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AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families

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1 AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families
February 2019 AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families 1st Can you define adultery? What else is adultery often called? C_______ or I_______________ What 2 things can ‘sex outside of marriage’ mean? Give 5 qualities you would expect in a relationship Give 3 reasons why someone may cheat on their partner Give 3 reasons why a couple might break up Give 3 benefits of being in a couple 2nd Can you define the age of consent? “The age of consent should be lowered” – what do you think? Why? What is the legal age of consent in the UK? Give 2 reasons why the UK has an age of consent Liberal Christians would interpret the Bible’s message. What does this mean? 3rd Can you define annulment? Give 2 grounds for an annulment Do all Christians approve of an annulment? Why? “having an annulment is better than having a divorce” – what do you think? Give a reason for your point of view What does reproduction mean? 4th Can you define civil marriage? What does the ring represent? What does the white dress represent? What do the flowers represent? What is the document called that must be signed during the wedding ceremony to make the marriage legal? Give 3 purposes of marriage 5th Can you define civil partnership? Give 3 types of family What rights were given to homosexual couples in 2013? Who were the first ever married couple (according to the Bible)? According to Genesis what should a couple be? What does ‘chaste’ mean? 6th Can you define commitment? Complete this quote. ‘For this reason a man leaves his father and mother …’ Why do the Roman Catholic Church see marriage as a sacrament? Who are the promises made to during a Christian marriage? What are the purposes of marriage? 7th Can you define celibacy? What is celibacy the opposite of? Give 2 religious roles that include celibacy Give 2 reasons why someone might chose to be celibate 8th Can you define chastity? Give 4 traditional expectations of the role of a family woman Give 4 traditional expectations of the role of a family man Give 2 Bible teachings that supports the modern view that men and women are equal. 9th Can you define cohabitation? What is cohabitation? Why has cohabitation become more common? Give 4 ways that a parent could provide a religious upbringing “Cohabitation is sinful” – do you agree? Give 2 reasons for your view 10th Can you define contraception? Give 2 examples of barrier method contraception Give 2 examples of artificial contraception Give 1 example of natural contraception What is abstinence? 11th Can you define contract? Can you define covenant? The Bible states “go forth and multiply” – what 2 things could this mean? Give 4 reasons that someone might use contraception Give 2 reasons a religious person might use contraception Give 2 sexually transmitted infections 12th “all children should respect their parents” – do you agree? Why? Give 2 reasons for your point of view. Give 2 reasons children seen as a gift from God? Give 2 ways children can show respect to their parents/carers

2 AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families
February 2019 AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families 13th Can you define divorce? Complete. ‘Man must not separate …’ During traditional Christian wedding vows the couple would promise “until death do us part”. What does this mean? What is the divorce trend in the UK? Why? Give 5 reasons why a couple might want a divorce. Give 2 reasons why the catholic church against divorce? The Church of England will allow divorce on the grounds of adultery. Why do you think this is? 14th Can you define extended family? Give 4 members of the extended family. In some households many generations live together – give 3 benefits of this Can you define family planning? What are the purposes of a family unit? Give 5 things that would happen in a religious upbringing that would not happen in a non religious upbringing What instructions did God give to Adam and Eve? 15th Can you define denomination? Give 3 denominations within Christianity Explain two contrasting Christian views about the role of women Which denominations allows women and equal role in their worship? Adultery is a sin – what does this mean? What is sexual consent and why is it important? What does the Qur’an say about contraception? 16th Can you define gender discrimination? Can you define gender equality? Can you define gender prejudice? What is agape? Give 2 reasons why women are not allowed to lead the catholic church “Women should be seen and not heard” (Timothy) in worship. Do you agree? Give 2 reasons for your view “Women can do every job a man can” – What do you think? Give 2 reasons for your view 17th Name one counselling organisation that aims to help couples with marital difficulties. What is a pre-nuptial agreement? What must a Muslim do before seeking a divorce? What is sex before marriage? Jesus taught that lust was wrong. What is lust? Is contraception legal in the UK? What is family planning? Give 3 things that might happen at a family planning clinic 18th What does Leviticus say about same sex couples? What story of Lot can be used to support the claim ‘homosexual sex is a sin’? The Qur’an states that homosexual relationships go against God’s natural law. What does this mean? Give 2 things most contraception is trying to prevent What is a spouse?

