financial Year Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit in TRAN I includes the following:
Carry forward balance of Cenvat Credit of Excise Duty: Rs. 15,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on opening stock availed in TRAN I: 4,00,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 12C: ITC booked in current Financial Year to be claimed in subsequent Financial Years
Any ITC which has been booked in the audited Annual Financial Statement of the current financial year but the same has not been credited to the ITC ledger for the said financial year shall be declared here. . Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
ILLUSTRATION The Input tax credit as booked in the GST receivable ledger for the month of August 2017 includes the following: Input tax credit on purchase of inputs claimed in GSTR 3B of August 2017: Rs. 3,00,000 (b) Input tax credit on purchase of inputs claimed in GSTR 3B of December 2017: Rs. 150,000 (c) Input tax credit on purchase of inputs claimed in GSTR 3B of May 2018: Rs. 2,00,000 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Table 12D & 12E Table 12 D: ITC availed as per audited Annual Financial Statement or books of accounts as derived from values declared in Table 12A, 12B and 12C above will be auto-populated here. Table 12 E: Net ITC available for utilization as declared in Table 7J of Annual Return (GSTR9) shall be declared here Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 13 Reasons for un-reconciled difference in ITC A Reason 1 <<Text>> B Reason 2 C Reason 3
Table 13: Reasons for non-reconciliation of ITC
Reasons for non-reconciliation of ITC as per audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account (Table 12D) and the net ITC (Table12E) availed in the Annual Return (GSTR9) shall be specified here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Imported goods (Including received from SEZs)
Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 14 Reconciliation of ITC declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) with ITC availed on expenses as per audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account Description Value Amount of Total ITC Amount of eligible ITC availed 1 2 3 4 A Purchases B Freight / Carriage C Power and Fuel D Imported goods (Including received from SEZs) E Rent and Insurance
INSTRUCTIONS Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 14
14 Reconciliation of ITC declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) with ITC availed on expenses as per audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account F Goods lost, stolen, destroyed, written off or disposed of by way of gift or free samples G Royalties H Employees' Cost (Salaries, wages, Bonus etc.) I Conveyance charges J Bank Charges K Entertainment charges L Stationery Expenses (including postage etc.)
Table 14: Reconciliation of ITC declared in the Annual Return (GSTR9)
This table is for reconciliation of ITC declared in the Annual Return (GSTR9) against the expenses booked in the audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account. The various sub-heads specified under this table are general expenses in the audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account on which ITC may or may not be available. Further, this is only an indicative list of heads under which expenses are generally booked. Taxpayers may add or delete any of these heads but all heads of expenses on which GST has been paid / was payable are to be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Other Miscellaneous expenses
Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 14 Reconciliation of ITC declared in Annual Return (GSTR9) with ITC availed on expenses as per audited Annual Financial Statement or books of account M Repair and Maintenance N Other Miscellaneous expenses O Capital goods P Any other expense 1 Q Any other expense 2 R Total amount of eligible ITC availed <<Auto>> S ITC claimed in Annual Return (GSTR9) T Un-reconciled ITC ITC 2
Table 14R & 14 S Table 14R: Total ITC declared in Table 14A to 14Q above shall be auto populated here. Table 14S: Net ITC availed as declared in the Annual Return (GSTR9) shall be declared here. Table 7J of the Annual Return (GSTR9) may be used for filing this Table. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 15 Reasons for un - reconciled difference in ITC A Reason 1 <<Text>> B Reason 2 C Reason 3
Table 15: Reasons for non-reconciliation between ITC availed on the various expenses
Reasons for non-reconciliation between ITC availed on the various expenses declared in Table 14R and ITC declared in Table 14S shall be specified here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. Reconciliation of Input Tax Credit (ITC) IV 16 Tax payable on un-reconciled difference in ITC (due to reasons specified in 13 and 15 above) Description Amount Payable Central Tax State/UT Tax Integrated Tax Cess Interest Penalty
