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Debate prep class Date: Warm-up: clearly label your speeches and swap

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1 Debate prep class Date: Warm-up: clearly label your speeches and swap
Objectives Prepare for debate against other T.Y. Class Consider your team to be not only the four man cells but also the proposition/opposition of this class. Warm-up: clearly label your speeches and swap Take out your speeches, pass them to the other team: proposition – opposition. Read through them and answer the following: are they more convincing than your speech?

2 What we want done in this class
Practise speeches and show the , back and forth structure of the debate. While team one is reading, team two is listening for things to refute / say why they are wrong. While teams one and two are practising, all other teams are reading each others speeches and writing down refutes and things that are wrong.

3 How to refute Step One: Clearly signal or identify which of your opponents arguments you are responding to. Have premade anticipatory statements ready if you can’t refute your opponent. Step Two: After articulating your opponents position, state a clear, articulate counter-claim. Step Three: Support your claim with evidence, referring to your point or referring to a teammates point. You may also point out logical flaws. Step Four: Summarize the difference in your and your opponents views.

4 (Signalling) (State) (Support) (Summarize)
Example (Signalling) (State) (Support) (Summarize)

5 Debate Topics Groups in Section One
Democracy is the best form of government. Groups in Section Two Space exploration is a waste of time. Groups in Section Three Celebrities should not be role models. You will need 6 individual, well thought out and explained ideas per team. (1,2,2,1)

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