3 AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families
February 2019 AQA Theme A – Relationships and Families 19th Can you define homosexuality? Why would some Christians say that homosexual sex is pointless? Give 4 reasons why someone might be against a homosexual couple having children Give 3 countries where it is legal to be and act of homosexual feelings Give 3 countries where is it is illegal to be and act on homosexual feelings 20th Can you define heterosexuality? Why do most Christians believe that heterosexuality is God’s plan? What does it mean to be a virgin? Name the most famous virgin in Christianity What is the opposite of heterosexuality? What does it mean to be pansexual? 21st Can you define nuclear family? Explain 2 ways that attitudes towards cohabitation have changed Give 4 strengths of cohabitation What does infidelity mean? Give 3 members of a nuclear family 22nd Can you define polygamy? According to traditional Christians when should you lose your virginity? Which religion allows polygamy? “You should only get married once and to one person” what do you think? – give 2 reasons for your view 23rd Can you define procreation? Some Christians argue the ‘sole purpose of sex is to procreate’ – what does that mean? According to Christianity when can a person have sex? According to UK law when can a person have sex? What is stability? Why is it important for a marriage or relationship or raising children? 24th Can you define remarriage? Give 3 reasons why someone may get re-married Re-marriages are statistically more successful than first marriages – give 3 reasons why this could be “The best parents are religious” – do you agree? Give 2 reasons for your view 25th Can you define responsibility? Some Churches do not recognise same sex marriage – give 2 reasons why Most religious people might argue that the best place to have a child is within marriage. Give 4 reasons why 26th Can you define single parent family? Give 2 benefits of being a part of a single parent family Give to negatives about being part of a single parent family What is the morning after pill? 27th Can you define vows? Why are vows and important part of the wedding ceremony? What did the Human Vitae (1968) say about sexual acts? What is barrier contraception? What is hormonal contraception? 28th Can you define monogamy? Catechism 2390 says that sex outside marriage is a ‘grave sin’ what does this mean? What does the phrase ‘the lesser of two evils mean’? What is bigamy? Why is it illegal in the UK? Bonus How is marriage defined? State two ways Christians prepare for their wedding. What must be asked before the wedding ceremony can continue? Give 2 reasons why Christians might want to get married in a church What is the role of a grandparent?

4 Sex outside of marriage Gender discrimination
Theme A Complete the bricks by colour coding them all to match the topics line at the bottom. Each brick can have more than one colour but it must have at least one colour. One has been done for you. Barrier method Consent Vows Contract Sex outside of marriage Nuclear Marriage Annulment Timothy 2:12 Parenting Gender prejudice Commitment Divorce Homosexuality Celibacy Single parent Monogamy Artificial method Heterosexuality Human Vitae 1968 Extended Polygamy Galatians 3:28 Religious upbringing Sin Gender discrimination Covenant Roles Agape Responsibility Create a category Create a category Relationships Families Equality Sex Contraception

5 Sex God A B C D E F G H I J K L families Marriage Relationships
Theme A - L has been done for you. This sheet has some spaces for quotes/teachings/ examples/ evidence as notes which you could use if you were going to write up your ideas in full. God families Marriage Sex Relationships Sexuality Equality A B C D E F G H I J K L Physical - Consummates a marriage Consent Inside marriage Outside marriage 1 partner or more? Example- L – Sex can be a physical expression of love between 2 people. Some religious people would argue sex should only happen within a marriage (a formal and legal relationship between 2 people). Within the relationship those 2 people have consent must be given to have sex. Some people have sex outside their marriage. This could mean sex before marriage or sex with someone other than their spouse If you are married and having sex with more than one person this is known as polygamy. Being married and having sex with one person is called monogamy. In the UK it is not illegal to have a sexual relationship with more than one person even though Christians would say this is a sin.

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