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Time schedule for implementation as main contractor

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Presentation on theme: "Time schedule for implementation as main contractor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Time schedule for implementation as main contractor
CASE 3 : Multi-storey building VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Time schedule for implementation as main contractor VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 1

2 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop What you are going to do now: 1. Plan the tasks for your group for the week 2. Choose a construction (trade) for the building 3. WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) for the trade 4. Take out quantities 5. Calculate a price for the quantities (materials) 6. Plan the process/time schedule 7. Calculate a price for the MH 8. Do you need special tools or/and machines? 9. Calculate a price for the tools and machines 10. Make a building site plan, inclusive H and S on site Choose a construction: Story partition Wall elements Staircases Balconies Roof Facades Earthmoving VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 2

3 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Main Contractor Story partition Wall elements Staircases Balconies Roof Facades Earthmoving Client / BO VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 3

4 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 4

5 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Different Subcontractors (SC) Earthmoving Facades Wall elements Story partition Roof Staircases Balconies VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 5

6 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop Diagram for the process of making the project Earthmoving Story partition Wall elements Staircases Balconies Roof Facades VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 6

7 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 7

8 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 8

9 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 9

10 CASE 3 : Multi-storey building
VIA / TCU 5th semester workshop What order will the Subcontractors be on the site? Now you have to make a WBS, and a time schedule for the entire project. Look at the details and find the order of erection. Ask the other groups how long time they have estimated for erection of their part of the building. VIA University College TCU-VIA Workshop 10

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