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Holistic STAFF development

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Presentation on theme: "Holistic STAFF development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Holistic STAFF development
[insert organization name or event name] [insert date] The Importance of Christ-Centered Staff Development The Goal of SD = Healthy Staff = 5C Model The Process for Creating Healthy Staff = RISE Biblical Example – Evaluate 5C and RISE Personal Reflection

2 I. The Importance of Staff Development at HOPE
Time: ?? minutes Notes: Character builds trust, and trust builds effectiveness. How does character get developed in us? Dependence on God Circumstances/tests/successes Daily discipline (prayer, Scripture, worship) How do we see these three used in the life of Paul?

3 Your Organization in 2020 Imagine that your organization grows as expected for the next 5 years. 1) How large will it be in terms of people served, # of programs, and # of staff? 2) What will this growth require in terms of the quality and quantity of staff and leaders we’ll need to be truly effective in our mission? 3) Do you think the right (a) mindset and (b) processes are in place to be ready for this? Goal of this exercise: Help participants discuss and discover the necessity of building staff and leaders if we are to accomplish our mission. Once you receive responses, take some time to make it clear how important to prepare for this in advance and not just assume that these staff and leaders will be built. Time: minutes depending on how much discussion you want to have Practical: Break the room into their respective organizations. If you have a large number of participants from a single organization, break them into groups of 3-5. If you are doing the training with one organization, divide into smaller groups of 3-5 and make sure that leaders are not clustered in one particular small group.

4 II. The Goal of Staff Development at HOPE
Time: ?? minutes Notes: Character builds trust, and trust builds effectiveness. How does character get developed in us? Dependence on God Circumstances/tests/successes Daily discipline (prayer, Scripture, worship) How do we see these three used in the life of Paul?

5 The Best Leader You’ve Ever Known
Identify the best leader that you have ever known or served with. How did they lead? What qualities did they possess? What made them outstanding? What did they not do? Goal of this exercise: Explore the qualities of the best leaders you’ve ever been around. Ideally, participants will create a very holistic picture that will correspond with the 5C framework of healthy staff. Time: minutes depending on how much discussion you want to have Practical: Either give participants a few minutes to identify the leader and describe attributes or break them into pairs to discuss. Bring the group back together and collect feedback. Write down observations on a board or flip chart and help the group see the holism that we seek in our leader development efforts. Transition: As this exercise showed, strong biblical leadership contains a lots of different elements. While we can all describe good leaders that we have been around, how can we define what a good leader looks like in a simple, easy to remember manner?

6 5C Model for Healthy Staff
Christ: The spiritual life of the staff member Community: The relational life of the staff member Character: The staff member’s integrity Calling: The staff member’s vision Competencies: The staff member’s knowledge and skills Time: 5-10 minutes depending on how much you want to elaborate or use examples. This model is called the 5C model, and it is a simple way of thinking about the goal of staff development. The goal is to produce men and women who are strong and growing in all five of these key components of biblical leadership. Explain each of the 5Cs. General Observations: Too often in staff development, we focus only on the last of these Cs. This is a goal of building the WHOLE person. This is tied to the biblical concept of shalom. According to Robert Clinton, over 70% of leaders who successfully climb the ladder of leadership do not finish well. Healthy means strong and growing in each one of these areas

7 Christ (Spiritual life)
True growth begins with our relationship with Christ. He is the foundation for all fruitfulness in our work and lives. “Abide in me, and I will abide in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must abide in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man abides in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5) “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13) What do these passages tell us about the importance of staying in relationship with Christ as we grow? Notes: A leader who knows God: Will trust Him Will be secure in Him when experiencing difficulties Will have a vibrant prayer life Will love His people as God loves them Will be united with Him in His sufferings, which will produce maturity and faith in God.

8 Community (Relational life)
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ… Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.” (1 Cor 12:12-14) Community serves a two-fold place in the life of a staff member: 1) The healthy staff member is built in community (Eph 4:13-16) 2) The staff member leads in the context of community (Rom 12:4-8) What are the different kinds of community that apply to each of our lives and to our staff? Time: ?? minutes Notes: It is not individually but together that we will be filled with His fullness. Effective ministries achieve a balance between the purpose of the organization and the individual purposes of the individuals within the organization. We can’t have one without the other. Four kinds of community (ask learners to name them): 1) Family 2) Local church 3) Staff member’s relationship with co-workers/ministry teams 4) Staff member’s relationship with the world.

