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The Congress of Vienna Learning Objective: I can understand how the outcome of the French Revolution led to major changes in Europe. Language Objective:

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Presentation on theme: "The Congress of Vienna Learning Objective: I can understand how the outcome of the French Revolution led to major changes in Europe. Language Objective:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Congress of Vienna Learning Objective: I can understand how the outcome of the French Revolution led to major changes in Europe. Language Objective: I can take notes from a powerpoint. La’Drishane Core

2 Sorry I was gone…..

3 The Plan for the week… Today Congress of Vienna
Tuesday: Review and begin Document Analysis for DBQ. Weds: Writing Time Thursday: DBQ Analysis/DBQ Writing Friday: DBQ Writing SUNDAY 12am (DBQ DUE TO TURNITIN.COM)

4 Warm-Up With a shoulder partner, come up with a short story (max 7 sentences) that summarizes the French Revolution. Include (important people, places, ideas, documents, technology) Be Creative Imagine you are telling the story to a 7th grade student. How do you keep it brief, but get all the main points?

5 Let’s hear a few….

6 The Congress of Vienna Main Idea Why it matters now?
After exiling Napoleon, European leaders at the Congress of Vienna tried to restore order and re-establish peace. International bodies such as the United Nations play an active role in trying to maintain world peace and stability today.

7 Europe in 1812

8 The Congress of Vienna (September 1, 1814 – June 9, 1815)

9 Main Objectives It’s job was to undo everything that Napoléon had done: Reduce France to its old boundaries  her frontiers were pushed back to 1790 level. Restore as many of the old monarchies as possible that had lost their thrones during the Napoléonic era. Supported the resolution: There is always an alternative to conflict.

10 Key Players at Vienna Foreign Minister, Viscount Castlereagh (Br.)
Tsar Alexander I (Rus.) The “Host” Prince Klemens von Metternich (Aus.) King Frederick William III (Prus.) Foreign Minister, Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (Fr.)

11 Key Principles Established at Vienna
Balance of Power Legitimacy Compensation Coalition forces would occupy France for 3-5 years. France would have to pay an indemnity of 700,000,000 francs.

12 Changes Made at Vienna (1)
France was deprived of all territory conquered by Napoléon. Russia was given most of Duchy of Warsaw (Poland). Prussia was given half of Saxony, parts of Poland, and other German territories. A Germanic Confederation of 30+ states (including Prussia) was created from the previous 300, under Austrian rule. Austria was given back territory it had lost recently, plus more in Germany and Italy. The House of Orange was given the Dutch Republic and the Austrian Netherlands to rule.

13 The Germanic Confederation, 1815

14 Changes Made at Vienna (2)
Norway and Sweden were joined. The neutrality of Switzerland was guaranteed. Hanover was enlarged, and made a kingdom. Britain was given Cape Colony, South Africa, and various other colonies in Africa and Asia. Sardinia was given Piedmont, Nice, Savoy, and Genoa. The Bourbon Ferdinand I was restored in the Two Sicilies. The Duchy of Parma was given to Marie Louise. The slave trade was condemned (at British urging). Freedom of navigation was guaranteed for many rivers.

15 Europe After the Congress of Vienna

16 What was the legacy of the Congress of Vienna?

17 Long-Term Legacy Influences Politics for next 100 years in Europe.
Power of France is diminished. Power of Britain and Prussia is increased. Nationalism begins to spread in Italy, Germany, Greece, and other areas. MAP of Europe is redrawn….. Nationalistic Feelings lead to revolutions and new nations are formed. European Colonies throughout the world respond to the political shifts (Many Spanish colonies declare independence). IDEAS change: Democracy became the best way to ensure equality and justice for all.

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