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Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy Of Sc13C2 and Sc12C13C: Establishing an Accurate Structure Of ScC2 (X2A1) ~ Sc C Mark A. Burton, DeWayne T. Halfen,

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Presentation on theme: "Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy Of Sc13C2 and Sc12C13C: Establishing an Accurate Structure Of ScC2 (X2A1) ~ Sc C Mark A. Burton, DeWayne T. Halfen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy Of Sc13C2 and Sc12C13C: Establishing an Accurate Structure Of ScC2 (X2A1) ~ Sc C Mark A. Burton, DeWayne T. Halfen, Jie Min, and Lucy M. Ziurys Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of Astronomy Arizona Radio Observatory University of Arizona

2 Importance of Dicarbides
Delocalization of π-electrons causes the HOMO-LUMO gap to decrease with an increase carbons Doping changes electronic properties e- acceptors or donors Can change bandgap Great for photovoltaics La, Y, and Sc doped fullerenes Electronic studies on other metal and non-metal doped nanotubes (Marcos et al. 2003)

3 Endohedral Metallofullerene (EMF)
(Wang et al. 2001) Endohedral Metallofullerene (EMF) ~ ~ YC2 (X2A1) and ScC2 (X2A1) are model systems Rayon et al. (1998) – DFT and CASSCF Nuclear spin yields magnetic hyperfine structure I(45Sc) = 7/2 I(13C) = 1/2 molecular bonding information Sc3N doped for artificial photosynthesis Sc4C2…just cool (Wang et al. 2013) (Rudolf et al. 2016)

4 F1 = J + I(45Sc) F = F1 + I(13C) I(45Sc) = 7/2 I(13C) = 1/2
NKa,Kc J 5 4 3 2 101 1/2 3/2 11/2 9/2 7/2 5/2 201 1 6 13/2 F1 = J + I(45Sc) F = F1 + I(13C) I(45Sc) = 7/2 I(13C) = 1/2 Sc13C2: N = 2 → 1 near 29.6 GHz F F1 NKa,Kc J 5 4 3 2 101 1/2 3/2 111 Sc C Itot(Sc12C2) = symmetric so only even rotational levels (i.e., Ka = 0, 2, 4, ...) exist All levels are allowed for Sc13C2 but even Ka levels are paired with Itot=0 so no F splittings seen Sc12C13C has no equivalent nuclei so all rotational levels are observed

5 Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer
2 sets of mirrors: 4 – 40 GHz (large) antenna 40 – 90 GHz (small) waveguide S1: Ar/13CH4 mix S2: DC discharge and short laser pulse – Sc rod S3: Microwave pulse S4: Detection Detected by Low Noise Amplifier (Sun et al. 2009)

6 Antenna imbedded in mirror used as microwave source
Motor Metal Rod Holder Teflon Nozzle - Discharge Pulsed Valve Laser Path Rotating/Translating Apparatus Gaseous Mixture Antenna imbedded in mirror used as microwave source Antenna collects emitted frequencies Nd/YAG laser at 532 nm Ablation adapter with Teflon nozzle Added 0.5% 13CH4 in Argon DC discharge at 800 Volts Laser Beam Internal window

7 Observed Sc13C2 Transitions
SHOTS 2000 5000 2000 5000

8 Running From the Mold

9 Data Thus Far Sc13C2 Observed Transition Frequencies with Preliminary Assignment Nka,Kc’ → Nka,Kc’’ J’ → J’’ F’ → F’’ νobs (MHz) 101 → 000 1 → 1 4 → 3 2 → 1 3 → 3 5 → 4 202 → 101 2 → 3 2 → 2 4 → 4 3 → 2 6 → 5 Sc12C13C Observed Transition Frequencies Nka,Kc’ → Nka,Kc’’ νobs (MHz) 101 → 000 202 → 101

10 Preliminary Rotational Parameters
Sc12C2a (MHz) Sc13C2 (MHz) Theoryb (MHz) A 53000c 51787 53000 B (24)d 7981 8390 C (21) 6863 7240 DN (25) DNK 1.5 HN 6.71(77) x 10-5 x 10-5 εbb + εcc (25) ΔSN (53) aF 1305(11) 731.30 aFD (82) Taa 37.054(58) 55 TaaD 0.713(30) Tbb - Tcc -193.9(9.7) χaa 49.469(61) rms 0.006 a: Min et al. 2014 b: calculated from the structure given in Rayon & Largo 2006 c: held fixed d: ratio held fixed

11 To Do/Future Experiments
Finish putting lab together Search for more Sc13C2 and Sc12C13C lines More accurate structure TiC2 Rayon et al. – 1998 Predicted cyclic/triangular C2v 3B2 ground state Sumathi & Hendrickx – 1998 cyclic 3B1 ground state

12 Acknowledgements Dr. Lucy Ziurys Dr. DeWayne Halfen Dr. Jie Min
Kyle Kilchenstein John Keogh Deborah Schmidt NSF, NASA, and University of Arizona


14 YC2 and Isotopologues - I(89Y) = 1/2
101 55 101 42 94 52 94 41

15 Observed Sc13C2 Transitions - I(45Sc) = 7/2
et. al et. al

16 Fourier Transform Microwave (FTMW)
Carrier Gas Laser Pulse Poppet Sample Rod Low Noise Amplifier Computer Pulsed Valve figure modified from: Sun, M.; Halfen, D. T.; et. al. The Rotational Spectrum of CuCCH: A Fourier Transform Microwave Discharge Assisted Laser Ablation Spectroscopy and Millimeter/Submillimeter Study. J. Chem. Phys, 2010, 133,

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