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May 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ 1-octet MAC Header frame types ] Date Submitted:

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Presentation on theme: "May 2009 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ 1-octet MAC Header frame types ] Date Submitted:"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2009 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ 1-octet MAC Header frame types ] Date Submitted: [ 12 May 2009 ] Source: [ Michael Bahr, Rene Struik ] Company [Siemens AG, Certicom] Address [ Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, München, Germany ] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], [bahr et siemens dod com, ] Re: [ ] Abstract: [ The document gives information on the possible proposed representations of MAC frames with a MAC header of 1 octet. Especially, it looks at the question of how the frame type(s) should be defined. ] Purpose: [ Provide detailed information on the frame type representation of 1-octet MAC headers in order to make an informed decision. ] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

2 Short Frame Control Field vs. Shortened Frame Control Field
May 2009 doc.: IEEE <doc#> May 2009 Short Frame Control Field vs. Shortened Frame Control Field How to define the frame types and bits of a one-octet MAC header? M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom) M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
May 2009 doc.: IEEE <doc#> May 2009 Short and Shortend FCF MAC-Header of 2 Byte (short Frame Control, Sequence Number) Proposal by Security/Overhead Reduction (S-OR) Subgroup doc 15-09/0233r2 MAC-Header of 1 Byte (shortened Frame Control) Proposal by Factory Automation (FA) Subgroup doc 15-09/0228r0 M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom) M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

4 Frame Format S-OR-Proposal FA-Proposal May 2009
M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

5 Frame Control Subfields
May 2009 Frame Control Subfields S-OR-Proposal 0-1: Frame Type 2: Short Frame Control Field 3: Security 4: Frame Pending 5: ACK Request 6: reserved (might be used for frame type extension) 7: Frame Version FA-Proposal 0-2: Frame Type 3-5: some non-specified bits bit 3: Security bit 4: Frame Version bit 5: ACK Request 6-7: Sub Frame Type M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

6 Usage of Frame Types S-OR-Proposal no remaining reserved frame type
May 2009 Usage of Frame Types S-OR-Proposal no remaining reserved frame type FA-Proposal 3 remaining reserved frame types Frame Type Value b2 b1 b0 Description 000 Beacon 001 Data 010 Acknowledgement 011 MAC Command 100 Beacon sFCF 101 Data sFCF 110 Acknowledgement sFCF 111 MAC Command sFCF Frame Type Value b2 b1 b0 Description 000 Beacon 001 Data 010 Acknowledgement 011 MAC Command 100 MAC frame with sFCF 101 Reserved 110 111 M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

7 Frame Processing Considerations
May 2009 Frame Processing Considerations S-OR-Proposal case bit b2 do 0: case frame type do 000: beacon 001: data 010: ack 011: command 1: sFCF processing FA-Proposal case frame type do 000: beacon 001: data 010: ack 011: command 100: sFCF processing M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

8 Room for Future Extensions
May 2009 Room for Future Extensions S-OR-Proposal bit 6 can be used for new frame types Frame Version can be used for new frame types theoretically 44 new frame types possible 2 unused frame versions * 2 reserved bits in first 4 frame types + 1½ unused frame version * 1 reserved bit in last 4 frame types practically, the official frame type cannot be changed only beacon, data, ack, command can be redefined via Frame Version and reserved bits FA-Proposal 3 remaining reserved frame types can have as many sub frame types as possible theoretically 3 * 2(5+8*126) new frame types possible practically the number of sub frame types might be in the range of 4 to 16 per frame type. any new frame type can be defined (e.g. GACK frame, backup beacon frame, Montreal Bagel Frame) M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

9 The Trade Off  available bits in one-octet MAC header/ Frame Control
May 2009 The Trade Off available bits in one-octet MAC header/ Frame Control extensibility for future frame types M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

10 May 2009 Straw Poll / Motion Which definition for a one-octet MAC header / Frame Control (sFCF) do you prefer? a) using the last four available frame type values for four frame types (beacon, data, ack, command) with sFCF and having 5 bits available (S-OR proposal) b) using one of the four available frame type values as indicator for sFCF and four sub frame types within this frame type (beacon, data, ack, command) and having 3 bits available (FA proposal) results: option a / b: M. Bahr (Siemens AG, CT), R. Struik (Certicom)

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