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In your first week your teeth may become sore and tender.

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Presentation on theme: "In your first week your teeth may become sore and tender."— Presentation transcript:

1 In your first week your teeth may become sore and tender.
We recommend eating softer foods and taking some Panadol or Nurofen if needed. Northside Orthodontics

2 Wax You may find that your braces might rub against your cheek or gum. If this does occur, we recommend using some wax that we will provide to you. Northside Orthodontics

3 What is plaque? Plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on your teeth and contains millions of bacteria. The bacteria in plaque cause tooth decay and gum disease if they are not removed regularly through brushing and flossing. Northside Orthodontics

4 Good Oral Hygiene It is important to have good oral hygiene -especially with braces. We recommend brushing at least twice a day for a minimum of 2 minutes. Northside Orthodontics

5 Interdental Brushes Interdental or pixter brushes must be used at least once a day. They will help clean under your wires, around your brackets and into your gum line. It is important to add this into your night time routine after brushing to remove any food or plaque that may be caught under the wire. We have provided you with a pack but if you do require more, you can find them at your local supermarket. Size 6 or 7 work best with braces. Northside Orthodontics

6 Flossing It’s important to floss with your braces. Floss helps to clean in between your teeth and under your gum line where your tooth brush doesn't reach. We recommend flossing once a day using super floss. It’s a good idea to add this into your night time routine as it takes a little extra time. Northside Orthodontics

7 The Tooth Brushing Area
If you need to brush your teeth before your appointment, it’s a good idea to arrive a little earlier. Just ask reception to point you in the direction of our tooth brushing bay. Toothbrushes and toothpaste are provided. Please make sure you take them home with you. If you receive 10/10 for your tooth brushing you will go in our monthly movie ticket draw to win a $25 Hoyts voucher. Northside Orthodontics

8 We recommend staying away from anything-
Braces and Food We recommend staying away from anything- Hard Sticky Crunchy Chewy Soft Drinks Northside Orthodontics

9 Problems Some problems that you may have with your braces include:
Broken brackets or loose brackets Broken wires Long wires If you experience any problems with your braces, please call us immediately so we can repair them as soon as possible. Leaving issues like this can result in delaying your treatment so it is important to let us know. Northside Orthodontics

10 Broken Bracket Policy Repairs to more than 5 breakages are not included in your quoted fee. A $50 charge will be incurred per breakage appointment thereafter. A reminder will be issued should breakages become a frequent occurrence. An appointment may also be made with our Hygienist should you need further assistance in avoiding any breakages. Northside Orthodontics

11 Dentist Visits We recommend that you continue to see your regular dentist for check ups and cleans. Unfortunately we only look after your braces but if we do see something, we will advise you to see your dentist.

12 Keep Smiling Remember if you need anything, please give us a call and we will be able to assist you. Northside Orthodontics

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