9 Character (Personal integrity)
Why is character important in Christian ministry? “It is the quality of leaders that they can bear to be sat on, absorb shocks, act as a buffer, bear being much plagued. The wear and tear and the continual friction and trials which come to the servants of God are the greatest test of character.” - Fred Mitchell, China Inland Mission How does character get developed in us? Time: ?? minutes Notes: Character builds trust, and trust builds effectiveness. How does character get developed in us? Dependence on God Circumstances/tests/successes Daily discipline (prayer, Scripture, worship) How do we see these three used in the life of Paul?

10 Calling (Staff member’s vision)
MORE What are Biblical examples of people experiencing calling? How do we experience calling? Time: ?? minutes Notes:

11 Competencies (Knowledge and skills)
In most businesses, staff development is all about competencies. It’s important at HOPE, but it’s only part of the story. What are Biblical examples where we see competent men and women in leadership? What are some examples of competencies used by staff in IC and HOPE Ukraine? Time: minutes Goal of this exercise: Help participants recognize that it was far more than just books or instructional material that made them the leader they are today. In addition, Notes: A staff member who knows God: Will trust Him Will be secure in Him when experiencing difficulties Will have a vibrant prayer life Will love His people as God loves them Will be united with Him in His sufferings, which will produce maturity and faith in God.

12 III. The Process for Creating Healthy Staff Members

13 How Were You Developed as a Staff Member?
What were the experiences, resources, training, etc. that helped you become the staff member you are today? Who was involved? What made the biggest difference in your life? Time: minutes Goal of this exercise: Help participants recognize that it was far more than just books or instructional material that made them the staff member they are today. In addition, Practical: For a longer exercise, break the large group into small groups and allow the group to discuss this question for about 10 minutes. Instruct them to put each of their answers on sticky notes as they talk. You will then place the sticky notes on a board or flip chart and group them by each of the four dynamics on slide 8. If you’d like this to take closer to 10 minutes, keep the large group all together and solicit the responses from individuals present. Write the feedback on the board or flip chart in the four overall groupings As you transition to the next slide, emphasize the diversity of experiences and the reality that they can be grouped into four major categories – (1) Relational (2) Instructional (3) Spiritual (4) Experiential

14 How Did Jesus Build People?
Read Mark 3:13-19 and Luke 6:12-16. Relational Instructional Spiritual Experiential Time: 5-10 minutes Mark 3:14-15 Spiritual - A spiritual environment, involving relationship with God (with Himself, as well as with the Father through prayer). Relational - A relational web, involving relationship with a mature leader (Himself), and relationships with others (the community of the disciples). Experiential - An experiential context, involving challenging assignments, pressure and a diversity of learning opportunities. Content - Then, in that transformational context, He instructed them – the content of development. In a nutshell, that was how Jesus built people. Thus, context + content = the process of staff development.

15 IV. A Biblical Example of Growth

16 Our primary source for staff development is
Jesus and His word. - For some reason, we often associate the latest curriculum or course with LD before we look to the person and words of Jesus. But Jesus is the greatest leader that the world has ever seen. He is the smartest person that the world has or will ever see. His words are life and wisdom and are a guide. NEED A VERSE

17 Study in Biblical Growth and Development
Passage: Leader selects passage Using the 5C framework, were these “healthy people?” Why or why not? What do we learn about Christian growth and development from these passages? How can we apply these insights to our work and to our lives? So we are going to explore an example of biblical growth and development and evaluate Biblical Passage Options: Abraham – Gen David Nehemiah Jesus Peter Paul

18 V. Personal Reflection

19 In what ways would a 5C’s understanding of staff development change the way you work? (e.g. managing your schedule, meetings, travel, assignments for your team, etc.) Personal Reflection

20 Personal Reflection What is one step that you need to take to grow as a healthy staff member in this season of your life? Who will you share this with?

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