Table 16 Any amount which is payable due to reasons specified in Table 13 and 15 above shall be declared here. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Instruction 7: Part V consists of the auditor‘s recommendation on the additional liability to be discharged by the taxpayer due to non-reconciliation of turnover or non-reconciliation of input tax credit. The auditor shall also recommend if there is any other amount to be paid for supplies not included in the Annual Return. Any refund which has been erroneously taken and shall be paid back to the Government shall also be declared in this table. Lastly, any other outstanding demands which is recommended to be settled by the auditor shall be declared in this Table. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Pt. V Auditor's recommendation on additional Liability due to non-reconciliation To be paid through Cash Description Value Central tax State tax / UT tax Integrated tax Cess, if applicabl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 5% 12% 18% 28% 3% 0.25% 0.10% Input Tax Credit Interest Late Fee Penalty Any other amount paid for supplies not included in Annual Return (GSTR 9)
Outstanding demands to be settled
Pt. V Auditor's recommendation on additional Liability due to non-reconciliation To be paid through Cash Description Value Central tax State tax / UT tax Integrated tax Cess, if applicabl e Erroneous refund to be paid back Outstanding demands to be settled Other (Pl. specify)
INSTRUCTION 8 Towards, the end of the reconciliation statement taxpayers shall be given an option to pay their taxes as recommended by the auditor. Towards the end of the return, taxpayers shall be given an option to pay any additional liability declared in this form, through FORM DRC-03. Taxpayers shall select ―Reconciliation Statement‖ in the drop down provided in FORM DRC-03. It may be noted that such liability shall be paid through electronic cash ledger only. SUBSTITUTED Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Verification by Auditor:
I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from. **(Signature and stamp/Seal of the Auditor) Place: …………… Name of the signatory ………………… Membership No……………… Date: …………… Full address ……………………… INSERTED Verification of registered person: I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that I am uploading the reconciliation statement in FORM GSTR-9C prepared and duly signed by the Auditor and nothing has been tampered or altered by me in the statement. I am also uploading other statements, as applicable, including financial statement, profit and loss account and balance sheet etc. Signature Place: Date: Name of Authorized Signatory Designation/status Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
GST HANDBOOK Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
GSTR 3B FORMAT Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants
GARV & Affiliates
ENTRIES (Ex: Sale when GTA raises a bill on us and we take Reimbursement of the same from the buyer):- In case when GTA raises a bill on the seller, the liability of RCM falls on the seller and at the time of sales, we include delivery charges in the invoice and GST is charged on total Invoice value.
2. Liability for the amount to be paid to the GTA created.
GTA Registered Outward….Dr To Transporter Regd 3. Liability of the Transported settled. Transporter Regd.....Dr To Cash / Bank 4. Journal-Stat Adjustment-Increase in Tax Liability; Purchase under Reverse Charge. RCM Credit Suspense A/c ....Dr To CGST RCM Payable To SGST RCM Payable Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
To RCM Credit Suspense A/c 100
5. Journal-Stat Adjustment-Increase in Input Tax Credit; Purchase under Reverse Charge. Input CGST.…..Dr Input SGST ……Dr To RCM Credit Suspense A/c 6. Stat Payment - Recipient Liability CGST RCM Payable….Dr SGST RCM Payable…..Dr To Bank Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
In case of advance received against sales, the liability towards GST needs to be paid. The same can be adjusted against :- Cash / Bank ….Dr To Debtor Journal-Stat Adjustment-Increase in Tax Liability (This entry is not required if advance is adjusted within the same month) :- GST on Advance Received A/c…..Dr To Output CGST To Output SGST Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
To GST on Advance Received A/c 1525.42
