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Course Syllabus Business Mathematics (THM 121)

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1 Course Syllabus Business Mathematics (THM 121)

2 Course Description 1/11/2019

3 This course aims to teach students the basics of Algebra:
Operations with fractions and ratio / proportions as well as operations with algebraic expressions. 2. Factoring polynomials, details of linear equations, linear and absolute value inequalities. 3. Functions (lines and linear functions, limits, graphs and continuity). 1/11/2019

4 Textbook Laurence Hoffmann, Gerald Bradley, Dave Sobecki & Michael Price, Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences (11th Ed.), McGraw Hill Education. Instructor’s Web Page : 1/11/2019

5 Grading In-Class Attendance: 5 % In-Class Participation: 5 %
Assignments : 25 % Midterm Exam: 30 % Final Exam: % 1/11/2019

6 Catalog System 1/11/2019

7 Things to Remember All Students should have an undergraduate address ) along with an SRS Password. Maximum 25 % Absenteeism! Come Prepared for Chapters that will be taught. Late Homework and / or Assignment  0! Failing to attend 75 % of class sessions and / or totaling less than / 65 (before final exam) would mean that student in question will NOT be allowed to be seated to Final Exam → FZ! 1/11/2019

8 Course Breakdown 1/11/2019

9 Weeks 1 through 7 Week 01: A Brief Review of Algebra (Appendix A.1)
Week 02: Factoring Polinomials and Solving System of Equations (Appendix A.2) Week 03: The Summation Notation (Appendix A.4) Week 04: Functions (Chapter 1) 1.1 Week 05: The Graph of a Function (Chapter 1) 1.2 Week 06: Drawing a Graph using Excel and Other Softwares Week 07: Revision 1/11/2019

10 Midterm Examination 1/11/2019

11 Weeks 9 through 14 Week 09: Mid-Semester Evaluation
Week 10: Lines & Linear Functions (Chapter 1) 1.3 Week 11: Functional Models (Chapter 1) 1.4 Week 12: Limits (Chapter 1) 1.5 Week 13: One-Sided Limits and Continuity (Chapter 1) 1.6 Week 14: Overall Review 1/11/2019

12 Final Exam Semester Holiday!

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