Invoice shall be raised on the entire amount including the amount of Advance given. Bill wise tagging for the purpose of advance is a must. Debtor ….Dr To Local Sale To Output CGST To Output SGST Output CGST ….Dr Output SGST ….Dr To GST on Advance Received A/c Therefore, total amount paid by the Client is Rs.31,500/- Cash/Bank ….Dr To Client Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Transition Entries Accounting for Transitional Provisions & Data need to have for filling TRAN-1 & TRAN -2. Migration Entry 140(1) EXAMPLE PRE GST Cenvat Credit in last Excise Returns Input Tax Credit available in last VAT returns Tax incidence of Non submitting of statutory forms(C form to be submitted for sale value of Rs.5,000/- ) (175)
ENTRY INPUT CGST Ledger Dr 150 INPUT SGST Ledger Dr 75
POST GST Input Credit available to CGST Credit Ledger Input Credit available to SGST Credit Ledger ( ) ENTRY INPUT CGST Ledger Dr INPUT SGST Ledger Dr To CENVAT Credit A/c To Input Vat A/c Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Migration Entry 140(2) EXAMPLE PRE GST Particulars Rs
Cenvat Credit available for Capital Goods Input Tax Credit availed so far Balance credit not availed ENTRY INPUT CGST Ledger Dr To Input CENVAT A/c Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Trader 140(3) Deemed Credit
Conditions: • Eligible for credit under GST • Goods should be excisable and not exempt or nil rate • Pass on all the benefit to customer • Documents evidencing procurement is available Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Entry to be passed for taking credit CGST Credit Liability A/c XX
Entry to be passed for sale of such goods Party Account A/c Dr XXX Transitional Discount A/c Dr XX To 12% A/c XXX To CGST Liability ledger A/c XX To SGST Liability ledger A/c XX Entry to be passed for taking credit CGST Credit Liability A/c XX To Transitional discount A/c XX Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
IGST, CGST, SGST A/C are interchanged. Input and output GST ledgers are interchanged Input and output GST account are not separately maintained
ISSUES WITH GSTR 2A Difficult to convert to excel ( to be used). Mismatch in invoice details in books and gstr-2a. Same party having more than 1 GSTIN thus entry recorded against wrong GSTIN.
Original invoice details are incorrect and thus cannot be tracked. Entries are recorded through journal voucher. Entries made on the basis of debit notes for which no credit note is issued. Back dated credit notes.
Freight is considered as an composite supply to goods thus are not shown separately in HSN , thus in quantity details freight is not reflected.
GSTR 1 Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
1. Invoices for outward supply 2. Invoices for inward supply from unregistered person 3. Revised Invoice 4. Debit Note 5. Credit Note 6. Receipt voucher 7. Payment Voucher 8. Refund voucher 9. Delivery Challan for job work 10. Delivery Challan for supply on approval 11. Delivery Challan in case of liquid gas 12. Delivery Challan in cases other than by way of supply (excluding at S no. 9 to 11)
ISSUES IN GSTR 3B Negative values not accepted which can be possible in case of only or excess credit notes or for reversing of credit note. Classification of exempt and non GST expenses is vague. Invoices for bank charges are generally received after return filling date thus have to be claimed later on. GSTR 3B cannot be amended thus bills received after the financial year cannot be taken into account. Supplies made by an SEZ and GTA liable to reverse charge cannot be shown in GSTR 3B.
GSTR 3B FORMAT Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants
GARV & Affiliates
Mismatch in export values as per accounts, shipping bill and returns. Export details needs to be amended as shipping bills are received after due date for filling GSTR-1. Advance received cannot be shown separately (with payment of tax).
Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
PARTICULAR TIME LIMITS TO BE CHECKED CREDIT AVAILMENT On or before the thirtieth day of September following the end of the financial year in which the supply was made or The date of the filing of the relevant annual return for that financial year, whichever is earlier. ISSUE OF CREDIT NOTE PAYMENT AGAINST BILL TO CREDITORS Within 180 days of issue of invoice failing which input has to be reversed. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
COMMON MISTAKES Payment voucher not maintained.
RCM tax invoice not maintained. Delivery Challan not maintained. FOREX fluctuations not shown in reconciliation. Rustagi & Co., Chartered Accountants GARV & Affiliates
19, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Eastern Building, 1st Floor Kolkata Website: BY: CA ANSHUMA RUSTAGI GARV & Affiliates Chartered Accountants 403, Shantiniketan Building 8 Camac Street Kolkata –
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